Medicare Windfall for MASS. tucked into Obamacare


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
An obscure provision tucked into the federal health care law has turned into a jackpot for Massachusetts hospitals, but officials in other states are upset because the money will come from their hospitals.

The Medicare windfall for Massachusetts — $275 million a year — adds up quickly, about $1.4 billion over five years.


Hospitals in 41 states will lose money as a result of the change. The biggest loser: New York, which is out $47.5 million.

Seven states come out ahead, though none do as well as Massachusetts. Runner-up New Jersey stands to gain $54 million, a fraction of what Massachusetts will get.

President Obama’s health care overhaul was supposed to lead to reforms in Medicare’s byzantine payment system. Critics say this latest twist will encourage the big players to game the system in a scramble for increasingly scarce taxpayer dollars.


The American Hospital Association supported the change when the law was being debated. An official there now says hospitals didn’t understand what they were getting with the obscure provision.


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