Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Long Lost Family

on TLC

Anyone ever watch it? I've been watching it for the past hour or so for maybe 3 episodes and am crying my eyes out...

It's a show, where mostly women, are looking for their child that they gave up for adoption, or children that were adopted looking for their mother or parents or father...

I was watching it the other night in the family room area and my husband was in his so called "man cave" with his desk and computer and big screen tv....(it's really just a spare bedroom that he took over, nothing really special other than he thinks it's his.... :) and I rejoice that he thinks it's his... because I've been able to designate all the Blue-ray movies piling up and a lot of other things like headphones and mp3 players, and cell phone chargers and all of his gadgets to this one room, instead of, EVERYWHERE!) :D A win. win....for the both of us!

Anyway....the other night I was watching Long Lost Family....and crying as usual and Matt came out of his cave, which is right off the kitchen/family room area....he sees me sobbing, he tries to talk to me to find out what is going on and why am I crying, and I raised up my hand to silence him....because the program was just at the part where the long lost child found their biological father and they were getting ready to meet for the first time..... and I didn't want to miss any of it.... Plus, the child was looking for his biological MOTHER, but she had died so the searcher went on to find the man's biological father in the investigation of trying to find the guy's mother....

so Matt comes in to the family room to see, what in the world am I watching to make me cry, and sits down....

the program proceeds, I sobbed even harder cuz it ends up being a good first encounter between biological parent and child, and you could tell they both were so excited about finally meeting, and finally having a blood relative.....

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Matt... as silently as possible, gets up and retreats backwards for a few steps, then slowly turns and softly crosses the kitchen and goes back in to his man cave and continues to watch knowing that the crying was just me, being me.... a "girl" thing....
Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than in the current brouhaha about sexual harassment. Men are held accountable for their actions, while women are assumed to be hapless victims whose tender feelings are of paramount importance.
When you say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, are you sure you aren't talking out of Uranus, instead?
Your husband is a better man than me. The second I walked in and saw you crying I'd have turned around and walked away.
I would say, Care4all, based on the posts so far, just be glad (rejoice actually) you are not married to a Republican, or at least not the type in posts 2, 3 & 4.
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Long Lost Family

on TLC

Anyone ever watch it? I've been watching it for the past hour or so for maybe 3 episodes and am crying my eyes out...

It's a show, where mostly women, are looking for their child that they gave up for adoption, or children that were adopted looking for their mother or parents or father...

I was watching it the other night in the family room area and my husband was in his so called "man cave" with his desk and computer and big screen tv....(it's really just a spare bedroom that he took over, nothing really special other than he thinks it's his.... :) and I rejoice that he thinks it's his... because I've been able to designate all the Blue-ray movies piling up and a lot of other things like headphones and mp3 players, and cell phone chargers and all of his gadgets to this one room, instead of, EVERYWHERE!) :D A win. win....for the both of us!

Anyway....the other night I was watching Long Lost Family....and crying as usual and Matt came out of his cave, which is right off the kitchen/family room area....he sees me sobbing, he tries to talk to me to find out what is going on and why am I crying, and I raised up my hand to silence him....because the program was just at the part where the long lost child found their biological father and they were getting ready to meet for the first time..... and I didn't want to miss any of it.... Plus, the child was looking for his biological MOTHER, but she had died so the searcher went on to find the man's biological father in the investigation of trying to find the guy's mother....

so Matt comes in to the family room to see, what in the world am I watching to make me cry, and sits down....

the program proceeds, I sobbed even harder cuz it ends up being a good first encounter between biological parent and child, and you could tell they both were so excited about finally meeting, and finally having a blood relative.....

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Matt... as silently as possible, gets up and retreats backwards for a few steps, then slowly turns and softly crosses the kitchen and goes back in to his man cave and continues to watch knowing that the crying was just me, being me.... a "girl" thing....
I get teary eyed when I hear or sing The National Anthem.

And movies about heroic rescues do that to me too, like Raid On Entebbe.
Long Lost Family

on TLC

Anyone ever watch it? I've been watching it for the past hour or so for maybe 3 episodes and am crying my eyes out...

