Men...who is single?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Was talking to a girlfriend of mine today, just jabbering on the phone. She lives in Los Angeles and said finding a decent man is difficult. I said its a HUGE city...why so hard? She said she has no clue and thought about going to a dating website. I said let me poke around where I hang out and see what I can find and if any seem appropiate for her..I will give her the link to this thread. But ya gotta go thru me first cuz she is my friend and I wanna vet ya first. :lol:

So....who is single? 40's to 50's. Kids ok but doesn't mind an extra pair. Has security, with a full time job. Owns their own home or is making payments on their own home? Doesn't see women as just a pussy for a short time but wants a lasting relationship and doesn't mind starting off SLOW. No boozers or druggies either. Can be spiritual but not hard core ___________(insert religion here). Likes to laugh, takes care of himself, isn't obese or a bone rack..a nice in between average sorta guy. Tactful, honest, discreet. In short..someone all women look for that have the same qualifications.

About her:
Stunning. Dark hair, green eyes, tannish during the summer. Not fat. No skinny. Curvy. Peaceful but can have a temper. Loves animals. Spiritual but no particular faith I believe.

That's all you need to know for now.

Step right up. Post a little about yourself and a pic too if you have one. I will send her the link..IF this thread doesn't turn into something I don't want her to see, lol.
"can have a temper"

I'm too old, but, I'd be all like "no way".
Not a temper that is screeching and yelling. Just able to stand up for herself if pushed. How old is too old??? 40 to 55? Maybe I should up the ante. ;)
Maybe I should send her to plentyoffish. But I thought I would try here, first. PoF is all strangers to me. Can't vet who I haven't ever posted alongside of, now can I? :lol:
NO KISS AND TELLERS either! Or liars. No cheaters. An all around gentleMAN. You know..MAN. That's who I want for her. A MAN that's classy. Like she is.

I know some have to be here. Hard to find cuz they stay so quiet and don't brag about sex, size of penises, butt sex, bisexual, etc.
NO KISS AND TELLERS either! Or liars. No cheaters. An all around gentleMAN. You know..MAN. That's who I want for her. A MAN that's classy. Like she is.

I know some have to be here. Hard to find cuz they stay so quiet and don't brag about sex, size of penises, butt sex, bisexual, etc.
I have a son that needs to be wed and bred.

Does your girl fish?

Can she cook?

Oh, and I raised him, he's a bit messy.

Can she clean and organize?
I nominate Statistikhengst His only drawback is being a Democrat. Some good woman might screw his head on straight.
Stat is handsome. A man. Loves his daughter. Great daddy. But...he is in Germany. And he has a lady friend already. But he is too ornery and uses the C word. That will not suffice. All my friend has to do is click on names to read past posts. He will not pass even though I think he is a good guy in general.
NO KISS AND TELLERS either! Or liars. No cheaters. An all around gentleMAN. You know..MAN. That's who I want for her. A MAN that's classy. Like she is.

I know some have to be here. Hard to find cuz they stay so quiet and don't brag about sex, size of penises, butt sex, bisexual, etc.
I have a son that needs to be wed and bred.

Does your girl fish?

Can she cook?

Oh, and I raised him, he's a bit messy.

Can she clean and organize?
Dayum. How old ARE you? And no...she does not fish. She might though, with the right GENTLEMAN.

Think...Jackie Kennedy classy, my friend. And looks to kill for. Personally, I think she is having probs with finding a decent guy cuz they think she won't go out with them. Kinda like asking the prettiest girl to the prom and feeling hesitant to ask.
I nominate Statistikhengst His only drawback is being a Democrat. Some good woman might screw his head on straight.
Stat is handsome. A man. Loves his daughter. Great daddy. But...he is in Germany. And he has a lady friend already. But he is too ornery and uses the C word. That will not suffice. All my friend has to do is click on names to read past posts. He will not pass even though I think he is a good guy in general.
Stat can be retrained to act nice.

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