Media's Real Job....Hiding The Truth


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
They certainly know where their bread is buttered: protect Obama and his band at all costs!

To get ahead in media one need toe the line.....the Left's line.

1. One crystal clear example is Glenn Thrush toadying up to Hillary's campaign and offering to write whatever they tell him to:

"WikiLeaks: Politico Reporter Offered Clinton Camp Chance to Edit Story
Glenn Thrush says 'I have become a hack' in offering Podesta chance to censor his article
In an astonishing email, Politico chief White House political correspondent and senior staff writer Glenn Thrush ran his latest article by Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta to make sure nothing offended the Clinton henchman.

WikiLeaks: Politico Reporter Offered Clinton Camp Chance to Edit Story | LifeZette

Who cares if Thrush was rewarded with a job at the NYTimes.

2. But all over the news now is a guy who may go to prison to hide the Democrat culpability in 17 murders.

"Scot Peterson, school resource officer criticized for his response during the Parkland shooting, faces felony charges

3. The real story is that Obama bent the arms of the schools and the police never to arrest minority thugs
As a result, Nikolas Cruz had no record that prevented him from passing a background check.....he got the gun that killed 17 innocents.

Not Scot Peterson....Obama facilitated the slaughter.
Peterson was late to the tragedy.....Obama engineered it.

Not a mention from the media.
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They certainly know where their bread is buttered: protect Obama and his band at all costs!

To get ahead in media one need toe the line.....the Left's line.

1. One crystal clear example is Glenn Thrush toadying up to Hillary's campaign and offering to write whatever they tell him to:

"WikiLeaks: Politico Reporter Offered Clinton Camp Chance to Edit Story
Glenn Thrush says 'I have become a hack' in offering Podesta chance to censor his article
In an astonishing email, Politico chief White House political correspondent and senior staff writer Glenn Thrush ran his latest article by Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta to make sure nothing offended the Clinton henchman.

WikiLeaks: Politico Reporter Offered Clinton Camp Chance to Edit Story | LifeZette

Who cares if Thrush was rewarded with a job at the NYTimes.

2. But all over the news now is a guy who may go to prison to hide the Democrat culpability in 17 murders.

"Scot Peterson, school resource officer criticized for his response during the Parkland s.hooting, faces felony charges

3. The real story is that Obama bent the arms of the schools and the police never to arrest minority thugs
As a result, Nikolas Cruz had no record that prevented him from passing a background check.....he got the gun that killed 17 innocents.

Not Scot Peterson....Obama facilitated the slaughter.
Peterson was late to the tragedy.....Obama engineered it.

Not a mention from the media.

I find I must agree on this. The conservative media is lying and spinning and hiding the real truth.
Our media is the first bastion against tyrany
Our first amendment does more to guard against the abuse of government than the second amendment
They certainly know where their bread is buttered: protect Obama and his band at all costs!

To get ahead in media one need toe the line.....the Left's line.

1. One crystal clear example is Glenn Thrush toadying up to Hillary's campaign and offering to write whatever they tell him to:

"WikiLeaks: Politico Reporter Offered Clinton Camp Chance to Edit Story
Glenn Thrush says 'I have become a hack' in offering Podesta chance to censor his article
In an astonishing email, Politico chief White House political correspondent and senior staff writer Glenn Thrush ran his latest article by Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta to make sure nothing offended the Clinton henchman.

WikiLeaks: Politico Reporter Offered Clinton Camp Chance to Edit Story | LifeZette

Who cares if Thrush was rewarded with a job at the NYTimes.

2. But all over the news now is a guy who may go to prison to hide the Democrat culpability in 17 murders.

"Scot Peterson, school resource officer criticized for his response during the Parkland s.hooting, faces felony charges

3. The real story is that Obama bent the arms of the schools and the police never to arrest minority thugs
As a result, Nikolas Cruz had no record that prevented him from passing a background check.....he got the gun that killed 17 innocents.

