Mechanics Of Satanic Enslavement

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rtwngAvngr said:
Oh, see, i thought continual bleating of "it's a frat, it's a frat" carried with it the implication that a frat cannot be a religion. My bad.
I think that your continual repetition of this without including the full statement that I used - Freemasonry is not a religion, it is a Fraternity" - makes it clear that you are arguing in bad faith. Taking a small portion of the statement and using it to build a strawman is disingenuous.

In my estimation the Masonic Temple IS both a fraternity and a religion due to it's demand of certain religious beliefs and practice of rituals with religious content.

Once again, it has not a demand of specific beliefs and offers no salvation. It simply has a demand of Faith. And I will once again state the difference.

A belief in God is a Faith, every Mason has one. A belief ABOUT God is a religion, Masonry does not regard the man for his religion, only his Faith. Freemasonry does not offer salvation, it does not, as I have clarified before, require any conversion from one religion to another, it doesn't promote one God over another. It is simply a group of guys that all believe in a Deity meeting to promote Charity and Brotherly Love. Nothing more.

Just like the Boy Scouts it requires that you believe in a Deity, it does not require anything about HOW you believe in the Deity.

When will you tire of playing with words and address the perilous endangerment of your soul?

This I can understand. It is nice that you care. I have addressed my soul with my own religion, that of Buddhism. Thank you very much.
rtwngAvngr said:
I'm sure you've also seen the information about how lower level degrees are misled about what they're actually doing? Of course ya have.

And have you seen the site I gave that answered those misconceptions? Of course you have...
no1tovote4 said:
I think that your continual repetition of this without including the full statement that I used - Freemasonry is not a religion, it is a Fraternity" - makes it clear that you are arguing in bad faith. Taking a small portion of the statement and using it to build a strawman is disingenuous.
Not at all. It truly seemed you were saying they couldn't be one and the same. Only later when I was reading clay's copy/paste definition of a fraternity did I realize the two are not mutually exclusive. Don't villify me on stuff like this man. Villify me for something big, if you gotta villify.
Once again, it has not a demand of specific beliefs and offers no salvation. It simply has a demand of Faith. And I will once again state the difference.

A belief in God is a Faith, every Mason has one. A belief ABOUT God is a religion, Masonry does not regard the man for his religion, only his Faith. Freemasonry does not offer salvation, it does not, as I have clarified before, require any conversion from one religion to another, it doesn't promote one God over another. It is simply a group of guys that all believe in a Deity meeting to promote Charity and Brotherly Love. Nothing more.
A belief IN god is not a belief ABOUT god. Atheists also have a belief ABOUT god; they believe he doesn't exist.
Just like the Boy Scouts it requires that you believe in a Deity, it does not require anything about HOW you believe in the Deity.
in or about, you're confused again.
This I can understand. It is nice that you care. I have addressed my soul with my own religion, that of Buddhism. Thank you very much.

What deity do you believe in if you're a buddhist?
Actually Buddhists can believe in almost any diety. I believe that the Budda himself started out as an Ascetic Kyshatria Hindu who broke from the extreme Ascetisism in favor of the Middle Way.

And yes it is possible to be a Christian Buddhist.
rtwngAvngr said:
Not at all. It truly seemed you were saying they couldn't be one and the same. Only later when I was reading clay's copy/paste definition of a fraternity did I realize the two are not mutually exclusive. Don't villify me on stuff like this man. Villify me for something big, if you gotta villify.

Fair enough.

A belief IN god is not a belief ABOUT god. Atheists also have a belief ABOUT god; they believe he doesn't exist.
Not true. A belief in God can be a different as day and night. The About part is the religion. Muslims believe about God differently than Christians do. Their religions are not compatible, but their Faith is the same. They both have Faith in God. Atheists have an equal Faith, that in the non-existence of the Deity. There is equal evidence to believe in either side of that coin, therefore an equal amount of Faith is required.

How one goes about being an Atheist would determine if they are following it religiously. (This goes to the Big A little a thread a well-known atheist on this site posted long ago and is not really salient to the conversation.)

in or about, you're confused again.

I have remained unconfused throughout the entirety of the conversation.

What deity do you believe in if you're a buddhist?
I have already answered this question in this very thread. Go back and read if it is that important to you.
no1tovote4 said:
Their religions are not compatible, but their Faith is the same.

See. This logic is too craptacular for me to accept as something valid.
rtwngAvngr said:
See. This logic is too craptacular for me to accept as something valid.
OMG, did I miss No1 trying to convert you? Judging your beliefs? Tell me where, cause I would be shocked that I missed that.
Kathianne said:
OMG, did I miss No1 trying to convert you? Judging your beliefs? Tell me where, cause I would be shocked that I missed that.

Do you have a point, cruella? He's insisting masonic turdstuffing is consistent with christianity and gets uppity when anyone disagrees. So who's being the bully?
rtwngAvngr said:
Do you have a point, cruella? He's insisting masonic turdstuffing is consistent with christianity and gets uppity when anyone disagrees. So who's being the bully?
Don't call names, especially when I stayed totally polite. Did he start this? Has he patiently responded, politely to each of your points? What is your point of carrying this on?
Kathianne said:
Don't call names, especially when I stayed totally polite. Did he start this? Has he patiently responded, politely to each of your points? What is your point of carrying this on?

He has patiently denied what thousands of other websites confirm. Just close the thread, ok, control freak. God forbid something interesting occur.
rtwngAvngr said:
He has patiently denied what thousands of other websites confirm. Just close the thread, ok, control freak. God forbid something interesting occur.

as you wish.
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