Meet Judge Bruce Reinhart the magistrate who approved the FBI search warrant into Trump's Mar-a-Lago home receiving threats from MAGA supporters

RWNJ's were blaming Biden for the rise in fuel prices, but don't want to give him credit for lowering prices?
Presidents for the most part, unless negotiating with an oil supplier or releasing oil from the strategic oil supply, have nothing to do with fuel prices.

Most likely, the supply and demand issues are beginning to equal out, resulting in the price drop.

Sorry, but I don't speak idiotic-acronym. I speak English...
The fuck is wasn't.

Look at April and May of 2020. Gas was below two bucks a gallon.

Also take note that at no time during Trump's Presidency did gas ever go over $3 a gallon.

View attachment 685576

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

Now, look at the prices since January of 2021, when Biden took office. Prices made it to over five bucks a gallon. In a single nine month period prices jumped a dollar a gallon. Furthermore, there haven't been two consecutive months during Biden's abortion of a Presidency where the average price of gasoline went down.

And idiot jerk-offs on the left praise him...
Even according to your chart, gas averaged $2.20 in November 2020. Don't you think it's possible that in a lot of places it might have been 21 cents cheaper that month?
That's what we were being told when the price was going up two or three dollars in a relatively short period of time. Yet, when it goes back down fifty cents, he sure is eager to claim credit for that.
Biden's actions during his first month in office was responsible for causing the price of gasoline to spike.
  • Biden limited current and future supplies of oil.
  • He ended Trump’s energy initiatives, which kept oil prices low and made us energy independent.
  • He also revoked the permit for the XL pipeline from Canada.
  • He drafted new rules, social costs of carbon dioxide, and signed the E.O. in March 2021.
  • Jan 27, 2021 – Biden canceled all oil and gas leases off shore and on federal lands.
  • Biden also implemented a plan to end what he calls Climate Financing , “to identify steps through which the United States can promote ending international financing of carbon-intensive fossil fuel-based energy”
And the list goes on, and on, and on.

100 Ways Biden and the Democrats Have Made it Harder to Produce Oil & Gas

If Biden isn't immediately harming oil and gas companies with new regulations, laws and rules, he is proposing them, or threatening to do so. All of which have Biden's desired effect of slowing current production, and lowering the estimates for future production.
Of course you bring no proof of any of that, just throw it out there and hope it sticks.
How would we even know? Have their homes or locations where they keep their records been raided by the FBI?

Besides, presidents can simply declassify what they took with them, which is why no one in the DOJ ever bothered to check on what they took with them. That is until the FBI became politicized to go after the political enemies of the Democrats.
All you have to do is watch the unrevised version of what Trump said, and it becomes clearly that when the MSM's flagrant omission of his words "Patriotically and PEACEFULLY" their frame job on Trump flew over the cuckoo's nest.

Wow, seriously, you think that when you organize an angry mob of tens of thousands, spend hours riling them up, and then unleash them on the capitol, that saying "Peacefully" is a hall pass?
How would we even know? Have their homes or locations where they keep their records been raided by the FBI?

Besides, presidents can simply declassify what they took with them, which is why no one in the DOJ ever bothered to check on what they took with them. That is until the FBI became politicized to go after the political enemies of the Democrats.
Sure, it was the democrats.

October 7 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration.

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”

By early afternoon, Trump was letting loose his frustrations in an all-caps missive that seemed aimed at nobody in particular.
How would we even know? Have their homes or locations where they keep their records been raided by the FBI?

Besides, presidents can simply declassify what they took with them, which is why no one in the DOJ ever bothered to check on what they took with them. That is until the FBI became politicized to go after the political enemies of the Democrats.
It would be because there is a record of classified material when it is moved.
Awww, the bigly words .........and the truth, got you confused...............again.
Orange kool-aid does that.

Well, you've made it clear that you're afraid to debate me.

I don't know what "RWNJ's" are, and you're afraid to tell me for fear that I will systematically, and completely, destroy every stupid argument you profer.

I don't blame you. The list of idiot libs I've made look like douchebags on this forum is long...
Even according to your chart, gas averaged $2.20 in November 2020. Don't you think it's possible that in a lot of places it might have been 21 cents cheaper that month?

Of course.

I understand that, and you understand that.

Superbadbrutha is too ignorant to understand that.

You'll note that he's remaining absolutely silent on the matter since I proved him wrong.

Typical negro...
Well, you've made it clear that you're afraid to debate me.

I don't know what "RWNJ's" are, and you're afraid to tell me for fear that I will systematically, and completely, destroy every stupid argument you profer.

I don't blame you. The list of idiot libs I've made look like douchebags on this forum is long...
Weaponizing the FBI and DOJ were the hallmark of the Trump regime, moron.
3 in four years.
FBI directors?
Two in four years.
Weaponizing the FBI and DOJ were the hallmark of the Trump regime, moron.
3 in four years.
FBI directors?
Two in four years.

How does "RWNJ's" translate to "Weaponizing the FBI and DOJ"?

I still have no idea what your acronym stands for, and you're still afraid to tell me.

Again, you prove that you're afraid to debate me.

You're dismissed, boy...
How does "RWNJ's" translate to "Weaponizing the FBI and DOJ"?
Because the cult of Trump did weaponize the DOJ and the FBI.
I still have no idea what your acronym stands for, and you're still afraid to tell me.
RWNJ's (Right Wing Nut jobs)
Again, you prove that you're afraid to debate me.
Like debating Trump, nothing but lies.

You're dismissed, boy...
Go get some more milk from your dear leaders' crotch.
Because the cult of Trump did weaponize the DOJ and the FBI.

RWNJ's (Right Wing Nut jobs)

Like debating Trump, nothing but lies.

Go get some more milk from your dear leaders' crotch.

You're a coward and a pussy, as well as ridiculously ignorant.

You're one of those liberal dipshits who believes that anyone who disagrees with you is a Trump supporter.

That's ridiculously stupid of you...
You're a coward and a pussy, as well as ridiculously ignorant.
You're a lying, Right Wing, Nut Job.
You're one of those liberal dipshits who believes that anyone who disagrees with you is a Trump supporter.
You defend him.

"A pretty secure border, sub $2.00 a gallon gas, affordable grocery prices".
"Yeah, those things were horrible..."

Then accuse me of giving Biden credit for lowering fuel prices?
I stated the supply and demand for that sector is beginning to stabilize.
That's ridiculously stupid of you...
No, that's lying stupidity on your part.
You're a lying, Right Wing, Nut Job.

Hardly, numbnuts...

You defend him.

"A pretty secure border, sub $2.00 a gallon gas, affordable grocery prices".
"Yeah, those things were horrible..."

This is yet another idiot liberal tactic. If you point out things which were good, you're defending Trump.

Tell me, dipshit, which of the things I mentioned do you have a problem with? Are secure borders a bad thing? Do enjoy paying $4 for a gallon of gas or dealing with high grocery prices?

You're clearly an idiot who lacks the intellectual fortitude to have a reasoned conversation about this. If someone isn't saying "ORANGE MAN BAD!" you lose your shit...

Then accuse me of giving Biden credit for lowering fuel prices?

I stated the supply and demand for that sector is beginning to stabilize.

No, that's lying stupidity on your part.

Talk about lying.

Where did I say that you were giving Biden credit for lowering gasoline prices? Link to that post, you lying asshole...
Weaponizing the FBI and DOJ were the hallmark of the Trump regime, moron.
3 in four years.
FBI directors?
Two in four years.
Are you saying Trump was weaponizing the FBI?? The FBI was using Hilary's bought and paid for Steele dossier against Trump.
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