Media creates false emotional responses


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Some guy goes nuts and shoots up a kindergarten and the world stops for a few days as media covers it.

Some hurricane inundates New Orleans and the Gulf coast causing hundreds of thousands to evacuate, however many deaths, and billions in damage and the prospect of doing things to mitigate the next one needs more study. Or it'll cost jobs. Or climate change is a hoax.

But someone murders a few people with a gun and half the country's all for banning guns. Or if a few thousand die to terrorism we suspend the Constitution and go to war murdering in retaliation millions.

Think about it.
Think about what? That the media has a profit motive driving programming? That if you are going to be an informed person that you need a good variety of news sources?

Dude, is this you first fucking day on planet earth?

You idiot.

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