Me-Oriented Society

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Call it self centered, ignorant or just plain rude but have you noticed that many people just have no consideration for people around them...

Can you imagine being stuck next to this gal on a train...:wtf:

A 39-year old woman, Lakeysha Beard, talked for more than half a day while on an Amtrak train going from Oakland, California, to Salem, Oregon. The loud cellphone conversation lasted sixteen hours last Monday, after which police stopped the train for twenty minutes to arrest the woman.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, Amtrak has no policy forbidding passengers from talking on the phone on a moving train.

In the train's car, a few passengers asked the woman to put the phone away or to stop a few times during the conversation prior to notifying the train staff. Staff members were unable to convince the woman to end the conversation and stopped the train to arrest the woman and halt the disruption.

As British newspaper Metro mentioned, this cellphone conversation doesn't beat the record 51-hour phone call by Sunil Prabhakar of New Delhi in 2009.

Sydney, Australia etiquette expert Alex Travers, remarking on a train incident in March, said part of the problem is a lack of respect for public transportation from younger generations. The U.S. woman in the current incident, Lakeysha Beard, is 39 years old. Travers said, "I'm afraid we are all in a very bad place as far as we feel about our public transport. People think poorly of it, so therefore they are getting on it with a poor attitude." He called youths "me-oriented" and said that they "do what they want to do" without thinking about others on the vehicle.

BizarreNews.Org - Train passenger arrested for a 16-hour loud cellphone conversation
We have a society which advances the philosophy of the ME! ME! ME! society and then wonder why people are selfish and rude?!

WhatEVER the market will bear

Let the buyer beware.

These are the bedrock principles of our economic system.

What do they tell us about what is good behavior and what is bad behavior?

These adages tell us that greed is a good thing and that a person who is hoodwinked or swindled in a business transation deserved his fate.

And we wonder why our fellow citizens are selfish and rude?!
16 hours? That's a seriously decent battery she's got. LMAO.

On UK public transport, they have designated 'quiet carriages', in which people are not allowed to use cell phones - even speaking is frowned upon. LOL... but it is a good idea, I think. Give people an option to avoid the assclowns who think every thought that crosses their brain must also go out of their mouth.
We have a society which advances the philosophy of the ME! ME! ME! society and then wonder why people are selfish and rude?!

WhatEVER the market will bear

Let the buyer beware.

These are the bedrock principles of our economic system.

What do they tell us about what is good behavior and what is bad behavior?

These adages tell us that greed is a good thing and that a person who is hoodwinked or swindled in a business transation deserved his fate.

And we wonder why our fellow citizens are selfish and rude?!

We have a lack of parents, who are teaching their children about common courtesies. And often these same parents, were not taught them, themselves.

The rest just don't care about others; they don't mind offending, at all. They are self-centered and self-absorbed.

"Children learn what they live."
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We have a society which advances the philosophy of the ME! ME! ME! society and then wonder why people are selfish and rude?!

WhatEVER the market will bear

Let the buyer beware.

These are the bedrock principles of our economic system.

What do they tell us about what is good behavior and what is bad behavior?

These adages tell us that greed is a good thing and that a person who is hoodwinked or swindled in a business transation deserved his fate.

And we wonder why our fellow citizens are selfish and rude?!

We have a lack of parents, who are teaching their children about common courtesies. And often these same parents, were not taught them, themselves.

The rest just don't care about others; they don't mind offending, at all. They are self-centered and self-absorbed.

It seems that many parents have forgotten why they had children in the first place..
One thing you gotta understand is that the country formerly known as England does not enjoy the same rights and freedom as the area formerly known as the Colonies. Whatever quirks in their computer hacking laws or government surveillance of citizens it don't mean a thing to the US. I might add a sinister note that the number #1 name for newborn males in the UK isn't George or Charles. It's Mohammed.
We have a society which advances the philosophy of the ME! ME! ME! society and then wonder why people are selfish and rude?!

WhatEVER the market will bear

Let the buyer beware.

These are the bedrock principles of our economic system.

What do they tell us about what is good behavior and what is bad behavior?

These adages tell us that greed is a good thing and that a person who is hoodwinked or swindled in a business transation deserved his fate.

And we wonder why our fellow citizens are selfish and rude?!

We have a lack of parents, who are teaching their children about common courtesies. And often these same parents, were not taught them, themselves.

The rest just don't care about others; they don't mind offending, at all. They are self-centered and self-absorbed.

"Children learn what they live."

These same parents then say 'wtf?' when they or Jr gets called on for being rude.
No I hadn't noticed that people are more rude these days, but then again I live an hour outside NYC so we've always been rude here anyway. what gets me is someone will have a loud conversation then say"what you lookin at" or "mind your own business". I feel sorry for the people on that train who had to listen to her yap on endlessly.
As much as I hate stories that begin "When I was a kid..."

When I was a kid, I was taught to be polite. Open the door for the little old lady. Help the infirmed to cross the street. Respect your elders.

Truthfully, I believed that there would be a huge payoff once I grew older. Kids would respect me. The younger folks would do the lifting and moving and I could retire with my fellow codgers at the coffee table.

But I have been duped! Kids won't stand aside in crowded aisles, they run me over. Kids don't respect me, they are too busy chatting about nothing with their peers on cell phones. I saw a girl take a phone call at a funeral home while standing next to the casket. I've had face to face communication with younger people only to be interrupted by their cell phone and then I could be a salt shaker on the table so far as they were concerned, because the phone call takes precedence over an actual human in front of them.

