Media: "100 Days! 100 Days!"


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
100 days! 100 days!

That means there's only 2,822 days left in the Trump presidency. :laugh:
Yeah, the Democrat Fake News twits are pulling out all the stops to sabotage Trump. Their hysteria over his 'First 100 Days' really is pretty humorous. He's got lots of time to get things done. And they're living in denial over that reality. I mean, can you imagine their hysterical freak outs if he's in there for 8ys? Look at how they've behaved after just 100 days?

I just read he may get to put in a 2nd Supreme Court Judge soon. And that would be UUUGE. Rumor has it, he may even get to put a 3rd in as well. And that would amount to achieving a Coup. If he gets 8yrs, so many things will be possible. But for me, if he gets 2 Supreme Court Justices in there, it will be a victory that will last many many years. I voted for him on just a couple issues... Immigration and the Supreme Court. If he's successful on just those two things, he'll always have my support.
Yeah, the Democrat Fake News twits are pulling out all the stops to sabotage Trump. Their hysteria over his 'First 100 Days' really is pretty humorous. He's got lots of time to get things done. And they're living in denial over that reality. I mean, can you imagine their hysterical freak outs if he's in there for 8ys? Look at how they've behaved after just 100 days?

I just read he may get to put in a 2nd Supreme Court Judge soon. And that would be UUUGE. Rumor has it, he may even get to put a 3rd in as well. And that would amount to achieving a Coup. If he gets 8yrs, so many things will be possible. But for me, if he gets 2 Supreme Court Justices in there, it will be a victory that will last many many years. I voted for him on just a couple issues... Immigration and the Supreme Court. If he's successful on just those two things, he'll always have my support.
Remember when that same media went berzerk when Rush said early in Big Ears reign, that he wanted him to fail?

The hypocrisy is enormous, but apparently some Americans don't see it and get duped again.
Trump has has a greater impact in his first 100 days than any other President in our history. The Left is tying itself in knots, arguing that he hasn't done anything but ought to be impeached anyway. Sorry, but they can't have it both ways.

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