Media Skip 2,000th Afghan War Death On Obama's Watch


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Just when you don't think the media can sink lower and be more hypocritical, they actually take a shovel and dig themselves a deeper hole. How do these people look in the mirror without seeing how absolutely morally bankrupt they are? Well, they are liberals after all.

Tim Graham of the Media Research Center notes that CBS News was alone among media outlets when on June 13 it did a story on the number of NATO, and largely American, deaths in Afghanistan reaching the 2,000 mark

. Included was an interview by reporter David Martin with the mother of a fallen Marine.

There was no coverage on ABC, NBC, PBS or MSNBC, unlike the media storm that erupted over the 2,000th death in Iraq.

"When the 2,000 mark arrived in Iraq on Oct. 25, 2005," Graham notes, "the Big Three networks devoted 14 morning and evening news stories to the death toll from Oct. 24 through the end of October, and another 24 anchor briefs or mentions."

An ABC that was silent on the Afghan milestone reported five stories and eight other briefs or mentions on the 2,000 count in Iraq. The Iraq milestone prompted a special edition of "Nightline."

"Good Morning America" anchor Diane Sawyer began on Oct. 26, 2005: "This morning, a somber milestone. Another American dies in the war in Iraq. We have now lost 2,000 sons and daughters."

Also ignored by the media is the fact that some 70% of these casualties in the Afghan War have occurred on President Obama's watch. As reports, he has presided over the top five deadliest months of the war, a fact you'll find in no other report on the conflict.

These include: August 2011, with 71 deaths; July 2010, with 65 deaths; June 2010, with 60 deaths; October 2009, with 58 deaths; and August 2010, with 55 deaths.

Media Ignore 2,000th American Combat Death Coming On Obama's Watch In Afghanistan -
The media appears to be ignoring the 6 American soldiers killed by an IED in favor of running video claiming to show the Taliban executing a young women...

It's not that I don't believe the Taliban would resort to shooting a women in the back, but its impossible to verify...
My personal thoughts is that the media should not EVER be anywhere near a war zone. This war would have been over with a long time ago if they media did not constantly stick their nose in things that they have no clue whats going and stick their own personal perception into it. They twist and alter the facts to sell ratings and nothing more. I was a soldier. I was there. Ive seen what happens and what does not. Media and civilians are what prolongs wars and makes them more costly. Not a president, not the military. Trust me now I am no supporter of obama. Not even in the slightest. But this war would have been over and done with in a year of they media was shut out of it. Sometimes in life the american people just need to sit down and shut the hell up on matters that they do not know. And leave things to the professionals. They bitch and whine about all sorts of things that they have no idea about. And YES SOMETIMES INNOCENT LIVES ARE LOST IN WAR. Not like we didnt give them ample opportunity to get the hell out of there. Not even we can prevent stupidity.
My personal thoughts is that the media should not EVER be anywhere near a war zone. This war would have been over with a long time ago if they media did not constantly stick their nose in things that they have no clue whats going and stick their own personal perception into it. They twist and alter the facts to sell ratings and nothing more. I was a soldier. I was there. Ive seen what happens and what does not. Media and civilians are what prolongs wars and makes them more costly. Not a president, not the military. Trust me now I am no supporter of obama. Not even in the slightest. But this war would have been over and done with in a year of they media was shut out of it. Sometimes in life the american people just need to sit down and shut the hell up on matters that they do not know. And leave things to the professionals. They bitch and whine about all sorts of things that they have no idea about. And YES SOMETIMES INNOCENT LIVES ARE LOST IN WAR. Not like we didnt give them ample opportunity to get the hell out of there. Not even we can prevent stupidity.

While I think it's not really realistic to shut the media out completely (media have been covering wars for a very long time) I understand your point about the over-mediatisation of certain conflicts and how it can get in the way.
My personal thoughts is that the media should not EVER be anywhere near a war zone. This war would have been over with a long time ago if they media did not constantly stick their nose in things that they have no clue whats going and stick their own personal perception into it. They twist and alter the facts to sell ratings and nothing more. I was a soldier. I was there. Ive seen what happens and what does not. Media and civilians are what prolongs wars and makes them more costly. Not a president, not the military. Trust me now I am no supporter of obama. Not even in the slightest. But this war would have been over and done with in a year of they media was shut out of it. Sometimes in life the american people just need to sit down and shut the hell up on matters that they do not know. And leave things to the professionals. They bitch and whine about all sorts of things that they have no idea about. And YES SOMETIMES INNOCENT LIVES ARE LOST IN WAR. Not like we didnt give them ample opportunity to get the hell out of there. Not even we can prevent stupidity.

