Memo notes U.S. feared jet attack prior to 9/11


Max Power


Memo notes U.S. feared jet attack prior to 9/11

NBC, MSNBC and news services
Updated: 3:13 p.m. ET Dec. 9, 2005
The U.S. government warned Saudi Arabia more than three years before the Sept. 11 attacks that Osama bin Laden might use civilian airplanes in terror attacks, according to a memo released Friday by the National Security Archive, NBC News reported.

The June 1998 note says bin Laden “might take the course of least resistance and turn to a civilian [aircraft] target.”

The warning came from a U.S. regional security officer, diplomatic officials and a civil aviation official in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It was based on a public threat from bin Laden against “military passenger aircraft.” The memo, however, said that bin Laden did “not differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians,” NBC News’ Robert Windrem reported.
"I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile," said national security adviser Condoleeza Rice on May 16, 2002.
insein said:
What is this, liberal conspiracy hour? Your bringing up old news all within the last 20 mins of stuff that leads to nowhere. What gives?
How old does news have to be, for it to cease being true?
now you have to inform others and make them understand that the official government explanation is, in fact, a lie.
modulistic said:
december 9th 2005 is pretty recent. let me check my calendar.

yep just a few days ago.


manu1959 said:
just for fun...i will stipulate to all your what?

I'm not going to draw any conclusions for you. You can do that on your own. I'm just trying to give you some more information to do so.
insein said:
Continuing along manu's line, How?

you just try to be calm and post pictures of the assault rifles you own and then put people into brain lock because liberal wet dreamers cant possibly own 2 AK47s let alone 1. then you explain how huge cascading fires that took down the two world trade center bldgs were caused by jet fuel that burns so hot it melts steel.

then you post this picture of the pentagon, where the exact type of fuel laden jet plane crashed into the pentagon and didnt even burn this phone book or the wooden stool it was sitting on or melt this computer

but one might speculate that if Bush had taken the memo "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." seriously, left his vacation home, and ordered the security and intelligence agencies to get right on it, 9/11 might have been prevented.

We were oh-so complacent back then.

Bizarrely, on 9/10/01 I was lying in bed thinking about taking a trip home to India. I remembered how on my previous trip I took a large folding knife with me (for peeling guavas and mangos), and how my knife was due for a sharpening and cleaning. I thought to myself, "That is really crazy, to let passengers have potential weapons on board." The next day, my random fear became reality.

But this is all Monday-morning quarterbacking. My disregard for Bush's handling of 9/11 begins with the 7 bizarre minutes that he looked more like a deer caught in a semi's headlights than the leader of the free world.

Max Power said:
I'm not going to draw any conclusions for you. You can do that on your own. I'm just trying to give you some more information to do so.

i have all the same information as you...i agre with what
now think about this.

if theres a bank robbery down the street from bush while he is reading to kids about goats, its full out panic mode, get the president into a bunker 345435 feet underground ASAP!!!!!

but here were random planes flying around targeting landmarks and government buildings, his location was well known and posted weeks in advance, and the secret service was like "eh, no biggie"

then bush goes "oh yeah, I was at the elementary school and I saw that first plane crash into that first tower and thought to myself, theres a crappy pilot"

WTF? that video of that first plane crashing into that first building didnt surface for days.
Mariner said:
but one might speculate that if Bush had taken the memo "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." seriously, left his vacation home, and ordered the security and intelligence agencies to get right on it, 9/11 might have been prevented.

We were oh-so complacent back then.

Bizarrely, on 9/10/01 I was lying in bed thinking about taking a trip home to India. I remembered how on my previous trip I took a large folding knife with me (for peeling guavas and mangos), and how my knife was due for a sharpening and cleaning. I thought to myself, "That is really crazy, to let passengers have potential weapons on board." The next day, my random fear became reality.

But this is all Monday-morning quarterbacking. My disregard for Bush's handling of 9/11 begins with the 7 bizarre minutes that he looked more like a deer caught in a semi's headlights than the leader of the free world.


i recall senator kerry saying he didn't move for 45 minutes....good thing he wasn't in charge
Max Power said:
I'm not going to draw any conclusions for you. You can do that on your own. I'm just trying to give you some more information to do so.

Fine i'll take the article at its word.

According to the article, in 1998, it was believed that Bin Laden would use civilian planes to attack the US. The memo does not define how. Here is the exact quote from the memo.

"We noted that while we have no specific information that indicates Bin Laden is targeting civilian aircraft, he made a threat during the June 11th ABC News interview against military passenger aircraft in the next few weeks.

The date of the memo again is 1998. So lets review. "Military passenger aircraft" got changed to civilian aircraft, attacking the US conviently left out the words embassy and Saudi Arabi and a "few weeks" got stretched into 3 years. Excellent shoddy reporting done by msnbc. I'd expect nothing less.

Furthermore, at the time the US policy on terrorism was to treat it as a police matter. Therefore the FBI would be in charge of handling a threat from any terrorist organization against the US.

I dont need an argument to combat someone who doesnt read their own articles.
modulistic said:
now you have to inform others and make them understand that the official government explanation is, in fact, a lie.

everyone knows the govt is is on the tv.... on the the paper...all my friends tell me.....they are all liars....the war is a what?
insein said:
Fine i'll take the article at its word.

According to the article, in 1998, it was believed that Bin Laden would use civilian planes to attack the US. The memo does not define how. Here is the exact quote from the memo.

The date of the memo again is 1998. So lets review. "Military passenger aircraft" got changed to civilian aircraft, attacking the US conviently left out the words embassy and Saudi Arabi and a "few weeks" got stretched into 3 years. Excellent shoddy reporting done by msnbc. I'd expect nothing less.

Furthermore, at the time the US policy on terrorism was to treat it as a police matter. Therefore the FBI would be in charge of handling a threat from any terrorist organization against the US.

I dont need an argument to combat someone who doesnt read their own articles.

1998 osb decalred war on the forword to 9/11 and it is all buss's for me
insein said:
Fine i'll take the article at its word.

According to the article, in 1998, it was believed that Bin Laden would use civilian planes to attack the US. The memo does not define how. Here is the exact quote from the memo.

The date of the memo again is 1998. So lets review. "Military passenger aircraft" got changed to civilian aircraft, attacking the US conviently left out the words embassy and Saudi Arabi and a "few weeks" got stretched into 3 years. Excellent shoddy reporting done by msnbc. I'd expect nothing less.

Furthermore, at the time the US policy on terrorism was to treat it as a police matter. Therefore the FBI would be in charge of handling a threat from any terrorist organization against the US.

I dont need an argument to combat someone who doesnt read their own articles.

So, explain this:
"I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile," said national security adviser Condoleeza Rice on May 16, 2002.
Max Power said:
So, explain this:
"I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile," said national security adviser Condoleeza Rice on May 16, 2002.

did someone predict that they would blow up the world trade center by running a plane into it? plus jet fule won't melt steel so the airplane thingy doen't matter was skull and bones i tell you

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