Merkel will take away your children if you criticize Muslims


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Sorry guys, but obviously Germans are one of the most stupid folks upon the Earth.How long they will tolerate highly criminal Merkel's Communist Gang which deliberately destroys this former great country and replaces all natives by IQ-60 Muslims? Communism is evil, it already brutally murdered 300m and wants to murder more: the entirely civilization of white christian man.

Only Hard-Core Nationalists together with Hard-Core Christians can save Western countries from Communist traitors.But not Germany. No one can save imbecile idiots who voted for Merkel again.

Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children, even if no criminal offense was committed, according to the German Bar Association.
As more and more people are speaking out and demonstrate against the reception and accommodation of Muslim invaders (putting their needs before the needs of native Germans), they also risk losing their jobs.
Children must be removed from homes where there is a xenophobic parent because of the “wrong values” imparted upon them. It doesn’t even matter if what the parent is doing is not illegal or punishable under the law.

Any parent who tells a child that he/she would prefer to live in neighborhood without any Syrian Muslim refugees could turn the child into a threat against the refugees which would endanger the child’s welfare. That is why Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had agreed in mid-September with Facebook officials to intervene in the social media network to take action against “inhuman and right-wing slogans against immigrants in the network.”

Therefore, should “right-wing” parents not agree to change their “xenophobic” behavior, the right to see their own children could be taken away. Haas is totally under control of the far left wing elements in Germany.

GERMANY: Angela Merkel threatens to take away your children if you criticize fake Muslim refugees or her mass Muslim immigration policies


It’s coming to the US soon, we have our own stupid liberals

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry guys, but obviously Germans are one of the most stupid folks upon the Earth.How long they will tolerate highly criminal Merkel's Communist Gang which deliberately destroys this former great country and replaces all natives by IQ-60 Muslims? Communism is evil, it already brutally murdered 300m and wants to murder more: the entirely civilization of white christian man.

Only Hard-Core Nationalists together with Hard-Core Christians can save Western countries from Communist traitors.But not Germany. No one can save imbecile idiots who voted for Merkel again.

Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children, even if no criminal offense was committed, according to the German Bar Association.
As more and more people are speaking out and demonstrate against the reception and accommodation of Muslim invaders (putting their needs before the needs of native Germans), they also risk losing their jobs.
Children must be removed from homes where there is a xenophobic parent because of the “wrong values” imparted upon them. It doesn’t even matter if what the parent is doing is not illegal or punishable under the law.

Any parent who tells a child that he/she would prefer to live in neighborhood without any Syrian Muslim refugees could turn the child into a threat against the refugees which would endanger the child’s welfare. That is why Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had agreed in mid-September with Facebook officials to intervene in the social media network to take action against “inhuman and right-wing slogans against immigrants in the network.”

Therefore, should “right-wing” parents not agree to change their “xenophobic” behavior, the right to see their own children could be taken away. Haas is totally under control of the far left wing elements in Germany.

GERMANY: Angela Merkel threatens to take away your children if you criticize fake Muslim refugees or her mass Muslim immigration policies



Sorry, Baron, but "taking action" on Facebook against xenophobic rants is in no way connected with taking away people's children. Did you get that article from MindWars?
At this point in time I am far more concerned with the extant dangers of the Democrats continuing to hold political power in America than I am any speculative Islamic influence.
It's allllll a part of a big plan.

"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and castes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."
-Richard von Coudenhove Kalergi
Sorry guys, but obviously Germans are one of the most stupid folks upon the Earth.How long they will tolerate highly criminal Merkel's Communist Gang which deliberately destroys this former great country and replaces all natives by IQ-60 Muslims? Communism is evil, it already brutally murdered 300m and wants to murder more: the entirely civilization of white christian man.

Only Hard-Core Nationalists together with Hard-Core Christians can save Western countries from Communist traitors.But not Germany. No one can save imbecile idiots who voted for Merkel again.

Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children, even if no criminal offense was committed, according to the German Bar Association.
As more and more people are speaking out and demonstrate against the reception and accommodation of Muslim invaders (putting their needs before the needs of native Germans), they also risk losing their jobs.
Children must be removed from homes where there is a xenophobic parent because of the “wrong values” imparted upon them. It doesn’t even matter if what the parent is doing is not illegal or punishable under the law.

