Media Balance...or not!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I have been watching with interest CNN and their series "Broken Government." I felt it has been helpful.

So I turn over to FOX and find that Government is not broken. FOX only claims that Democrats are broken. What a partisan Hack of a "so called" news station.
I have been watching with interest CNN and their series "Broken Government." I felt it has been helpful.

So I turn over to FOX and find that Government is not broken. FOX only claims that Democrats are broken. What a partisan Hack of a "so called" news station.

CNN's series has been excellent, not just for educational purposes in how government is supposed to work, but I thought the various honest viewpoints on why it isn't, expressed by both Republicans and Democrats, was refreshing.

CNN also did a week-long series on how the stimulus money is being spent a few weeks ago. Do you think I could roust any interest in that on this board? About as much as you did by posting thread. Kudos for at least trying. Nope, the right wing public really doesn't want to hear anything that might point out their own contribution to the overall problems we're currently experiencing nor any "good" reports that have come out of the programs put in place that are attempting to stop the bleeding economy.

Nosireebob, it's all the Dems' fault. I for one am tired of Googling a topic du jour and seeing the first two pages chock full of anti-Obama/anti-Democrats right-wing "news" stories and blog sites before I can actually find the initial source and/or an honest assessment of it.

It's so clear that the right wing noise machines now control everything. It's become the most blatant vehicle for brainwashing I've ever experienced in over 30 years of exposure to the political scene.
I have been watching with interest CNN and their series "Broken Government." I felt it has been helpful.

So I turn over to FOX and find that Government is not broken. FOX only claims that Democrats are broken. What a partisan Hack of a "so called" news station.

Were you watching a particular commentator, or is it the whole news channel that is biased. Because I watch Fox and some of it is right leaning, some of it left leaning and some of it just news. Pretty standard stuff, it just happens that they employ some of the best commentators in the business. That's not a bad thing. They are spanking the rest of the news broadcasters. Of course, it helps if you are not afraid of hearing opposing views.
I have been watching with interest CNN and their series "Broken Government." I felt it has been helpful.

So I turn over to FOX and find that Government is not broken. FOX only claims that Democrats are broken. What a partisan Hack of a "so called" news station.

Were you watching a particular commentator, or is it the whole news channel that is biased. Because I watch Fox and some of it is right leaning, some of it left leaning and some of it just news. Pretty standard stuff, it just happens that they employ some of the best commentators in the business. That's not a bad thing. They are spanking the rest of the news broadcasters. Of course, it helps if you are not afraid of hearing opposing views.

It seems that most folks agree with your analysis.

No only is Fox the most watched, but it is the 'most trusted.'

I can't imagine folks watching if they didn't agree with what they were seeing.

Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country, according to a new poll out Tuesday.
A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network.
Thirty-seven percent said they didn’t trust Fox, also the lowest level of distrust that any of the networks recorded.

Read more: Poll: Fox most trusted name in news - Andy Barr -

Fox News had its best January in the history of the network, and was the only cable news network to grow year-to-year.
FNC also had the top 13 programs on cable news in total viewers for the fifth month in a row, and the top 13 programs in the A25-54 demographic for the first time in more than five years.
• FNC grew in double digits in both total viewers and the A25-54 demographic from January 2009. In prime time, it was up 22% in total viewers and 51% in the demo. CNN was down 34% and 37% and MSNBC down 26% and 38%. In total day, FNC was up 16% and 28%. CNN was down 34% and 41% and MSNBC down 28% and 39%. Last January all networks performed while with the Inauguration coverage. This month, the big political event was Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, which FNC dominated in the ratings.
• Special Report with Bret Baier/Brit Hume was #1 for the 100th consecutive month.
• Fox Report #1 for 100th consecutive month.
• Sean Hannity had his best month ever (since it launched as Hannity).
. Still Rolling: Fox News Has Its Best January Ever | Mediaite
"I can't imagine folks watching if they didn't agree with what they were seeing."