Not Scot Peterson....Obama facilitated the slaughter.
Peterson was late to the tragedy.....Obama engineered it.

Not a mention from the media.

I find I must agree on this. The conservative media is lying and spinning and hiding the real truth.

I was hoping one of the Leftist drones would deny the truth of the OP.

Clearly it irked you....but you didn't have the guts to confront it.

Get lost.
But, will PolitiicalChic connect the dots, that the media is run by Jews?
Of course not.

The cause of the Parkland assassinations, Hussein Obama, isn't Jewish.....he is, in fact, the very opposite.

How could you have made that mistake, other than the fact that your bias is blinding.

1/2 of Obama's funding came from Jews.
"Former Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson Charged With 11 Counts Tied to Parkland Shooting
“The FDLE investigation shows former Deputy Peterson did absolutely nothing to mitigate the MSD shooting that killed 17 children, teachers and staff and injured 17 others.”

The FDLE stated that not only did Peterson not investigate the shooting, but he also “retreated while victims were being shot inside the school.”

He then “directed other law enforcement who arrived on scene to remain 500 feet away from the building.”

Peterson resigned and retired shortly after the shooting. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office officially fired Peterson upon release of the investigation its own investigation. The office also fired Peterson’s supervisor Sergeant Brian Miller.

Authorities set Peterson’s bond at $102,000. If convicted on all the charges, he can face up to 97 years in state prison.

Broward County Sheriff Gregory Tony said that “t’s never too late for accountability and justice.”

Former Broward Sheriff's Deputy Scot Peterson Charged With 11 Counts Tied to Parkland Shooting

If Peterson "...did absolutely nothing to mitigate the MSD shooting that killed 17 children, teachers and staff and injured 17 others.”

.....and is therefore eligible for 97 years in prison..... many years is Obama eligible for, as he put the weapons that did the killing in the killer's hands??????

All animals are equal, but some animals are moreequal than others.
I find I must agree on this. The conservative media is lying and spinning and hiding the real truth.
That's what the rightwing media was created to do, lie and distort. The OP couldn't have been more correct in this.
I find I must agree on this. The conservative media is lying and spinning and hiding the real truth.
That's what the rightwing media was created to do, lie and distort. The OP couldn't have been more correct in this.

Where are any lies?

This is what brought you here....and it is absolutely true:

3. The real story is that Obama bent the arms of the schools and the police never to arrest minority thugs
As a result, Nikolas Cruz had no record that prevented him from passing a background check.....he got the gun that killed 17 innocents.

Not Scot Peterson....Obama facilitated the slaughter.
Peterson was late to the tragedy.....Obama engineered it.

Obama belongs on trial.
Not a mention from the media.
Where are any lies?

This is what brought you here....and it is absolutely true:

3. The real story is that Obama bent the arms of the schools and the police never to arrest minority thugs
As a result, Nikolas Cruz had no record that prevented him from passing a background check.....he got the gun that killed 17 innocents.

Not Scot Peterson....Obama facilitated the slaughter.
Peterson was late to the tragedy.....Obama engineered it.

Obama belongs on trial.
Not a mention from the media.
OP, you have proven, time, and time, and time again, that you are a dunce.

Go sit in the corner...


I challenged you with this......instead you tap-danced and changed the subject.

This is what brought you here....and it is absolutely true:

3. The real story is that Obama bent the arms of the schools and the police never to arrest minority thugs
As a result, Nikolas Cruz had no record that prevented him from passing a background check.....he got the gun that killed 17 innocents.

Not Scot Peterson....Obama facilitated the slaughter.
Peterson was late to the tragedy.....Obama engineered it.

Obama belongs on trial.
Not a mention from the media.

One more chance:

Is Obama the cause of the slaughter of 17 in the high school massacre????????

I'm prepared to prove it.

And you, coward?????
Where are any lies?