Any parent who tells a child that he/she would prefer to live in neighborhood without any Syrian Muslim refugees could turn the child into a threat against the refugees which would endanger the child’s welfare. That is why Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had agreed in mid-September with Facebook officials to intervene in the social media network to take action against “inhuman and right-wing slogans against immigrants in the network.”

Therefore, should “right-wing” parents not agree to change their “xenophobic” behavior, the right to see their own children could be taken away. Haas is totally under control of the far left wing elements in Germany.

GERMANY: Angela Merkel threatens to take away your children if you criticize fake Muslim refugees or her mass Muslim immigration policies



Sorry, Baron, but "taking action" on Facebook against xenophobic rants is in no way connected with taking away people's children. Did you get that article from MindWars?

You bring the controversial news and mainstream media declares it is outright fake news. Fact is: both sides are hypocritical liars and the truth is somewhere between their claims.
- The Merkel Regime does not threaten to take away your children
- A left leaning article on a lawyer portal encourages people to try to deny ex-partners their visitation rights through legal action if they are "too concerned about refugees"

Of course there is no connection between political view and child´s well being in our law, so the article is bullshit and tries to abuse a broken love for its leftist agenda.
But there should be criticism towards the right wing sites for lies and scare tactics, as well. And you see, the lawyer article is from 2015, the German right wing page´s article is from 2017, its copies are still emerging in 2018 like Baron´s "breaking news" link and guys like Baron then fill the forums with the nonsense news.

"Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children"

Bullshit. That´s not even the claim in the mentioned lawyer article.
Germany is a democracy.

In fact, I have no doubt that its elections are cleaner than ours. (That is, probably non-citizens do not vote in Germany.)

So let's not criticize Chancellor Merkel for creating a situation that will negatively affect many future German generations (IMHO).

Enough Germans have voted for her party to make it possible for Frau Merkel to start her fourth term in office.

Apparently, the majority of the German people are satisfied with her immigration policies.

So be it.
Germany is a democracy.

In fact, I have no doubt that its elections are cleaner than ours. (That is, probably non-citizens do not vote in Germany.)

So let's not criticize Chancellor Merkel for creating a situation that will negatively affect many future German generations (IMHO).

Enough Germans have voted for her party to make it possible for Frau Merkel to start her fourth term in office.

Apparently, the majority of the German people are satisfied with her immigration policies.

So be it.
Besides personal interests most don´t think anything of it when they cast the ballot. But that criminals can stay is certainly in nobody´s personal interest. Or unlimited immigration.
The voters then think, oh, I am fine, what could happen.
Those with no money dominate the fraction of non-voters.

Merkel: Mass refugee influx "humanitarian exception"
Sorry guys, but obviously Germans are one of the most stupid folks upon the Earth.How long they will tolerate highly criminal Merkel's Communist Gang which deliberately destroys this former great country and replaces all natives by IQ-60 Muslims? Communism is evil, it already brutally murdered 300m and wants to murder more: the entirely civilization of white christian man.

Only Hard-Core Nationalists together with Hard-Core Christians can save Western countries from Communist traitors.But not Germany. No one can save imbecile idiots who voted for Merkel again.

Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children, even if no criminal offense was committed, according to the German Bar Association.
As more and more people are speaking out and demonstrate against the reception and accommodation of Muslim invaders (putting their needs before the needs of native Germans), they also risk losing their jobs.
Children must be removed from homes where there is a xenophobic parent because of the “wrong values” imparted upon them. It doesn’t even matter if what the parent is doing is not illegal or punishable under the law.

Any parent who tells a child that he/she would prefer to live in neighborhood without any Syrian Muslim refugees could turn the child into a threat against the refugees which would endanger the child’s welfare. That is why Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had agreed in mid-September with Facebook officials to intervene in the social media network to take action against “inhuman and right-wing slogans against immigrants in the network.”

Therefore, should “right-wing” parents not agree to change their “xenophobic” behavior, the right to see their own children could be taken away. Haas is totally under control of the far left wing elements in Germany.

