Merkel-Regime tries to keep Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon


Nov 14, 2012
What appears to be a humanitarian motivated decision, turns out to be an attack on the Syrian government and people. Te regime wants to help the refugees with more billions, even create jobs for them. This can only have one purpose: Make them not going back. At the same time they refuse to assist Damascus´ rebuilding efforts, "as long as a political solution is not reached". Western backed terrorists are not there to reach a political solution, though. The sinister move was thought up by the regime FM Maas. Meanwhile, regime media spread propaganda of "law 10" that Damascus makes it impossible for refugees to return because they allegedly disseize their homes.

Merkel-Regime tries to keep Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon
If the Conference of Samaritans is that humanitarian, what about the Internally Displaced People?

"Even if they have fled for similar reasons as refugees (armed conflict, generalized violence, human rights violations), IDP legally remain under the protection of their own government. As citizens, they retain all of their rights and protection under both human rights and international humanitarian law.

There are 6.5 million people*, including 2.8 million children, displaced within Syria, the biggest internally displaced population in the World. Since 2011, 50 Syrian families have been displaced every hour of every day. The pace of displacement remains relentless. Well over 1.2 million people have been displaced so far this year, many for the second or third time.

UNHCR’s to support IDPs in Syria started in 2012. UNHCR’s support includes the provision of protection and community services, distribution of core relief items, shelter assistance, healthcare services, and educational support.

In 2016, Syria Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) has been developed in consultation with the Government of Syria and sets out the framework within which the humanitarian community will respond to large-scale humanitarian and protection needs in Syria throughout 2016 on the basis of the prioritisation undertaken within and across sectors.

The HRP also presents urgent funding requirements to meet the ever-growing needs. The plan is based on ample data on needs. It is anchored by three strategic objectives, focusing on saving lives and alleviating suffering, enhancing protection and building resilience."

Internally Displaced People - UNHCR Syria

*less today
The targeted goal of Merkel's Gang is annihilation of Germany and replacement of all Germans by imbecile Muslim welfare bandits. Interesting how long Germans will still tolerate insane commies hijacked power in Germany.

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