Meet The 11-Year-Old Who Wants To Be America’s First Lesbian President

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”
11 years old, and identifying with a sexual label ????? Last I checked 11 year olds are minors who should be still living free from the bullcrap that life will eventually throw at them. Yeah someone needs to be locked up or investigated. Sad story really.
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”
Oh dear! You've been triggered by an 11 year old. :71:
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”

That's just eff'd up on so many levels. How can a girl know she's a "lesbian" unless she's actually had sex with another girl?

That would mean this 11 year old child has already had gay sex?

Her parents and teachers should be horse-whipped and the child should receive some psychological help.
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”

That's just eff'd up on so many levels. How can a girl know she's a "lesbian" unless she's actually had sex with another girl?

That would mean this 11 year old child has already had gay sex?

Her parents and teachers should be horse-whipped and the child should receive some psychological help.

Damn I didn't even think of it that way, yea how the hell does she know she is a lesbo?
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”
Oh dear! You've been triggered by an 11 year old. :71:

Doesn't take much with that one.
And if he doesn't get his daily glass of whine he'll go out and look for something he'd been totally unaware of, yea that he might vent his spleen on yet another stranger he'll never meet.

Btw --- anyone else notice that his link goes to no such story?
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”

Oh dear! You've been triggered by an 11 year old. :71:

Doesn't take much with that one.
And if he doesn't get his daily glass of whine he'll go out and look for something he'd been totally unaware of, yea that he might vent his spleen on yet another stranger he'll never meet.

Btw --- anyone else notice that his link goes to no such story?

So are you a lesbo trapped in a boys body?

p.s. the huffpost changed the link after they read I was making fun of them...try this

Meet The 11-Year-Old Who Wants To Be America's First Lesbian President | HuffPost
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”
Oh dear! You've been triggered by an 11 year old. :71:

Doesn't take much with that one.
And if he doesn't get his daily glass of whine he'll go out and look for something he'd been totally unaware of, yea that he might vent his spleen on yet another stranger he'll never meet.

This is exploitation of children you mongoloid.
It's not my job to care about stuff like this. To each his own. I don't agree with it at all, yet somehow, as like most political and social matters, is trivial in the scheme of things.
It's not my job to care about stuff like this. To each his own. I don't agree with it at all, yet somehow, as like most political and social matters, is trivial in the scheme of things.

Yet if you ignore it, you get stuff like this at your local DMV:

I for one am 100% in favor of executing attention-seeking parents who indoctrinate their kids into adopting deviant sexual lifestyles so they can whore them out to media outlets like Huffpo
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”

That's just eff'd up on so many levels. How can a girl know she's a "lesbian" unless she's actually had sex with another girl?

That would mean this 11 year old child has already had gay sex?

Her parents and teachers should be horse-whipped and the child should receive some psychological help.

Interesting reaction, the torture and stuff. Especially before you've heard the actual background, which is this:

>> Ella has known since she was 3 or 4 that she wasn’t drawn to boys.

“I don’t want to marry a daddy, but I want a baby. How do I do that?” she would ask her mother. She later insisted on cutting her hair short like a boy’s and wanted to wear boy clothes when she was 7.

“Yeah, I identified as a male for a long time, I remember,” Ella said. “I was kind of feeling like, OK, so I like girls … I didn’t like think to myself ‘or maybe I’m just like gay or lesbian or whatever.’ I’m like ‘nope, I’m a boy.’ Can’t like girls if you’re a girl.”

But when she was about 8, Ella said she began to figure out that she liked being a female. “It’s a lot more fun,” she said.

On a family trip abroad, Ella said she saw a billboard that proved revelatory. It showed two women — two moms — welcoming their baby home from the hospital. “I looked at it like for an hour,” Ella said. “And then I said to my mom, ‘Mommy, I think that I want to do that when I grow up.' " << -- Hartford Courant

--- so that's what the word "lesbian" means to this 11-year-old. Fer chrissake let her grow up and develop for herself and quit with the torture fantasies.

And btw I got that link directly from the OPs sub-link when the first one didn't work. Apparently he didn't bother to read it.

ALWAYS question headlines. Especially here.
I for one am 100% in favor of executing attention-seeking parents who indoctrinate their kids into adopting deviant sexual lifestyles so they can whore them out to media outlets like Huffpo

Another Illiterati speaks.
The HuffPo link doesn't even WORK. You're busted.
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”
Oh dear! You've been triggered by an 11 year old. :71:

Doesn't take much with that one.
And if he doesn't get his daily glass of whine he'll go out and look for something he'd been totally unaware of, yea that he might vent his spleen on yet another stranger he'll never meet.

This is exploitation of children you mongoloid.

It sure is. Tell the OP that because he's the one doing it.

And actually I'm Caucasoid. Irish. Thanks for askin'. Must have been my superior intelligence, amirite?
Don't spend time even considering stories like this. It doesn't matter and has zero affect on the nation and more importantly, your family.

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