While I think it's not really realistic to shut the media out completely (media have been covering wars for a very long time) I understand your point about the over-mediatisation of certain conflicts and how it can get in the way.

They see us take out a target and put on the news "Oh 5 civilians where killed in US air strike" They forget the fact that we took out a high priority target and perhaps saved 100s of american soldiers lives in the process.
My personal thoughts is that the media should not EVER be anywhere near a war zone. This war would have been over with a long time ago if they media did not constantly stick their nose in things that they have no clue whats going and stick their own personal perception into it. They twist and alter the facts to sell ratings and nothing more. I was a soldier. I was there. Ive seen what happens and what does not. Media and civilians are what prolongs wars and makes them more costly. Not a president, not the military. Trust me now I am no supporter of obama. Not even in the slightest. But this war would have been over and done with in a year of they media was shut out of it. Sometimes in life the american people just need to sit down and shut the hell up on matters that they do not know. And leave things to the professionals. They bitch and whine about all sorts of things that they have no idea about. And YES SOMETIMES INNOCENT LIVES ARE LOST IN WAR. Not like we didnt give them ample opportunity to get the hell out of there. Not even we can prevent stupidity.

While I think it's not really realistic to shut the media out completely (media have been covering wars for a very long time) I understand your point about the over-mediatisation of certain conflicts and how it can get in the way.

They see us take out a target and put on the news "Oh 5 civilians where killed in US air strike" They forget the fact that we took out a high priority target and perhaps saved 100s of american soldiers lives in the process.

I hear you. And yes, this is a problem.
Thanks for your service.
While I think it's not really realistic to shut the media out completely (media have been covering wars for a very long time) I understand your point about the over-mediatisation of certain conflicts and how it can get in the way.

They see us take out a target and put on the news "Oh 5 civilians where killed in US air strike" They forget the fact that we took out a high priority target and perhaps saved 100s of american soldiers lives in the process.

I hear you. And yes, this is a problem.
Thanks for your service.

Was a great pleasure of my life. :)
Just when you don't think the media can sink lower and be more hypocritical, they actually take a shovel and dig themselves a deeper hole. How do these people look in the mirror without seeing how absolutely morally bankrupt they are? Well, they are liberals after all.

Tim Graham of the Media Research Center notes that CBS News was alone among media outlets when on June 13 it did a story on the number of NATO, and largely American, deaths in Afghanistan reaching the 2,000 mark

. Included was an interview by reporter David Martin with the mother of a fallen Marine.

There was no coverage on ABC, NBC, PBS or MSNBC, unlike the media storm that erupted over the 2,000th death in Iraq.

"When the 2,000 mark arrived in Iraq on Oct. 25, 2005," Graham notes, "the Big Three networks devoted 14 morning and evening news stories to the death toll from Oct. 24 through the end of October, and another 24 anchor briefs or mentions."

An ABC that was silent on the Afghan milestone reported five stories and eight other briefs or mentions on the 2,000 count in Iraq. The Iraq milestone prompted a special edition of "Nightline."

"Good Morning America" anchor Diane Sawyer began on Oct. 26, 2005: "This morning, a somber milestone. Another American dies in the war in Iraq. We have now lost 2,000 sons and daughters."

Also ignored by the media is the fact that some 70% of these casualties in the Afghan War have occurred on President Obama's watch. As reports, he has presided over the top five deadliest months of the war, a fact you'll find in no other report on the conflict.

These include: August 2011, with 71 deaths; July 2010, with 65 deaths; June 2010, with 60 deaths; October 2009, with 58 deaths; and August 2010, with 55 deaths.

Media Ignore 2,000th American Combat Death Coming On Obama's Watch In Afghanistan -

It looks like the huffington Compost offered up a little blurb on the story...Not much...

Afghanistan War Death Toll: Operation Enduring Freedom Hits 2,000 U.S. Casualties

Afghanistan War Death Toll: Operation Enduring Freedom Hits 2,000 U.S. Casualties

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