Measuring success in Afghanistan withdrawal

Where does this rank?

Ask Darwin.
LOL ok guy. There's no way you can grade this debacle an A+. Are you honestly going to sit here and say this was a well planned and executed operation? I guarantee the US citizens in Afghanistan wouldnt give it an A+ grade regardless of what the outcome ends up being.
Well let’s see. Sausage tastes good…. You don’t wanna see it made. The Afghan evacuation sausage is going to taste good.
Well let’s see. Sausage tastes good…. You don’t wanna see it made. The Afghan evacuation sausage is going to taste good.
Sausage with a bunch of pig shit in it, but sure sausage none the less right?

What your saying is like me punching you in the nose when your sinuses are clogged and me saying "hey the blood cleared out your nose right?" "A+treatment...."

Trump made the deal. Trump released the Taliban fighters.

The Afghan debacle is largely the work of Dubya. Obama also failed. Trump screwed up mightily, of course, as only he can do...
And Biden is screwing it up as well as any of them. Time to bring home our troops from all over the world and butt out of all world conflicts. Let Europe solve the issues they seem to think they are smarter than the people of the United States. I am good with not losing anymore sons and daughters in wars.
Trump made the deal. Trump released the Taliban fighters.

The Afghan debacle is largely the work of Dubya. Obama also failed. Trump screwed up mightily, of course, as only he can do...
More than half the time we were in Afghanistan was when GW WASNT in office. Are we really going to blame him for this failed extraction? I mean why stop there? Clinton could have and should have killed OBL when he was in office but screwed it up by going on national tv and talking about it while the missiles were in the air. (killed our only way to track OBL at the time too) Why not the British? Their drawing of the Durand line is what has caused most of the issues in that region. Frankly you can draw a pretty direct line to most problems in the ME and SE Asia to the British and the way they drew the borders when they left. I suspect intentionally to cause the region to never really come back together. And dont forget the India/Pakistan dispute. Pakistan has been working to counter any stability in Afghanistan because the Indians were/are dumping tons of money into the country and Pakistan couldnt afford to have a stable Indian influenced Afghanistan to it's north. But all that doesnt excuse the abject failure of this admin to manage this withdrawal. It borders on criminal how incompetently they have planned and executed it. At a minimum the Sec Def and CJCS should resign.
Just curious… how many of these Muslim refugees are you willing to accept into your neighborhood?
Just curious… how many of these Muslim refugees are you willing to accept into your neighborhood?

The House should introduce a law to allow massive numbers of refugees from Afghanistan right now and see how Republicans treat it.
Here's what's happened in Afghanistan over the past 24 hours:

  • Order has been restored at Kabul airport.
  • Evacuation flights are operating.
  • The Taliban has announced a "general amnesty" for government officials.
  • The US embassy in Kabul is still operating, coordinating the evacuation of US citizens and "vulnerable Afghans."
  • Kabul remains calm, and the Taliban is not targeting American citizens or diplomatic personnel.
  • President Biden authorized an additional $500 million in aid to Afghan refugees.
  • He also announced that in addition to the Afghan refugees authorized earlier this month, he planned to expand refugee access to Afghans who worked for US NGOs and news agencies.

Here's what's happened in Afghanistan over the past 24 hours:

  • Order has been restored at Kabul airport.
  • Evacuation flights are operating.
  • The Taliban has announced a "general amnesty" for government officials.
  • The US embassy in Kabul is still operating, coordinating the evacuation of US citizens and "vulnerable Afghans."
  • Kabul remains calm, and the Taliban is not targeting American citizens or diplomatic personnel.
  • President Biden authorized an additional $500 million in aid to Afghan refugees.
  • He also announced that in addition to the Afghan refugees authorized earlier this month, he planned to expand refugee access to Afghans who worked for US NGOs and news agencies.

Great. Again, decision to get out good. The planning of the execution of the withdrawal was abysmal. Im glad it hasn’t turned into the killing of thousands of Americans but that doesn’t mean the Admin did a good job of planning the exit. They just got lucky.
A successful withdrawal of Afghanistan will be if every American soldier and civil service worker gets out alive. How else will you measure success?
Lots of ngo lefty workers trapped lol

Holy shit I'm loving it
Many a commie do gooder goober gonna get tossed from roofs,lit on fire ,and beheaded
hahaa at this point there is zero success. This has been a complete f up by xiden and the dems
Success is when a withdrawal happens and there is no chaos. Trump took the US troop level from 50,000 to 2,500 and it went smoothly.
So why didn't Xiden take the last 2,500 out by May 1st along with the embassy staff?
Last month Xiden said the AFG army would defeat the Taliban, so did Milley.
We don't have everyone out of AFG yet, so don't count your chickens...
Thanks for admitting Trump brought down forces to a point that they would not be able to defend themselves if the Taliban attacked...

Biden held on for as long as he could to get as much out as he could but with so little staff left it was hard...

This was always going to be a shit show at the end...
17,000 out so far and no American deaths. Someone please give me some criteria I can measure as “success”.
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Not being in this situation in the first place?

You sound like a person who has walked into a room flinging shit all over the walls then wants kudos because they are wiping the chunks up with a dry paper towel.

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