Melania: Covenant (Gender Politics?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This short-story I wrote about 'townies' embroiled in 'extra-terrestrial' gender-intrigue was inspired by the upcoming exploration-devastation film Alien: Covenant.

I wanted to dedicate something to our First Lady Melania Trump since there's just so much darn stuff out there already about Donald Trump...


Madeleine was excited about her senior year at Overbrook High School (USA). However, that same year, a deadly alien species called Xenomorphia was about to invade Earth and attack high schools across America, starting with ones most demographically symbolic (such as Overbrook!). The Xenomorphs had the ability to become invisible and wanted to use their cloaking ability to scurry around high school hallways and pick off students by entering their bodies and causing them to have strokes which human doctors would only interpret as panic-induced attacks. The Xenomorphs planned to kill 20 high school students across the USA and take their bodies (from cemeteries) back to their planet Xenot.

Madeleine was a skilled field hockey player and had a knack for guessing the 'metaphysical energy' of team movements and actually anticipate the motion of ball-flow across the field. This made her somewhat capable of perhaps being a 'war captain' for her Overbrook classmates when the Xenomorphs arrived. Madeleine started reading NASA reports one night on the Internet about a strange new theory that a mysterious alien species may enter Earth and wander around the planet using a cloaking device. Madeleine's imagination began to cook, and she started to wonder if the demographically-symbolic Overbrook High School could be a likely target for an 'invisible invading alien species.'

Madeleine decided to show the NASA theories to some of her schoolmates (Jane --- a fellow field hockey player, Daryl --- the baseball team captain, Ellen --- the senior class vice-president, Lee --- a Chinese exchange-student, and Marcus --- a track-and-field state champion). The six Overbrook students decided to call themselves Rainbow Six (in honor of the popular video-game) and started 'planning' how they could 'defend' themselves from an invasion by an invisible alien species. They decided to start coordinating movements through the hallways of their high school while communicating on mobile phones (using texting) to stay in touch once any of them got a sign of an 'other-worldly presence.' They would also space themselves out across the high school to make tackling all of them difficult.

Madeleine concluded that the aliens would arrive at Overbrook on Halloween Eve (since the masquerading festival was so culturally popular in America). Madeleine decided to dress up as the Ancient Greek goddess Medusa (a semi-snake woman with powers of vision) and the rest of her 'team' (Rainbow Six) also dressed in appropriate costumes of avatars signifying their sensitivity to a 'human resistance' to an imagination-crushing invasion by a terrible (and possibly invisible!) alien species. Madeleine was correct; the Xenomorphs touched down on Earth the night before Halloween and outlined their invisible invasion of Overbrook High School the next day (on Halloween!), which, coincidentally, fell on Friday the 13th. However, the next day, the Xenomorphs were shocked.

Madeleine and Rainbow Six wisely coordinated their gifts and skills to space themselves out and stay in touch with their mobile phones and remain elusive to any potential invisible aliens. Daryl was the first to get a sign of the alien when he felt a breath of wind on his shoulder. He immediately phoned the other members of Rainbow Six and the 'team' started to scurry around, pretending they could 'sense' the presence of the Xenomorphs, which really angered the cloaked aliens. Frustrated intellectually, the Xenomorphs decided to leave Earth, but before they left, they sent a memorandum to First Lady Melania Trump: "Be sure to tell the puny women of this planet that Overbrook High School is surprisingly led by gifted young men and women such as Madeleine Davdison and Daryl Clark who motivate us to believe that 'gender-politics' on Earth is actually a potential teamwork issue, which is why perhaps Hollywood has made several films about a female soldier (Ellen Ripley) tackling dangerous aliens!" The First Lady decided to hype the upcoming film Alien: Covenant.




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