
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?
Your irrational hatred for Paul Ryan is the only blinders I see here.

Classic example of raw vitriol for others who won't 'toe your world view'....
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?

So you think Biden can be a good President?
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?
Your irrational hatred for Paul Ryan is the only blinders I see here.

Classic example of raw vitriol for others who won't 'toe your world view'....

All summer she pretended to be undecided. Taking every opportunity to attack Romney and defend Obama. This is just her excuse for admitting where she really is political wise.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?
Your irrational hatred for Paul Ryan is the only blinders I see here.

Classic example of raw vitriol for others who won't 'toe your world view'....

All summer she pretended to be undecided. Taking every opportunity to attack Romney and defend Obama. This is just her excuse for admitting where she really is political wise.
I know. She wants a world where every idea follows her path of what she deems as 'compassionate'.

Unfortunately, she does not see that her benevolence is actually repugnant to most independent people.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?

So you think Biden can be a good President?
Passable, certainly a decent man. After his wife died, shortly after his election to the Senate, his OPPONENT urged him to take office, for years he drove 60+ each way after sessions to be with his young children. The "poorest" man in the Senate, he would not be bought by MULTInationals, probably the reason CONs dislike him.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?
Your irrational hatred for Paul Ryan is the only blinders I see here.

Classic example of raw vitriol for others who won't 'toe your world view'....

All summer she pretended to be undecided. Taking every opportunity to attack Romney and defend Obama. This is just her excuse for admitting where she really is political wise.

I still am, as I have written, if Ryan continues to defer to Romney, I'll have more confidence in Romney. As I JUST wrote, I have no doubts Mitt Romney is both a caring human, and a capable one. Ryan was a "game changer" though. I realize Ryan has no real convictions other than in his right to enrich himself; thus, I hope Romney can keep the scumbag UNDER HIS THUMB.
Your irrational hatred for Paul Ryan is the only blinders I see here.

Classic example of raw vitriol for others who won't 'toe your world view'....

All summer she pretended to be undecided. Taking every opportunity to attack Romney and defend Obama. This is just her excuse for admitting where she really is political wise.

I still am, as I have written, if Ryan continues to defer to Romney, I'll have more confidence in Romney. As I JUST wrote, I have no doubts Mitt Romney is both a caring human, and a capable one. Ryan was a "game changer" though. I realize Ryan has no real convictions other than in his right to enrich himself; thus, I hope Romney can keep the scumbag UNDER HIS THUMB.

All your credibility is gone if you can, with a straight face say Biden would make a passable President. Further you ARE AWARE I hope that the Vice President has no power and no authority except what ever crumbs the President throws his way?

So your complaint is ignorant as hell and just proves my point.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?
Your irrational hatred for Paul Ryan is the only blinders I see here.

Classic example of raw vitriol for others who won't 'toe your world view'....

I have read his record, no blinders here. You should try to read it yourself. Ryan is as heartless and greedy as Cheney; he has not had the power to activate his scummy greed. I understand Obama has not done a good job as President, you are an automaton that knee jerks support for whatever warm body fills the party slots.

Good luck figuring out where your precinct is. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
All summer she pretended to be undecided. Taking every opportunity to attack Romney and defend Obama. This is just her excuse for admitting where she really is political wise.

I still am, as I have written, if Ryan continues to defer to Romney, I'll have more confidence in Romney. As I JUST wrote, I have no doubts Mitt Romney is both a caring human, and a capable one. Ryan was a "game changer" though. I realize Ryan has no real convictions other than in his right to enrich himself; thus, I hope Romney can keep the scumbag UNDER HIS THUMB.

All your credibility is gone if you can, with a straight face say Biden would make a passable President. Further you ARE AWARE I hope that the Vice President has no power and no authority except what ever crumbs the President throws his way?

So your complaint is ignorant as hell and just proves my point.