It's a show, where mostly women, are looking for their child that they gave up for adoption, or children that were adopted looking for their mother or parents or father...

I was watching it the other night in the family room area and my husband was in his so called "man cave" with his desk and computer and big screen tv....(it's really just a spare bedroom that he took over, nothing really special other than he thinks it's his.... :) and I rejoice that he thinks it's his... because I've been able to designate all the Blue-ray movies piling up and a lot of other things like headphones and mp3 players, and cell phone chargers and all of his gadgets to this one room, instead of, EVERYWHERE!) :D A win. win....for the both of us!

Anyway....the other night I was watching Long Lost Family....and crying as usual and Matt came out of his cave, which is right off the kitchen/family room area....he sees me sobbing, he tries to talk to me to find out what is going on and why am I crying, and I raised up my hand to silence him....because the program was just at the part where the long lost child found their biological father and they were getting ready to meet for the first time..... and I didn't want to miss any of it.... Plus, the child was looking for his biological MOTHER, but she had died so the searcher went on to find the man's biological father in the investigation of trying to find the guy's mother....

so Matt comes in to the family room to see, what in the world am I watching to make me cry, and sits down....

the program proceeds, I sobbed even harder cuz it ends up being a good first encounter between biological parent and child, and you could tell they both were so excited about finally meeting, and finally having a blood relative.....

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Matt... as silently as possible, gets up and retreats backwards for a few steps, then slowly turns and softly crosses the kitchen and goes back in to his man cave and continues to watch knowing that the crying was just me, being me.... a "girl" thing....

Yes. Now you know.
I would say, Care4all, based on the posts so far, just be glad (rejoice actually) you are not married to a Republican, or at least the type in posts 2, 3 & 4.
Yup exactly.

Both my sisters were politically neutral until they married Republicans and now they too are brainwashed.
Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than in the current brouhaha about sexual harassment. Men are held accountable for their actions, while women are assumed to be hapless victims whose tender feelings are of paramount importance.
I do not necessarily disagree with you, only maybe in how you expressed it and that I think it goes a little deeper.

The Harvey Weinstein thing, yes, the women could have tried to stand up to him and lose their chance with good careers as several did lose, by not participating etc.... But WHY should us women have to go through that sexual harassment at all? Why can't we be a good actress and be hired for being good at what we do, just like an Actor? this is more prevalent than just the movie and music industry.

As far as am Al Franken, I think it was a huge mistake for these female congress critters forcing him to resign without at least due process, and they set the the standard too low, for termination so to speak....

to me, though forcing a kiss or pinching a butt in the middle of a picture so to get a comedic picture or even faking to be grabbing a woman's breasts are things like the things I have had to deal with over the years and truly, it's no long as they understood that I did not appreciate it, and they never did it again.

and as far as Roy Moore, it was good that he stopped when these young girls demanded such, and he took them home, (outside of the 16 yrs old restaurant situation)...

but for goodness sake, he was 32 years old when he did this to the 14 yr old girl....his experience was way too great for her to match....

And yes, he did take her home per her request,

BUT what if she had not stopped? It's called statutory rape for a reason, even if she had consented, she was too young to consent....he undressed her, he went in to the bedroom and came out undressed to pursue the dirty deed at even a faster pace....he laid down the blanket on the floor in the living room, to make the young girl more at ease before he began seducing her.....if he had tried to get her in to the bedroom she would have known what he was going for immediately and chances are he would have been stopped sooner....

but he planned it, to ease her in to it..... I'm sorry, no matter what you all say, or what you all claim, or what you all was NOT RIGHT, what he did to her while in his 30's even if he did end up, having to take her home....

WOULD YOU, when in your thirties, invite a 14 year old girl to your house?


that man Moore, ain't right, up in his head!!

So, my main concern is the way this has become a one size fits all condemnation of men....these situations are all individual situations that should be evaluated on their own merit....

a one size fits all makes the victim who has gone through a forced kiss the same as a 14 yr old seduced by a 32 year old, or the woman who had to deal with a man at the top of the ladder that insisted on sex, or no career path at all in the field, or the victim of a man like Cosby who drugged the young women he slept with....

you could say the same for what Roy Moore did, he simply made out or felt up his victims.... not rape or forced rape...

