Meg's saving college "plan"


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
Now "Spend a Meg" Whitman (a "Meg" is short for one hundred million dollars) has a scheme, er, a "plan" to spend a billion dollars to save California's colleges. A laudable goal for sure.

Where's she going to get the money? By cutting off the poorest among us, by kicking people off welfare. I know, everyone hates welfare, but the fact is, without any jobs available, this will only hurt single mothers and people with no other options.

The funny thing is, she's already spent more than a tenth of that on her attempt to buy the governorship.If she just called up nine other billionaire's like herself and got them to kick in that kind of loose change they have lying around she could have done something for California that would have had everyone voting her into the governorship for the rest of her life.

Instead she decided to invest a "Meg" on hopes she could win the election knowing that once in power her investment would pay off REALLY big, with tax cuts and "business incentives" she could push through.

Remember "greed is good". You believe it don't you?
Sorry Madeline, I'm an old un-tech savy person. I wouldn't know how to give you a link. The only thing I can tell you is that she is running a radio commercial here in Calif. that says exactly this proposal. Certainly, you can google it or something.

By the way, I see she's bought most of the advertising space here too!
Now "Spend a Meg" Whitman (a "Meg" is short for one hundred million dollars) has a scheme, er, a "plan" to spend a billion dollars to save California's colleges. A laudable goal for sure.

Where's she going to get the money? By cutting off the poorest among us, by kicking people off welfare. I know, everyone hates welfare, but the fact is, without any jobs available, this will only hurt single mothers and people with no other options.

The funny thing is, she's already spent more than a tenth of that on her attempt to buy the governorship.If she just called up nine other billionaire's like herself and got them to kick in that kind of loose change they have lying around she could have done something for California that would have had everyone voting her into the governorship for the rest of her life.

Instead she decided to invest a "Meg" on hopes she could win the election knowing that once in power her investment would pay off REALLY big, with tax cuts and "business incentives" she could push through.

Remember "greed is good". You believe it don't you?

Oh you mean she is planning on cutting out the fraud in the system? Sounds great to me!
Sorry Madeline, I'm an old un-tech savy person. I wouldn't know how to give you a link. The only thing I can tell you is that she is running a radio commercial here in Calif. that says exactly this proposal. Certainly, you can google it or something.

By the way, I see she's bought most of the advertising space here too!

Then how about you quote those radio adds verbatim and not interrupt them to suit your needs.
syrenn, I will write down today the exact quote while I listen to it over and over today on the radio. There is no more than what I have told you, she wants to "invest" a billion dollars and as she says in answer to her own question "But where will we get the money" that she will get it from "reforms" in welfare.

But the quote won't include the tone of her sneering voice as she talks about those people on welfare.
syrenn, I will write down today the exact quote while I listen to it over and over today on the radio. There is no more than what I have told you, she wants to "invest" a billion dollars and as she says in answer to her own question "But where will we get the money" that she will get it from "reforms" in welfare.

But the quote won't include the tone of her sneering voice as she talks about those people on welfare.

How about i help you out some.

Meg Whitman for Governor of California

A bit different then what you represent in your OP. Was it the work for welfare that has you in a spin. Or the part that CA has 1/3 of the countries welfare recipients and ONLY 12% of the population?

And what "sneering" are you talking about?

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