My concern is Romney's disability or death. I know Biden's record; compassion, smarts, and knowledge of the Constitution shine through. Read Ryan's 2010 budget? Even his fellow Republicans distanced themselves from THAT anti American filth. Ryan had the gall to OPENLY denounce the Pope, that is another sign of his BLACK HEART. Rotten to the core, and not fit to stand next to Romney.
Yet Romney chose him because of the wingnuts influence in the present GOP. There is no way that I would ever vote for someone that would put someone like Ryan within a heartbeat of the Presidency.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?

Peach, I've seen you to be a very reasonable person and willing to see other points of view. Have you ever really looked at the Obama links in my sig?

If not, I urge you to take some time and really digest the amazing work Obama has accomplished in a very short time and against a R congress who swore they would not allow him to succeed in anything that could help our country.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?

Peach, I've seen you to be a very reasonable person and willing to see other points of view. Have you ever really looked at the Obama links in my sig?

If not, I urge you to take some time and really digest the amazing work Obama has accomplished in a very short time and against a R congress who swore they would not allow him to succeed in anything that could help our country.

He is better than Bush II; who would not have been? The issue I brought up is the frightening thought referenced above: RYAN a heartbeat away from the presidency! As I have written, Obama is intelligent, hardworking, and a decent human. That has not lowered the astronomical unemployment rate.

This board appears to have no room for those who can view the candidates objectively near election time. Pretending Obama has been a great President is akin to claiming Paul Ryan cares about the American people.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?

Dems are very threatened by Ryan and his absolute knowledge of the economy and the debt.. We get that.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?

yeah, you were all set to vote for romney, if he'd only chosen someone else for vp.

Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?

Peach, I've seen you to be a very reasonable person and willing to see other points of view. Have you ever really looked at the Obama links in my sig?

If not, I urge you to take some time and really digest the amazing work Obama has accomplished in a very short time and against a R congress who swore they would not allow him to succeed in anything that could help our country.

He is better than Bush II; who would not have been? The issue I brought up is the frightening thought referenced above: RYAN a heartbeat away from the presidency! As I have written, Obama is intelligent, hardworking, and a decent human. That has not lowered the astronomical unemployment rate.

This board appears to have no room for those who can view the candidates objectively near election time. Pretending Obama has been a great President is akin to claiming Paul Ryan cares about the American people.

How could anyone be "great" when every move is obstructed?

What if he had been successful in all his jobs efforts?

After all, the R has not done anything to encourage jobs creation and has all they can to deny jobs to the American working class.

No matter what else might be true, THAT one thing must be stopped or we will never climb out of this hole. THAT is my opinion.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?

yeah, you were all set to vote for romney, if he'd only chosen someone else for vp.


Strongly considering it, LEANING toward Romney. He had some choices that would have enhanced the ticket: MARTINEZ, for example. He chose to go radical right as moderates are no longer welcome in today's Republican party:
How the Mythical Republican Moderate Disappeared - Businessweek

Face it, you would support Romney if he had chosen David Duke. When moderate Republicans runs, the Vichy Americans stay home: see Dole, McCain.
Obama has not done a good job in office; yes, he works hard, is brilliant, and decent. That has not translated into an acceptable economic recovery however, after the Bush destruction.

There is no doubt Romney is also intelligent, decent and hard working IN OFFICE. But the fact remains he chose a piece of slime, only a hairs breadth about Dick Cheney, to be VP. The thought of the noxious Paul Ryan as President gives many who love this nation, AND know our history, cause for concern.

Any other posters with this dilemma? Or are most blinders on voters?

yeah, you were all set to vote for romney, if he'd only chosen someone else for vp.


Strongly considering it, LEANING toward Romney. He had some choices that would have enhanced the ticket: MARTINEZ, for example. He chose to go radical right as moderates are no longer welcome in today's Republican party:
How the Mythical Republican Moderate Disappeared - Businessweek

Face it, you would support Romney if he had chosen David Duke. When moderate Republicans runs, the Vichy Americans stay home: see Dole, McCain.

I love it when democraps admit openly that "balancing the budget" is extreme to them. What assholes.

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