And there is the key. Fox reinforces the beliefs of the partisan right wingers.
they get what they want, not the same as getting the truth now is it?
"I can't imagine folks watching if they didn't agree with what they were seeing."

And there is the key. Fox reinforces the beliefs of the partisan right wingers.
they get what they want, not the same as getting the truth now is it?

What makes you think that the vast audience is only composed of right-wingers?

On the contrary, I believe that the view we have been given of a liberal progressive government by this liberal progressive government has pushed the rational of every persuasion to the right, and this is why Fox is doing so well.

Now, you stick to your view.

I’m thinking this ‘growing-up’ thing may not be for you.
I’m thinking this ‘growing-up’ thing may not be for you.

well you got one thing correct. Too late to start "growing up" now :D
Heck I have lost about an inch in height.
Please someone post an example where FOX is left leaning. I really, really want to see it!
I have been watching with interest CNN and their series "Broken Government." I felt it has been helpful.

So I turn over to FOX and find that Government is not broken. FOX only claims that Democrats are broken. What a partisan Hack of a "so called" news station.
Funny you should mention that.

CNN was playing the exact "Broken Gubmint" crap segments in advance of the 2006 elections, only for them to mysteriously disappear the second week of November that very same year.

Now, when the congressional stooges with the (D)s by their names can't get anything done and need a scapegoat, the segments suddenly reappear!

I believe you were mentioning something or another about hacks?


I can say only one thing about CNN. Friend of mine who was a researcher there got fired during the campaign. Interestingly, this coincided with him finding some folks from Obama's past who were none to complimentary about our glorious leader.
BillO is liberal...? OH! You mean the pervert that had to pay off a staff member to keep from being sued. yeah right.

CNN has been as critical of the Dems and Obama as it has of the GOP. One night they even ran a show called something like Broken Promises from Obama.

Can you imagine FOX running something like that about Bush? ARE YOU KIDDING?
I can say only one thing about CNN. Friend of mine who was a researcher there got fired during the campaign. Interestingly, this coincided with him finding some folks from Obama's past who were none to complimentary about our glorious leader.

did it also coincide with disappearing office supplies and a higher-than-usual phone bill?
I have been watching with interest CNN and their series "Broken Government." I felt it has been helpful.

So I turn over to FOX and find that Government is not broken. FOX only claims that Democrats are broken. What a partisan Hack of a "so called" news station.

yeah............but nobody watches CNN s0n!!!:lol::lol::lol:

The other night, how many peoople tuned into the Campbell Brown show??? 25,000....I couldnt stop laughing. In the cable news industry, those are beyond "off the air" ratings!!!
I have been watching with interest CNN and their series "Broken Government." I felt it has been helpful.

So I turn over to FOX and find that Government is not broken. FOX only claims that Democrats are broken. What a partisan Hack of a "so called" news station.

Were you watching a particular commentator, or is it the whole news channel that is biased. Because I watch Fox and some of it is right leaning, some of it left leaning and some of it just news. Pretty standard stuff, it just happens that they employ some of the best commentators in the business. That's not a bad thing. They are spanking the rest of the news broadcasters. Of course, it helps if you are not afraid of hearing opposing views.

I used to watch The O'Reilly Factor a lot, switching back and forth between him and Olbermann (using Dish Networks' PIP feature). But that was before the 08 campaign and during the campaign. I only catch him now when it's repeated in the early hours if I happen to be up before 5AM. Frankly, I've always thought there were moments when O'Reilly was "fair and balanced" and he doesn't come up with bizarre allegations. I don't watch either show now, because I was getting saturated with politics and needed to clear my head for other personal things in the evening.) But Glenn Beck is a dangerous commentator, in my opinion. He belongs right up there with Jesse Ventura's new show called "Conspiracy Theories" which is a bunch of pure fact-free hogwash.

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