

Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
In the confused liberal world the standards that apply to REAL men have been falling for years. Today's liberal men are spineless gutless pussies.
Instead of going hunting they get their nails done. And we have raised an entire generation of men that are afraid to get dirty.

Man is made from the dirt if you believe the Bible so dirt IS his family. You hand a REAL man a bulldozer and some ground IS going to get leveled. Hand him a backhoe and there IS going to a trench or a tractor and there IS going to be a garden and a damn big one.

All I am asking here for is 1 minute and 40 seconds of your time while this video compares a REAL man VS a cowardly liberal raised and trained pillow biter.

You're going to run out of tissues and lotion, fanboy.
So you would prefer the faggot lifestyle over a MAN'S lifestyle. Noted.

You are boasting about choosing one of two males to whack your tiny noodle off over? You don't seem to understand the 'orientation' you have obviously chosen, Giovanni. You're as bad as the obamabots. You're just hugging a different set of nuts, deviant.
So, you're saying you prefer a manly man? Do you prefer clipped or unclipped? Are you a size queen, or do you prefer an average sized penis?
It's interesting you started this in "Health and Lifestyle." The "real" man lifestyle is a major contributor to heart disease, alcoholism, and the fact that men die on average five years sooner than women.

And that fact that you feel there's only one possible way for "real" men to behave - i.e., as some sort of one-size-fits-all Borg drone is...sad.

I hope you don't have sons. :(
The media is clearly complicit in the faggotization movement being perpetrated against American males by the leftist swine. Just watch tv. The male is being portrayed as a bumbling idiot, unless he has thick rimmed glasses and is wearing a sweater. I have never owned a fucking sweater in my life! I even see it in football. The NFL has so many rules now that you cannot even look at the fucking quarterback without getting a flag thrown. They are trying to turn football into some kind of European fag bang. Pathetic!

This is what the left does: tears down tradition and institutions. That is what is being done to the American male. However, they forget about the so-called "law of unintended consequences". It takes men to do certain things, like make tough decisions and fight wars. It also takes men to execute decisions. No tried and true industry can exist without men to run them.

Women are just as important as men are to society. However, they have different attributes that make them important. In my opinion the left is also waging war against the traditional role of the woman. This goes somewhat unnoticed, though, because it is easier to imagine a woman as an industrialist than it is to think of a man as a hairdresser. The former is cute while the latter is disturbing.

Fuck the left. The fact is, society needs the white male. Nothing of any real sustainable value is accomplished without us. You can keep trying to destroy us. Those of us that remain will come at a premium.
The fact is, society needs the white male. Nothing of any real sustainable value is accomplished without us. You can keep trying to destroy us. Those of us that remain will come at a premium.

So is that another vote for "Real Men Must All Behave the Same Way"?
In the confused liberal world the standards that apply to REAL men have been falling for years. Today's liberal men are spineless gutless pussies.
Instead of going hunting they get their nails done. And we have raised an entire generation of men that are afraid to get dirty.

Man is made from the dirt if you believe the Bible so dirt IS his family. You hand a REAL man a bulldozer and some ground IS going to get leveled. Hand him a backhoe and there IS going to a trench or a tractor and there IS going to be a garden and a damn big one.

All I am asking here for is 1 minute and 40 seconds of your time while this video compares a REAL man VS a cowardly liberal raised and trained pillow biter.


Actually we're made from exploding stars. Doesn't mean to reconnect with 'kin' I think setting myself on fire is a good idea.
If we are really talking "HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE" - "real" men -

1. Say what they mean without apology
2. Can display manners and civility while doing (1.) above
3. Know their limits. Don't marry when they want to not commit or have kids.
4. When they marry and have kids, commit and give up selfish desires that would hurt them.
5. Knows how to be strong and assertive without being mean and controlling

There may be more, but this is a good start......

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