I am probably the only person you know who does not own a cell phone and never will. While I appreciate the convenience of them, I find that cell phones are further eroding our common courtesy. My sainted Pop would stare incredulously at someone talking on a cell phone in a restaurant while their dinner companion sat impassively before them. "What the hell do they have to talk about?" he'd ask. I don't know, Pop.
As much as I hate stories that begin "When I was a kid..."

When I was a kid, I was taught to be polite. Open the door for the little old lady. Help the infirmed to cross the street. Respect your elders.

Truthfully, I believed that there would be a huge payoff once I grew older. Kids would respect me. The younger folks would do the lifting and moving and I could retire with my fellow codgers at the coffee table.

But I have been duped! Kids won't stand aside in crowded aisles, they run me over. Kids don't respect me, they are too busy chatting about nothing with their peers on cell phones. I saw a girl take a phone call at a funeral home while standing next to the casket. I've had face to face communication with younger people only to be interrupted by their cell phone and then I could be a salt shaker on the table so far as they were concerned, because the phone call takes precedence over an actual human in front of them.

I am probably the only person you know who does not own a cell phone and never will. While I appreciate the convenience of them, I find that cell phones are further eroding our common courtesy. My sainted Pop would stare incredulously at someone talking on a cell phone in a restaurant while their dinner companion sat impassively before them. "What the hell do they have to talk about?" he'd ask. I don't know, Pop.

I was brought up the same way...

Not long ago a group of my sons friends and my wife and I went out for dinner. We had to wait while they set up the tables. All the youngsters broke out the cell phones and started playing games or whatever while we waited, no conversation, it just seemed odd to me..:dunno:
As much as I hate stories that begin "When I was a kid..."

When I was a kid, I was taught to be polite. Open the door for the little old lady. Help the infirmed to cross the street. Respect your elders.

Truthfully, I believed that there would be a huge payoff once I grew older. Kids would respect me. The younger folks would do the lifting and moving and I could retire with my fellow codgers at the coffee table.

But I have been duped! Kids won't stand aside in crowded aisles, they run me over. Kids don't respect me, they are too busy chatting about nothing with their peers on cell phones. I saw a girl take a phone call at a funeral home while standing next to the casket. I've had face to face communication with younger people only to be interrupted by their cell phone and then I could be a salt shaker on the table so far as they were concerned, because the phone call takes precedence over an actual human in front of them.

I am probably the only person you know who does not own a cell phone and never will. While I appreciate the convenience of them, I find that cell phones are further eroding our common courtesy. My sainted Pop would stare incredulously at someone talking on a cell phone in a restaurant while their dinner companion sat impassively before them. "What the hell do they have to talk about?" he'd ask. I don't know, Pop.

I was brought up the same way...

Not long ago a group of my sons friends and my wife and I went out for dinner. We had to wait while they set up the tables. All the youngsters broke out the cell phones and started playing games or whatever while we waited, no conversation, it just seemed odd to me..:dunno:
Christmas 1987. My 12 year old nephew opened his gifts and the the first one unwrapped was a Nintendo Gameboy. He sat mesmerized by it while Christmas was happening all around him! When I saw that I knew there would be a generation of electronic hermits. The streets no longer rang with children's play. The kids are inside. With an electronic device in their hands.

Instead of outside with a fishing rod in their hands.
Call it self centered, ignorant or just plain rude but have you noticed that many people just have no consideration for people around them...

Can you imagine being stuck next to this gal on a train...:wtf:

A 39-year old woman, Lakeysha Beard, talked for more than half a day while on an Amtrak train going from Oakland, California, to Salem, Oregon. The loud cellphone conversation lasted sixteen hours last Monday, after which police stopped the train for twenty minutes to arrest the woman.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, Amtrak has no policy forbidding passengers from talking on the phone on a moving train.

In the train's car, a few passengers asked the woman to put the phone away or to stop a few times during the conversation prior to notifying the train staff. Staff members were unable to convince the woman to end the conversation and stopped the train to arrest the woman and halt the disruption.

As British newspaper Metro mentioned, this cellphone conversation doesn't beat the record 51-hour phone call by Sunil Prabhakar of New Delhi in 2009.

Sydney, Australia etiquette expert Alex Travers, remarking on a train incident in March, said part of the problem is a lack of respect for public transportation from younger generations. The U.S. woman in the current incident, Lakeysha Beard, is 39 years old. Travers said, "I'm afraid we are all in a very bad place as far as we feel about our public transport. People think poorly of it, so therefore they are getting on it with a poor attitude." He called youths "me-oriented" and said that they "do what they want to do" without thinking about others on the vehicle.

BizarreNews.Org - Train passenger arrested for a 16-hour loud cellphone conversation

Me, me, me; I'm in love with me, me me....( sing along )

I light up my life, I give me hope to carry on....I light up my days with song....(( another sing along ))

:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
We have a society which advances the philosophy of the ME! ME! ME! society and then wonder why people are selfish and rude?!

WhatEVER the market will bear

Let the buyer beware.

These are the bedrock principles of our economic system.

What do they tell us about what is good behavior and what is bad behavior?

These adages tell us that greed is a good thing and that a person who is hoodwinked or swindled in a business transation deserved his fate.

And we wonder why our fellow citizens are selfish and rude?!

Without Christianity, all the above is accurate!

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