IF THESE WERE NOT JUST HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS that he was going after while in his 30's. you would be would have been a nothing wasn't with adult women, it was with teens and he was in his thirties. PERIOD.
This is how relationships work. Your stay in your room crying. I'll stay in my room jerking off to women shitting into cups. It's a win for everybody.
I thought the book was great. It taught me how men and women often think differently and have different priorities in even the most fundamental of situations. Very helpful in communication, from family to friends to work.

I don't know if we're still allowed to say that men and women are different, so please consider this the humblest of apologies if you're "offended" by my little post.

I would say, Care4all, based on the posts so far, just be glad (rejoice actually) you are not married to a Republican, or at least not the type in posts 2, 3 & 4.
Believe it or not he is a republican, a republican of old.... though registered as a Republican and determined to say, he is a real Republican, he does not always vote republican all the time the last decade or two....

I've always told him, that he really was not a Republican, but he thinks he what's a girl to do? :dunno:
This is how relationships work. Your stay in your room crying. I'll stay in my room jerking off to women shitting into cups. It's a win for everybody.

Well the only way to burn that implied image from my mind forever is the cheapest bourbon possible, and lots of it.

Long Lost Family

on TLC

Anyone ever watch it? I've been watching it for the past hour or so for maybe 3 episodes and am crying my eyes out...

It's a show, where mostly women, are looking for their child that they gave up for adoption, or children that were adopted looking for their mother or parents or father...

I was watching it the other night in the family room area and my husband was in his so called "man cave" with his desk and computer and big screen tv....(it's really just a spare bedroom that he took over, nothing really special other than he thinks it's his.... :) and I rejoice that he thinks it's his... because I've been able to designate all the Blue-ray movies piling up and a lot of other things like headphones and mp3 players, and cell phone chargers and all of his gadgets to this one room, instead of, EVERYWHERE!) :D A win. win....for the both of us!

Anyway....the other night I was watching Long Lost Family....and crying as usual and Matt came out of his cave, which is right off the kitchen/family room area....he sees me sobbing, he tries to talk to me to find out what is going on and why am I crying, and I raised up my hand to silence him....because the program was just at the part where the long lost child found their biological father and they were getting ready to meet for the first time..... and I didn't want to miss any of it.... Plus, the child was looking for his biological MOTHER, but she had died so the searcher went on to find the man's biological father in the investigation of trying to find the guy's mother....

so Matt comes in to the family room to see, what in the world am I watching to make me cry, and sits down....

the program proceeds, I sobbed even harder cuz it ends up being a good first encounter between biological parent and child, and you could tell they both were so excited about finally meeting, and finally having a blood relative.....

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Matt... as silently as possible, gets up and retreats backwards for a few steps, then slowly turns and softly crosses the kitchen and goes back in to his man cave and continues to watch knowing that the crying was just me, being me.... a "girl" thing....
I read that book and it helped my marriage immensely. Now I dont try to solve anything. I just let it exist as is. I may not understand it but I know enough to not fuck it up.
I thought the book was great. It taught me how men and women often think differently and have different priorities in even the most fundamental of situations. Very helpful in communication, from family to friends to work.

I don't know if we're still allowed to say that men and women are different, so please consider this the humblest of apologies if you're "offended" by my little post.

Men and women are 100% different, and this is why when paired with the right opposite, you make a good team!
I would say, Care4all, based on the posts so far, just be glad (rejoice actually) you are not married to a Republican, or at least not the type in posts 2, 3 & 4.
Believe it or not he is a republican, a republican of old.... though registered as a Republican and determined to say, he is a real Republican, he does not always vote republican all the time the last decade or two....

I've always told him, that he really was not a Republican, but he thinks he what's a girl to do? :dunno:
My parents were a 'mixed' couple: she a Democrat, he a Republican. They didn't argue politics and respected each other's choice of party. They often canceled out each other's vote but still voted because they valued having the right to vote. It was another time.

"I'm going to give you some advice, ladies, on how to keep your man liking you once he loves you. If that's possible. This is what I think. Men want to be alone, but we don't want to be by ourself."


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