Media Tries To Manufacture International Incident, Blames Romney. It's Bull Shit.


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The headlines scream that Romney is questioning London's readiness but when you read the story it's no different than what they've been saying about the Olympics for the last month. Problems have arisen and Romney said earlier this month they are disconcerting.

Speaking to NBC News, he said: "It's hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting: the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging."

Moving on to whether Britain is backing the Games, he added: "Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? That's something which we only find out once the Games actually begin."

Olympics: Romney Questions UK's Readiness

If you read only the headline you'd think this was a big deal. Turns out it isn't.

However CNN is trying to make it look like a major tiff between the British Prime-minister and Mitt Romney. It is nothing of the sort.

Romney said that every Olympics has problems, but once the games start and the athletes begin to compete things tend to smooth out. If you didn't know better you'd think Romney and the Brits were fighting. That is if you're one of the few that still watches CNN. I was watching their coverage of it and wondering what in the hell was going on. So when I got home this evening I looked up Drudge, and even they made a big deal about it. Reading deeper into the story I see nothing about the Brits being pissed. Nothing.

Looks like Obama's slobbering media is trying to manufacture a controversy. Don't fall for it.

Why would the Brits be pissed? There is nothing there to be pissed about.

The headlines scream that Romney is questioning London's readiness but when you read the story it's no different than what they've been saying about the Olympics for the last month. Problems have arisen and Romney said earlier this month they are disconcerting.

Speaking to NBC News, he said: "It's hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting: the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging."

Moving on to whether Britain is backing the Games, he added: "Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? That's something which we only find out once the Games actually begin."

Olympics: Romney Questions UK's Readiness

If you read only the headline you'd think this was a big deal. Turns out it isn't.

However CNN is trying to make it look like a major tiff between the British Prime-minister and Mitt Romney. It is nothing of the sort.

Romney said that every Olympics has problems, but once the games start and the athletes begin to compete things tend to smooth out. If you didn't know better you'd think Romney and the Brits were fighting. That is if you're one of the few that still watches CNN. I was watching their coverage of it and wondering what in the hell was going on. So when I got home this evening I looked up Drudge, and even they made a big deal about it. Reading deeper into the story I see nothing about the Brits being pissed. Nothing.

Looks like Obama's slobbering media is trying to manufacture a controversy. Don't fall for it.

Fascinating. Logic would conclude the media is highly desperate to turn any non issue into a huge rift so they can declare Romney is not qualified to be president.

The headlines scream that Romney is questioning London's readiness but when you read the story it's no different than what they've been saying about the Olympics for the last month. Problems have arisen and Romney said earlier this month they are disconcerting.

Speaking to NBC News, he said: "It's hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting: the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging."

Moving on to whether Britain is backing the Games, he added: "Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? That's something which we only find out once the Games actually begin."

Olympics: Romney Questions UK's Readiness

If you read only the headline you'd think this was a big deal. Turns out it isn't.

However CNN is trying to make it look like a major tiff between the British Prime-minister and Mitt Romney. It is nothing of the sort.

Romney said that every Olympics has problems, but once the games start and the athletes begin to compete things tend to smooth out. If you didn't know better you'd think Romney and the Brits were fighting. That is if you're one of the few that still watches CNN. I was watching their coverage of it and wondering what in the hell was going on. So when I got home this evening I looked up Drudge, and even they made a big deal about it. Reading deeper into the story I see nothing about the Brits being pissed. Nothing.

Looks like Obama's slobbering media is trying to manufacture a controversy. Don't fall for it.

Fascinating. Logic would conclude the media is highly desperate to turn any non issue into a huge rift so they can declare Romney is not qualified to be president.

I think they're desperate to get everyone off of Obama's "You didn't build that" speech.
I think Romney stepped in it, but I don't think this rises to the level of international incident. All he had to do was make nice, instead he got technical, trying to impress everybody. Foolish, but I don't think most Brits are all that outraged, nor do I think many of them will vote in November.
The Drudge report made a big deal out of it but it's cool....But CNN did it and it's not cool. Riiiiight.

Is anyone surprised at the obligatory "it didnt happen" thread?
This is nothing like the right wing media taking Obama's supposed "you didn't build that" comment way out of context and blowing that way out of proportion. Not that I really care what the entertainment news tries to blow out of proportion, but isn't the correct reason for the right whining because the left's media used the right's favorite trick against them?

the more whining there is about the media the more the right seems like a spoiled brat trying to pretend they didn't do anything wrong because everyone else is doing it?
The Drudge report made a big deal out of it but it's cool....But CNN did it and it's not cool. Riiiiight.

Is anyone surprised at the obligatory "it didnt happen" thread?

Did I say Drudge did a good thing?

No. Drudge blasted the headline.......maybe they just wanted a big story, but it fizzles when you read it. The page they linked to was a Brit news outlet and they didn't have anything good to say about Romney. Even floated a rumor or two just to make him look bad.

However, CNN is taking it the extra mile and manufacturing a controversy that doesn't exist.
Why don't I just start another controversy.

The other day Obama said this:

"AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals."

There are several ways you can take this stupid statement.

Does Obama think that anyone who would own an AK-47 is a criminal?????


I know he doesn't like most of America and the folks that live there.....but if you own a gun this President thinks you're a criminal. He won't even give you the time of day if you own an AK-47.

BTW, how many U.S. soldiers are issued AK-47s?

What country does he think this is.....Russia????
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