Med insurance industry sees huge profits off the misfortune of others = parasite


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
No other way to look at it. The medical insurance industry is the parasite that which wants absolute control by way of big government.

Yes the industry does not believe in the Free Market one that would include IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance for ALL. The industry fears the Free Market.

The U.S. health insurance system is typically characterized as a largely private-sector system, so it may come as a surprise that more than 60% of the $2 trillion annual U.S. health care bill is paid through taxes, according to a 2002 analysis published in Health Affairs by Harvard Medical School associate professors Steffie Woolhandler and David Himmelstein.

Medicare funds much of the expensive equipment hospitals use, for instance, along with all medical residencies. All told, then, tax dollars already pay for at least $1.2 trillion in annual U.S. health care expenses. Now we see the industry truly wants the $1.2 trillion tax dollars flowing into their accounts.... talk about a parasite.

I say to those who worship the parasite keep paying your friend the parasite BUT don't tell me I should not have another option.
Insurance industry was lobbying against medical insurance reform is at a record breaking $1.4 million health care insurance dollars a day.

These same $1.4 million health care dollars a day could supply 519 families of four full coverage medicare insurance each day this reckless spending takes place.

Is this fiscally responsible spending of health care dollars?
If you REALLY want an industry that makes a fortune off the misfortune of others, try the mortician industry. They make money off dead people.
If you REALLY want an industry that makes a fortune off the misfortune of others, try the mortician industry. They make money off dead people.

This thread does not cover dead people. There are ways around the morticians


Insurance industry was lobbying against medical insurance reform is at a record breaking $1.4 million health care insurance dollars a day.

These same $1.4 million health care dollars a day could supply 519 families of four full coverage medicare insurance each day this reckless spending takes place.

Is this fiscally responsible spending of health care dollars?

Also remember the healthcare lobby furnishes 6 high dollar lobbyists per elected official.

Is this fiscally responsible spending of health care dollars?

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