GERMANY: Angela Merkel threatens to take away your children if you criticize fake Muslim refugees or her mass Muslim immigration policies



Sorry, Baron, but "taking action" on Facebook against xenophobic rants is in no way connected with taking away people's children. Did you get that article from MindWars?

In communist Germany CPS take ten of thousands children away due to 'bad behavior' or 'stupidity' of parents. No one can control German Jugendamt ( CPS) because it is a huge business for corrupted politicians, officials and mafia. Just google 'Kinderklaubehorde' and read by using of Google Translator
Sorry guys, but obviously Germans are one of the most stupid folks upon the Earth.How long they will tolerate highly criminal Merkel's Communist Gang which deliberately destroys this former great country and replaces all natives by IQ-60 Muslims? Communism is evil, it already brutally murdered 300m and wants to murder more: the entirely civilization of white christian man.

Only Hard-Core Nationalists together with Hard-Core Christians can save Western countries from Communist traitors.But not Germany. No one can save imbecile idiots who voted for Merkel again.

Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children, even if no criminal offense was committed, according to the German Bar Association.
As more and more people are speaking out and demonstrate against the reception and accommodation of Muslim invaders (putting their needs before the needs of native Germans), they also risk losing their jobs.
Children must be removed from homes where there is a xenophobic parent because of the “wrong values” imparted upon them. It doesn’t even matter if what the parent is doing is not illegal or punishable under the law.

Any parent who tells a child that he/she would prefer to live in neighborhood without any Syrian Muslim refugees could turn the child into a threat against the refugees which would endanger the child’s welfare. That is why Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had agreed in mid-September with Facebook officials to intervene in the social media network to take action against “inhuman and right-wing slogans against immigrants in the network.”

Therefore, should “right-wing” parents not agree to change their “xenophobic” behavior, the right to see their own children could be taken away. Haas is totally under control of the far left wing elements in Germany.

GERMANY: Angela Merkel threatens to take away your children if you criticize fake Muslim refugees or her mass Muslim immigration policies



Sorry, Baron, but "taking action" on Facebook against xenophobic rants is in no way connected with taking away people's children. Did you get that article from MindWars?

You bring the controversial news and mainstream media declares it is outright fake news. Fact is: both sides are hypocritical liars and the truth is somewhere between their claims.
- The Merkel Regime does not threaten to take away your children
- A left leaning article on a lawyer portal encourages people to try to deny ex-partners their visitation rights through legal action if they are "too concerned about refugees"

Of course there is no connection between political view and child´s well being in our law, so the article is bullshit and tries to abuse a broken love for its leftist agenda.
But there should be criticism towards the right wing sites for lies and scare tactics, as well. And you see, the lawyer article is from 2015, the German right wing page´s article is from 2017, its copies are still emerging in 2018 like Baron´s "breaking news" link and guys like Baron then fill the forums with the nonsense news.

"Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children"

Bullshit. That´s not even the claim in the mentioned lawyer article.

Are you paying by Merkel's madhouse for spreading disinformation?. German Jugendamt takes ten of thousands children away annually, even with no reason.

Google 'Kinderklaubehorde' and 'Jugendamtmafia'
Germany is a democracy.
So be it.

When we vote for GOP we receive Trump, when for DNC - Clinton.
Unimportant which 'party' Germans vote for they receive always Merke and hard-core communist in government.
Germany is a fake democracy, the folk is enslaved and dumbed down by communist dictators.
Germany has brought the world Marxism, communism, socialism, nazisim, two world wars, and now their policies are leading Europe down another path of destruction with their globalist Agenda of pro-Islamification of the West. It will lead to war and Germany’s destruction yet again.
Sorry guys, but obviously Germans are one of the most stupid folks upon the Earth.How long they will tolerate highly criminal Merkel's Communist Gang which deliberately destroys this former great country and replaces all natives by IQ-60 Muslims? Communism is evil, it already brutally murdered 300m and wants to murder more: the entirely civilization of white christian man.

Only Hard-Core Nationalists together with Hard-Core Christians can save Western countries from Communist traitors.But not Germany. No one can save imbecile idiots who voted for Merkel again.

Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children, even if no criminal offense was committed, according to the German Bar Association.
As more and more people are speaking out and demonstrate against the reception and accommodation of Muslim invaders (putting their needs before the needs of native Germans), they also risk losing their jobs.
Children must be removed from homes where there is a xenophobic parent because of the “wrong values” imparted upon them. It doesn’t even matter if what the parent is doing is not illegal or punishable under the law.

Any parent who tells a child that he/she would prefer to live in neighborhood without any Syrian Muslim refugees could turn the child into a threat against the refugees which would endanger the child’s welfare. That is why Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had agreed in mid-September with Facebook officials to intervene in the social media network to take action against “inhuman and right-wing slogans against immigrants in the network.”

Therefore, should “right-wing” parents not agree to change their “xenophobic” behavior, the right to see their own children could be taken away. Haas is totally under control of the far left wing elements in Germany.

GERMANY: Angela Merkel threatens to take away your children if you criticize fake Muslim refugees or her mass Muslim immigration policies



Sorry, Baron, but "taking action" on Facebook against xenophobic rants is in no way connected with taking away people's children. Did you get that article from MindWars?

You bring the controversial news and mainstream media declares it is outright fake news. Fact is: both sides are hypocritical liars and the truth is somewhere between their claims.
- The Merkel Regime does not threaten to take away your children
- A left leaning article on a lawyer portal encourages people to try to deny ex-partners their visitation rights through legal action if they are "too concerned about refugees"

Of course there is no connection between political view and child´s well being in our law, so the article is bullshit and tries to abuse a broken love for its leftist agenda.
But there should be criticism towards the right wing sites for lies and scare tactics, as well. And you see, the lawyer article is from 2015, the German right wing page´s article is from 2017, its copies are still emerging in 2018 like Baron´s "breaking news" link and guys like Baron then fill the forums with the nonsense news.

"Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children"

Bullshit. That´s not even the claim in the mentioned lawyer article.

Are you paying by Merkel's madhouse for spreading disinformation?. German Jugendamt takes ten of thousands children away annually, even with no reason.

Google 'Kinderklaubehorde' and 'Jugendamtmafia'

Yes, Merkel pays me for spreading disinformation. You can see that all the articles about this are solely based on that privately published article. There are no links to the government. Also, take into consideration that "tens of thousands" might be exaggerated and that the children could be better off even in a ramshackle children´s home than in their parent´s murky pool. They do it in America too. I was also robbed by the Kohl Regime, what could have saved my from my parent´s throwing me into a trash bin or whatever they do with babies.
Sorry guys, but obviously Germans are one of the most stupid folks upon the Earth.How long they will tolerate highly criminal Merkel's Communist Gang which deliberately destroys this former great country and replaces all natives by IQ-60 Muslims? Communism is evil, it already brutally murdered 300m and wants to murder more: the entirely civilization of white christian man.

Only Hard-Core Nationalists together with Hard-Core Christians can save Western countries from Communist traitors.But not Germany. No one can save imbecile idiots who voted for Merkel again.

Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children, even if no criminal offense was committed, according to the German Bar Association.
As more and more people are speaking out and demonstrate against the reception and accommodation of Muslim invaders (putting their needs before the needs of native Germans), they also risk losing their jobs.
Children must be removed from homes where there is a xenophobic parent because of the “wrong values” imparted upon them. It doesn’t even matter if what the parent is doing is not illegal or punishable under the law.

Any parent who tells a child that he/she would prefer to live in neighborhood without any Syrian Muslim refugees could turn the child into a threat against the refugees which would endanger the child’s welfare. That is why Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had agreed in mid-September with Facebook officials to intervene in the social media network to take action against “inhuman and right-wing slogans against immigrants in the network.”

Therefore, should “right-wing” parents not agree to change their “xenophobic” behavior, the right to see their own children could be taken away. Haas is totally under control of the far left wing elements in Germany.

GERMANY: Angela Merkel threatens to take away your children if you criticize fake Muslim refugees or her mass Muslim immigration policies



Sorry, Baron, but "taking action" on Facebook against xenophobic rants is in no way connected with taking away people's children. Did you get that article from MindWars?

