Melania's Robbery: American Doctors(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA and the First Lady's place in it make you worry about American depth?



"Ava and Ajay Satan were two hot college graduates dating and wearing rabbit-masks to rob banks all across TrumpUSA. The two modern-day Bonnie and Clyde 'bandits' called themselves Double Angel. That's because they were both Catholic and favoured women's roles in politics and wanted to offer a spiritualized crime-group/duo name inviting omen in D.C. to comment on the Christian ramifications of their highly-publicized American bank robberies. Double Angel decided to visit the White House and kidnap U.S. First Lady (Melania Trump)."


"Ava and Ajay Satan both wore fancy rabbit masks to their bank robberies and were featured in artists' renderings of rabbit-masked modern bandits in alternative-vogue magazines including Young Dreamers and Social Umbrella. Yes, folks, the two iconic American thieves with revolutionary-politics steam were now official 'celebrities.' Would they revel the 'dark-side' of TrumpUSA?"


"Ajay Satan brought a very fancy self-assembling toy mechanized hand-gun and would assemble it in front of the bank teller as an apparent joke --- 'Look at me playing with this harmless toy!' --- before claiming it alarmingly as a real loaded gun (all fiction!). Ajay and Ava got away with their robberies since they were considered romantic and alluring and even sexy! The police began 'slowing down' their chase to allow the mass traffic of journalists to get the inside-story about American fantasies."


"The final bank Double Angel robbed was in D.C. It was right after this robbery that the two rabbit-mask wearing rebels broke into the White House and unsuccessfully tried to kidnap the First Lady. Double Angel (Ava and Ajay Satan) were arrested by the FBI after some negotiating a hostage-crisis on Pennsylvania Avenue. They were interviewed by CNN and explained they were 'messengers' of a Messianic direction in America towards anti-bank depression."


"Well, American super-celebs Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise wanted to write about Double Angel deeds in their new comics enterprise Archangel Comics. To Hanks/Cruise, Double Angel was a 'symbol' of modernism-folklore. Hollywood (USA) was churning out so many films/stories about bank robbery that it had become a much-hyped area. Hanks/Cruise wanted to exploit this trend to talk about anti-TrumpUSA sentiments among the mob in today's cities. American psychiatry leaned towards a surprising communal spirit."


"Ava and Ajay Satan recorded a speech/discussion about American imagination called the Victorian Burger. It was a real hoot! They won some kind of People's Choice Award."


AVA: 'TrumpUSA' is a sewer...
AJAY: We're the prophets of pollution!
AVA: Every statement is false (well, except that one).
AJAY: We're not hippies!
AVA: We're economics-critics and that's all.
AJAY: Our robberies are beautiful.
AVA: We are today's pedestrian guerrilla aesthetics scientists!
AJAY: Think of us when you worry about IQ-taxation.
AVA: You need not be an expert to be a modern activist...
AJAY: Long live the trumpeters!
AVA: Bring all your 'social brass' about Facebook-gossip.
AJAY: We're huge fans of 'traffic-doctors.'
AVA: God bless America...



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