Media Creatures: Theatre of Bias(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will people look back on this age of media and say, "TrumpUSA democracy was more or less shallow!"?

Here's a modernism yarn inspired by America 3000.

Cheers (Signing off),



Ajay was a radical Internet-blogger talking about how media could save the world. He must have been the first radical democracy-advocate, which is why he dressed up like a terrorist(!), though he never espoused direct violent attacks on civilian targets (like real terrorists did!). Ajay was a big fan of the American movie-star Kurt Russell and his two dystopian-paranoia films Escape from New York and The Thing. Ajay wanted to meet with Mr. Russell and talk to him about why modern civilization prompted such strange paranoia-themed storytelling. Ajay kept harassing Kurt's media-agents to try to arrange an interview with him, and finally, Kurt agreed to chat with Ajay over email (using a temporary account!).


AJAY: Man, thanks for chatting with me (I'm a huge fan!).
KURT: You're persistent, friend. What's on your mind, my good man?
AJAY: I love your films and wanted to know what you thought about the Apocalypse.
KURT: The Apocalypse? Well, I've been to Sunday School, but what're you asking?
AJAY: It seems modern civilization is filled with dread about disarray.
KURT: Hey, man, I dunno, blame Wall Street, NATO, North Korea, and Chernobyl.
AJAY: Exactly! You and I should do a joint media-campaign.
KURT: What the heck do you want me to do? I don't get involved in social affairs really.
AJAY: Haha. I just want your permission to use your movie-stills/photos for my blogs.
KURT: Let me look at one of your blogs.
AJAY: Check out my blog about why Chernobyl inspired anti-Western terrorism!
KURT: So, you're some kind of 'capitalism-idealist' then, eh?
AJAY: I try to be...I'm a fan of Apple Computers.
KURT: I will save the world, right? Well, keep me posted!
AJAY: I will definitely do that. Find my blogs (I'll send you the weblinks).


Ajay began writing Internet-blogs using Russell-movie stills/photos and presented ideas about exactly why industrialization-related eco-pollution, urban smog, and disasters such as Exxon-Valdez and Chernobyl inspired new age anti-Western terrorism (i.e., ISIS). Ajay's blogs became quite popular, and soon, Russell's agents wanted to discuss with him the possibility that his blogs were generating favorable dialogue regarding pedestrianism apathy in the modern age (regarding the value/virtues of capitalism itself). Russell was a mild advocate of TrumpUSA and met President Trump and told him conversationally about Ajay's pro-capitalism Internet-blogs. When Russell attended a special St. Patrick's Day parade in NYC that year, he saw Ajay there too (with his girlfriend who was one of the parade-cheerleaders!).


Ajay had one strange rival. This self-proclaimed 'art-prophet' named Daniels was posting his paintings of Insecticons (fictional terrorist-robots who transformed into predatory laser-weapon equipped giant insects!) from the popular A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) fantasy-adventure franchise Transformers (Hasbro). Daniels wanted to use the Insecticons to argue that there was no real cure to the malady of modern age industrialization-related eco-pollution. To Daniels, the Insecticons were humanity's only 'prayer' in the face of certain self-defeating capitalism-related doom(!). Ajay said of Daniels, "He's everything I'm not; he cares about revolution while I care about education. I wonder what everyday Americans think of Daniels."


GOD: This Daniels/Ajay dualism is quite intriguing.
SATAN: Modern media creates opportunities for 'pedestrian politics.'
GOD: It's cool how Ajay wanted to reach out to a celebrity (Kurt Russell)!
SATAN: Yes, well, movies reach the masses and reflect social imagination.
GOD: Anti-American terrorists frown upon 'Planet Hollywood culture.'
SATAN: The Middle East prefers Al Jazeera over the Home Shopping Network.
GOD: Consumerism has many 'enemies.'
SATAN: Isn't that ironic (given that consumerism is basically just a convenience-system)?
GOD: When apathy and laziness loom, paranoid prophets rise to power.
SATAN: Are you referring to fanatics like Jim Jones and Mussolini?
GOD: Sure! I wonder what Kurt Russell makes of Ajay and Daniels.
SATAN: He probably thinks that Ajay/Daniels duality represents 'American free-speech.'
GOD: Is free-speech 'healthy' when the dangers of racism-chatter arise?
SATAN: It's complicated; no one wants to hear, "Racist men shun attractive black women."
GOD: I think comic book media --- e.g., Captain America (Marvel Comics) --- can motivate.
SATAN: Yes, pulp-fiction and civil-fantasy society folklore symbolize democratic angst.
GOD: Maybe the Xenomorph (from Alien sci-fi horror-films) is the new Headless Horseman!
SATAN: Xenomorph monsters (and spin-off comics) indicate an interest in apocalypto-insanity.




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