You bring the controversial news and mainstream media declares it is outright fake news. Fact is: both sides are hypocritical liars and the truth is somewhere between their claims.
- The Merkel Regime does not threaten to take away your children
- A left leaning article on a lawyer portal encourages people to try to deny ex-partners their visitation rights through legal action if they are "too concerned about refugees"

Of course there is no connection between political view and child´s well being in our law, so the article is bullshit and tries to abuse a broken love for its leftist agenda.
But there should be criticism towards the right wing sites for lies and scare tactics, as well. And you see, the lawyer article is from 2015, the German right wing page´s article is from 2017, its copies are still emerging in 2018 like Baron´s "breaking news" link and guys like Baron then fill the forums with the nonsense news.

"Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children"

Bullshit. That´s not even the claim in the mentioned lawyer article.

Are you paying by Merkel's madhouse for spreading disinformation?. German Jugendamt takes ten of thousands children away annually, even with no reason.

Google 'Kinderklaubehorde' and 'Jugendamtmafia'

Yes, Merkel pays me for spreading disinformation. You can see that all the articles about this are solely based on that privately published article. .

Because all German MS are liars and do not cover it
Sorry guys, but obviously Germans are one of the most stupid folks upon the Earth.How long they will tolerate highly criminal Merkel's Communist Gang which deliberately destroys this former great country and replaces all natives by IQ-60 Muslims? Communism is evil, it already brutally murdered 300m and wants to murder more: the entirely civilization of white christian man.

Only Hard-Core Nationalists together with Hard-Core Christians can save Western countries from Communist traitors.But not Germany. No one can save imbecile idiots who voted for Merkel again.

Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children, even if no criminal offense was committed, according to the German Bar Association.
As more and more people are speaking out and demonstrate against the reception and accommodation of Muslim invaders (putting their needs before the needs of native Germans), they also risk losing their jobs.
Children must be removed from homes where there is a xenophobic parent because of the “wrong values” imparted upon them. It doesn’t even matter if what the parent is doing is not illegal or punishable under the law.

Any parent who tells a child that he/she would prefer to live in neighborhood without any Syrian Muslim refugees could turn the child into a threat against the refugees which would endanger the child’s welfare. That is why Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had agreed in mid-September with Facebook officials to intervene in the social media network to take action against “inhuman and right-wing slogans against immigrants in the network.”

Therefore, should “right-wing” parents not agree to change their “xenophobic” behavior, the right to see their own children could be taken away. Haas is totally under control of the far left wing elements in Germany.

GERMANY: Angela Merkel threatens to take away your children if you criticize fake Muslim refugees or her mass Muslim immigration policies



Sorry, Baron, but "taking action" on Facebook against xenophobic rants is in no way connected with taking away people's children. Did you get that article from MindWars?

You bring the controversial news and mainstream media declares it is outright fake news. Fact is: both sides are hypocritical liars and the truth is somewhere between their claims.
- The Merkel Regime does not threaten to take away your children
- A left leaning article on a lawyer portal encourages people to try to deny ex-partners their visitation rights through legal action if they are "too concerned about refugees"

Of course there is no connection between political view and child´s well being in our law, so the article is bullshit and tries to abuse a broken love for its leftist agenda.
But there should be criticism towards the right wing sites for lies and scare tactics, as well. And you see, the lawyer article is from 2015, the German right wing page´s article is from 2017, its copies are still emerging in 2018 like Baron´s "breaking news" link and guys like Baron then fill the forums with the nonsense news.

"Any person who posts “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic” statements on Facebook or takes part in a demonstration against “Muslim refugee centers” could soon lose the right of contact with his/her own children"

Bullshit. That´s not even the claim in the mentioned lawyer article.

Are you paying by Merkel's madhouse for spreading disinformation?. German Jugendamt takes ten of thousands children away annually, even with no reason.

Google 'Kinderklaubehorde' and 'Jugendamtmafia'

Yes, Merkel pays me for spreading disinformation. You can see that all the articles about this are solely based on that privately published article. .

Because all German MS are liars and do not cover it

Accept that this is fake news and choose your sources more thoughtful. The problem is, when they post something that is actually true, I can´t use them as source because everyone could scream fake news source and is right about this. So I don´t even bother to read their crazy sites´ stuff. If you want more reliable news from the right, go here for example: Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung

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