This is what brought you here....and it is absolutely true:

3. The real story is that Obama bent the arms of the schools and the police never to arrest minority thugs
As a result, Nikolas Cruz had no record that prevented him from passing a background check.....he got the gun that killed 17 innocents.

Not Scot Peterson....Obama facilitated the slaughter.
Peterson was late to the tragedy.....Obama engineered it.

Obama belongs on trial.
Not a mention from the media.
OP, you have proven, time, and time, and time again, that you are a dunce.

Go sit in the corner...


Seems I just exposed one more gutless wonder of the Left.

How do guys like this get Obama's shoe polish off their tongues?????
"One of the blabocracy’s favorite lies is that the media is not liberal. They love this one, hauling it out at the slightest provocation, polishing absurd “studies” proving the media is—if anything— conservative, and running stories on “The Myth of the Liberal Media”5 and “the so-called liberal press.

Claims of “conservative bias” in the media at large are amusing oddities. But a claim that the New York Times has a conservative bias can be explained only by the sheer joy liberals take in telling lies. This is how liberals flaunt their massive control over news in America.

The fact that everyone knows they are lying is part of the fun. They take insolent pleasure in saying absurd things, like college radicals giving revolutionary speeches at their parents’ dinner table…. The Times hasn’t endorsed a Republican for president for half a century."
Coulter, "Slander"
"One of the blabocracy’s favorite lies is that the media is not liberal. They love this one, hauling it out at the slightest provocation, polishing absurd “studies” proving the media is—if anything— conservative, and running stories on “The Myth of the Liberal Media”5 and “the so-called liberal press.

Claims of “conservative bias” in the media at large are amusing oddities. But a claim that the New York Times has a conservative bias can be explained only by the sheer joy liberals take in telling lies. This is how liberals flaunt their massive control over news in America.

The fact that everyone knows they are lying is part of the fun. They take insolent pleasure in saying absurd things, like college radicals giving revolutionary speeches at their parents’ dinner table…. The Times hasn’t endorsed a Republican for president for half a century."
Coulter, "Slander"
The media biases towards conservatives because conservatives whine like little bitches that they are not treated fairly
"One of the blabocracy’s favorite lies is that the media is not liberal. They love this one, hauling it out at the slightest provocation, polishing absurd “studies” proving the media is—if anything— conservative, and running stories on “The Myth of the Liberal Media”5 and “the so-called liberal press.

Claims of “conservative bias” in the media at large are amusing oddities. But a claim that the New York Times has a conservative bias can be explained only by the sheer joy liberals take in telling lies. This is how liberals flaunt their massive control over news in America.

The fact that everyone knows they are lying is part of the fun. They take insolent pleasure in saying absurd things, like college radicals giving revolutionary speeches at their parents’ dinner table…. The Times hasn’t endorsed a Republican for president for half a century."
Coulter, "Slander"
The media biases towards conservatives because conservatives whine like little bitches that they are not treated fairly
The media biases towards conservatives? Outside of Fox, can you name one network that biases toward the Right?
"One of the blabocracy’s favorite lies is that the media is not liberal. They love this one, hauling it out at the slightest provocation, polishing absurd “studies” proving the media is—if anything— conservative, and running stories on “The Myth of the Liberal Media”5 and “the so-called liberal press.

Claims of “conservative bias” in the media at large are amusing oddities. But a claim that the New York Times has a conservative bias can be explained only by the sheer joy liberals take in telling lies. This is how liberals flaunt their massive control over news in America.

The fact that everyone knows they are lying is part of the fun. They take insolent pleasure in saying absurd things, like college radicals giving revolutionary speeches at their parents’ dinner table…. The Times hasn’t endorsed a Republican for president for half a century."
Coulter, "Slander"
The media biases towards conservatives because conservatives whine like little bitches that they are not treated fairly
The media biases towards conservatives? Outside of Fox, can you name one network that biases toward the Right?

You're responding to a low-life who never tells the truth.

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