Meet Judge Bruce Reinhart the magistrate who approved the FBI search warrant into Trump's Mar-a-Lago home receiving threats from MAGA supporters

Post 405, moron.

Oh, I get it.

You're one of those liberal pussies who are afraid of facts. That's what I stated: A FACT. You just can't handle it.

I wasn't defending Trump. I was commenting on the state of gasoline prices while he was in office.

But, hey, my apologies. Now that I know you're such a delicate little pussy I won't burden you with factual information. It's pretty clear you enjoy living in a fairy tale, anyway...

Not with a lying dumbass, like you.
Like trying to reason with Trump............................only dumber and more lies.

All you're doing is proving that you're too big a coward to address the facts I presented. Tell me, moron, which gas prices do you like more: the ones we had while Trump was in office or the ones we have now?

Also post 405.
Furthermore, there haven't been two consecutive months during Biden's abortion of a Presidency where the average price of gasoline went down.

And idiot jerk-offs on the left praise him...

And that's absolutely factual. But you can't refute those facts, so you whine like the little bitch that you are about how I'm "defending" Trump. I'm doing no such thing.

The ones on the defense here are the idiot on the left, like you, who want reasonable people to believe that paying $4.50 a gallon under Biden is preferable to paying $2 a gallon under Trump.

You're a coward and a pussy and you are completely unable to counter my points.

Prove me wrong, coward...
Oh, I get it.

You're one of those liberal pussies who are afraid of facts. That's what I stated: A FACT. You just can't handle it.

I wasn't defending Trump. I was commenting on the state of gasoline prices while he was in office.

But, hey, my apologies. Now that I know you're such a delicate little pussy I won't burden you with factual information. It's pretty clear you enjoy living in a fairy tale, anyway...

All you're doing is proving that you're too big a coward to address the facts I presented. Tell me, moron, which gas prices do you like more: the ones we had while Trump was in office or the ones we have now?

And that's absolutely factual. But you can't refute those facts, so you whine like the little bitch that you are about how I'm "defending" Trump. I'm doing no such thing.

The ones on the defense here are the idiot on the left, like you, who want reasonable people to believe that paying $4.50 a gallon under Biden is preferable to paying $2 a gallon under Trump.

You're a coward and a pussy and you are completely unable to counter my points.

Prove me wrong, coward...

Holy fuck. Nimrod, gas was only $2/gallon because 22 million workers lost their jobs and ceased commuting. Who the fuck prefers that??
Bullshit. Gas was never under 2 dollars a gallon in GA when Trump was in office.


I paid $1.90 in Savannah, Georgia while Trump was in office.

In April and May of 2020, the average prices for a gallon of 87 octane gasoline were $1.938 and $1.961, respectively. Georgia always ends up falling below the national average cost...
The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago has drawn attention to Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off the search warrant.
MAGA supporters were incensed by the raid, calling for protests at FBI field offices and gathering outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Reinhart has also received violent and antisemitic threats since approving the warrant.
The judge's official bio has been removed from the US District Court Southern District of Florida websitelikely because of the threats he's received, according to Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg.
Here's what we know about him.

Why is the party of Law and Order threatening this Judge?

Let's see if the same folks who were whining about folks harassing SC Judges will have the same thing to say when it comes to this Judge.

Should his home be protected from protests? This is precisely why that law exists.
Oh, I get it.

You're one of those liberal pussies who are afraid of facts. That's what I stated: A FACT. You just can't handle it.

I wasn't defending Trump. I was commenting on the state of gasoline prices while he was in office.

But, hey, my apologies. Now that I know you're such a delicate little pussy I won't burden you with factual information. It's pretty clear you enjoy living in a fairy tale, anyway...

All you're doing is proving that you're too big a coward to address the facts I presented. Tell me, moron, which gas prices do you like more: the ones we had while Trump was in office or the ones we have now?

And that's absolutely factual. But you can't refute those facts, so you whine like the little bitch that you are about how I'm "defending" Trump. I'm doing no such thing.

The ones on the defense here are the idiot on the left, like you, who want reasonable people to believe that paying $4.50 a gallon under Biden is preferable to paying $2 a gallon under Trump.

You're a coward and a pussy and you are completely unable to counter my points.

Prove me wrong, coward...
I just did, imbecile, as did everyone else.

"The election was stolen" just because you and Right Wing Nut Jobs CLAIM it doesn't make it fact.
Capitalization works on Trumps cult and Russians, just like gaslighting.
Perhaps because this sort of corruption and abuse of government power is deeply offensive to those who value genuine law and order.

Public servants should give more thought before they abuse the power with which they are entrusted.

I have no sympathy for this corrupt piece of shit. I hope someone acts on these threats, and succeeds.

I have a very faint memory of reading about a society in which the bench on which a judge sat was upholstered with the skin of the last judge to hold his position, and to have been found guilty of abusing the power of that position—a constant reminder of the importance of not abusing his position.

The corrupt piece of shit who issued this warrant certainly comes across as an example of the sort of judge who needs such a reminder, and who, now, should provide such a reminder to his successor.
What was his abuse of power? Seems to me that he was presented with evidence of corruption in the White House and acted accordingly. Trump took, illegally, classified documents and was asked to return them. He failed to do so. If a Dem president had pulled a stunt like this, Trumpers would resurrect the noose from Jan 6.
The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago has drawn attention to Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off the search warrant.
MAGA supporters were incensed by the raid, calling for protests at FBI field offices and gathering outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Reinhart has also received violent and antisemitic threats since approving the warrant.
The judge's official bio has been removed from the US District Court Southern District of Florida websitelikely because of the threats he's received, according to Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg.
Here's what we know about him.

Why is the party of Law and Order threatening this Judge?

Let's see if the same folks who were whining about folks harassing SC Judges will have the same thing to say when it comes to this Judge.

“Multiple members of these toxic online communities are even posting what appears to be Judge Bruce Reinhart’s home address, phone numbers, and names of his family members alongside threats of extreme violence.”
I hate to spoil your innocence but the left has been doing this to people they dont like for some time

It always happens that any game your side can think of others can learn to play
Any excuse will do, sorry but your orange God can't do whatever he likes.
I’m just telling you that when your side thinks of a new way to punish people you dont like others will use the same tactic against you
I’m just telling you that when your side thinks of a new way to punish people you dont like
NOT a new way, laws have been in existence for centuries.
others will use the same tactic against you
That's been the case since Clinton was president, then OMG, a black person was elected, then all hell broke loose.

NOW, one side wants to investigate the investigators, BEFORE they even get done investigating.
Yes, defeat. I made a valid point and you failed to refute it. That's how debating works.

Oh, but you didn't make a valid point. You made a yet to be supported statement and nothing more. A "valid point" would be your statement followed by links to information and data which support your assertions.

Otherwise you're just blabbering...
I just did, imbecile, as did everyone else.

"The election was stolen" just because you and Right Wing Nut Jobs CLAIM it doesn't make it fact.
Capitalization works on Trumps cult and Russians, just like gaslighting.

Okay, well, now you're just a piece of shit fucking scumbag liar.

You will never find a single post by me, anywhere on the internet, in which I've ever taken the position that the election was stolen.

For someone who thinks he knows anything about "facts", it's rather telling that you have to expose yourself as a scumbag liar to try to make a point...

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