Merkel Calls Trump For Advise

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Help me, Lord, I can't stop laughing.

CNN has become Comedy Central. The next producer is about to get fired for this obvious blunder.

They just reported Merkel called Trump for advise on her trip to Saudi Arabia. I thought Merkel hated Trump's guts. Now we have the Prince Moron of France kissing Trump's ass for two days. Is he colluding with France against Germany. Where have we heard this history lesson before? If this doesn't prove Socialism is brain disease there's no hope for you.

Cable TV needs to get their shit together. I'd pay double for this entertainment.
Help me, Lord, I can't stop laughing.

CNN has become Comedy Central. The next producer is about to get fired for this obvious blunder.

They just reported Merkel called Trump for advise on her trip to Saudi Arabia. I thought Merkel hated Trump's guts. Now we have the Prince Moron of France kissing Trump's ass for two days. Is he colluding with France against Germany. Where have we heard this history lesson before? If this doesn't prove Socialism is brain disease there's no hope for you.

Cable TV needs to get their shit together. I'd pay double for this entertainment.

These politicians have learned quickly. If you want to get what you want, you flatter Trump, make him feel important, and you get what you want.

Trump is being played.
Help me, Lord, I can't stop laughing.

CNN has become Comedy Central. The next producer is about to get fired for this obvious blunder.

They just reported Merkel called Trump for advise on her trip to Saudi Arabia. I thought Merkel hated Trump's guts. Now we have the Prince Moron of France kissing Trump's ass for two days. Is he colluding with France against Germany. Where have we heard this history lesson before? If this doesn't prove Socialism is brain disease there's no hope for you.

Cable TV needs to get their shit together. I'd pay double for this entertainment.

These politicians have learned quickly. If you want to get what you want, you flatter Trump, make him feel important, and you get what you want.

Trump is being played.
Said the freaking weirdo, dumbocrats/libtarts/media are being played by Trump & Company and you don't know how to deal with it...:uhoh3:
Fake news, since Merkel is not going to Saudi Arabia and nobody is reporting about her calling Trump. Trump would be bloviating his fat, tyrannical ass like crazy over this if it were true.
Ricky, you obviously skipped a lot of skool in your wasted youth.
Let me help you out:
'Advise' is a verb. Something you DO. As in 'I advise you to get a brain implant'.
The noun (naming word) you're looking for is 'advice'. As in 'I don't think I'll take your advice.'

If you can remember this (you really should get that transplant!), it will help you with another tricky construct, 'license' vs 'licence'.
Here again, the word with the 's' is the verb (are you licensed to post here?), and the word with the 'c' is the noun (do you have a licence for for this rubbish you're posting?)

It's never too late to learn...

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