

Jul 14, 2009
Who just happened to be on the payroll of G Soros asks why
Why won’t Breitbart report on ADL’s sweeping condemnation of Beck?
Why won’t Breitbart report on ADL’s sweeping condemnation of Beck? | Media Matters for America
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I have yet to see Mediamatters honestly correct ANY of their own misinformation, much less any other misinformation re any conservative figure. I HAVE frequently seen them twist and distort what others say, take something out of context which wholly changes its meaning, and otherwise obfusicate and sometimes flat out intentionally misrepresent the truth in order to smear a conservative figure or organization.

Anybody who quotes Mediamatters as an authoritative source earns my 'numbnut' rating in a big hurry. :)
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I commented on MM's story with a link to ADL Leader Praises Beck’s Support of Israel — Last Month | The Blaze

This is what I got:

Thank you for your comment. Because you have not posted enough comments yet, your comment will not be publicly viewable until a moderator has a chance toapprove your comment. All comments submitted are reviewed during normal business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Mon-Fri) and posted as soon as possible, depending on volume. Comments submitted outside of that time frame may take longer to appear on the site. Comments that are obscene, off-topic or otherwise in violation of our terms of use will never appear on the site.
Once you have posted enough comments that do not violate our terms of use, your comments will go through automatically.​

I'll bet my post gets "overlooked". :lol:
MM's "Corrections" page:

Correction posted October 04, 2010 11:45 am ET

Beck smears Obama, Soros with conspiracy theory full of falsehoods and absurdities

Date corrected.
Correction posted September 21, 2010 9:40 pm ET

WND's first national convention: A spectacle of birtherism and bigotry

This post originally stated that Corsi linked same-sex marriage to cannibalism. In fact, he linked same-sex marriage to marrying a cantaloupe. Media Matters regrets the error.
Correction posted September 21, 2010 9:34 pm ET

Corsi links same-sex marriage to "pedophilia," "polygamy," "bestiality," and marrying "cantaloupes"*

This headline originally said that Corsi had linked same-sex marriage to "cannibals." Media Matters regrets the error.​
I commented on MM's story with a link to ADL Leader Praises Beck’s Support of Israel — Last Month | The Blaze

This is what I got:

Thank you for your comment. Because you have not posted enough comments yet, your comment will not be publicly viewable until a moderator has a chance toapprove your comment. All comments submitted are reviewed during normal business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Mon-Fri) and posted as soon as possible, depending on volume. Comments submitted outside of that time frame may take longer to appear on the site. Comments that are obscene, off-topic or otherwise in violation of our terms of use will never appear on the site.
Once you have posted enough comments that do not violate our terms of use, your comments will go through automatically.​

I'll bet my post gets "overlooked". :lol:

I bet it does too.
I commented on MM's story with a link to ADL Leader Praises Beck’s Support of Israel — Last Month | The Blaze

This is what I got:

Thank you for your comment. Because you have not posted enough comments yet, your comment will not be publicly viewable until a moderator has a chance toapprove your comment. All comments submitted are reviewed during normal business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Mon-Fri) and posted as soon as possible, depending on volume. Comments submitted outside of that time frame may take longer to appear on the site. Comments that are obscene, off-topic or otherwise in violation of our terms of use will never appear on the site.
Once you have posted enough comments that do not violate our terms of use, your comments will go through automatically.​

I'll bet my post gets "overlooked". :lol:

I bet it does too.
Leftist sites have a way of suppressing the truth, AKA "unauthorized thought" and "thoughtcrime".

What was Becks monestrous accusation?
That Soros couldnt be blamed for rousting Jews at the hands of Nazi,
s or Soros saying it was the happiest year of his life

In the wierd world we call politics these days, it seems criticism of anybody who isn't a Caucasian from what is called the 'white race', who is conservative, and preferably who is a Protestant, is going to be racist if he or she criticizes anybody who can be identified as Arab or black or anyting other than a 'white conservative Caucasian preferably Protestant." The ADL bends over backwards to apologize for accusing Beck falsely in another matter, then rags on him because he does an expose on a Jewish figure and identifies him as a Jew?

What kind of fair mindedness is that?
Dear idiots , what is Becks evidence for what he claimed about the man?

Most of it seems to come from Soros. Perhaps, before you call people idiots, you should try reading a few of his books, instead of taking Media Matters' word for it. Just a suggestion.
Soros has spoken publicly about how he escaped the death camps by posing as a member of a Christian family. The teenager did accompany his protector, whose job was to confiscate property from Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary.

Steve Kroft, in a 1998 "60 Minutes" interview, told Soros that it sounded like "an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years." But Soros said that he doesn't feel guilty for what happened because "whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator; the property was being taken away."

Beck, who on Tuesday described Soros' actions in the 1940s on Fox News, also claimed not to be "making a judgment" and acknowledged that the teenage Soros "was surviving."

Glenn Beck letterFox News defended Beck on Thursday in a statement to the New York Times.

Joel Cheatwood, a senior vice president at Fox News, told the Times that "information regarding Mr. Soros's experiences growing up were taken directly from his writings and from interviews given by him to the media, and no negative opinion was offered as to his actions as a child."

Glenn Beck draws criticism over latest Holocaust comments | The Upshot Yahoo! News
It was the happiest time in his life.
Dear idiots , what is Becks evidence for what he claimed about the man?

Most of it seems to come from Soros. Perhaps, before you call people idiots, you should try reading a few of his books, instead of taking Media Matters' word for it. Just a suggestion.

Beck offered nothing without a source, mostly from Soros himself, in the programs he ran this week. But those who didn't watch the programs nor checked out the sources, which Beck emphatically urged people to do on their own, have no problem condemning Beck for daring to criticize Soros.

Is it just me or are some getting wierder and wackier these days? Rush Limbaugh said there is nothing nuttier than a radical liberal who is out of power or is about to lose power. I took that as just typical Rush hyperbole at the time. It is starting to look more and more plausible though.
Soros has spoken publicly about how he escaped the death camps by posing as a member of a Christian family. The teenager did accompany his protector, whose job was to confiscate property from Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary.

Steve Kroft, in a 1998 "60 Minutes" interview, told Soros that it sounded like "an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years." But Soros said that he doesn't feel guilty for what happened because "whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator; the property was being taken away."

Beck, who on Tuesday described Soros' actions in the 1940s on Fox News, also claimed not to be "making a judgment" and acknowledged that the teenage Soros "was surviving."

Glenn Beck letterFox News defended Beck on Thursday in a statement to the New York Times.

Joel Cheatwood, a senior vice president at Fox News, told the Times that "information regarding Mr. Soros's experiences growing up were taken directly from his writings and from interviews given by him to the media, and no negative opinion was offered as to his actions as a child."

Glenn Beck draws criticism over latest Holocaust comments | The Upshot Yahoo! News

I have always maintained that we should leave Soros' 'Nazi' affiliations out of any debate about him - it is unfair to hold him fully accountable for his actions at that time. Although I do find his attitude towards that period of his life to be somewhat disconcerting. I don't understand how anyone with any morals would not feel some guilt over their actions.

Besides, there are far more important, and relevant, reasons to attack Soros.

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