McDonald's New Meal

Is this an example of your home cooked dinners, PC?

McDonald's Angry Meal.


Unhappy Meal.

Found the same shot searching google images "unhappy meal"

That's some serious shit right there. All of it.
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I realize this is in humor but that doesn't make it any less stupid and inappropriate. Did the left pick on Laura in the same manner? No, they have just a bit more character than the right wing bigots. And quoting Ann Coulter as if what she is saying has any reference to reality is beyond stupid, it is insane. Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense to anyone but the choir of losers who cannot get over the fact America made the right choice in 08 and will again in 12. Sorry Charlie, aka Ann.
I realize this is in humor but that doesn't make it any less stupid and inappropriate. Did the left pick on Laura in the same manner? No, they have just a bit more character than the right wing bigots. And quoting Ann Coulter as if what she is saying has any reference to reality is beyond stupid, it is insane. Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense to anyone but the choir of losers who cannot get over the fact America made the right choice in 08 and will again in 12. Sorry Charlie, aka Ann.

"Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense..."

Far be it from I to call one as ethical, trustworthy and upright as you, Middy...a bag of wind and a poseur....
...'cause I know you wouldn't pretend an intimate knowledge of Queen Ann's writings without actually having studied same.

But just in case there are any 'Doubting Thomas'" out there who aren't familiar with your rectitude, please...

...list which of the seven or so NYTimes best-sellers of Ann's you have read.

Bet you really hated this one, by Queen Ann:
"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Now, you just go right ahead and prove her wrong: you read which ones?
Seriously. It doesn't take much to "demonize" that crew.


"Liberals would not be liberals if the could not express contempt and belittle others."

Seems to me that it's related to their low opinion of themselves....don't you agree?

All you ever do is express contempt and belittle others PC. So what does that say about you?


Where you been???
I missed the human piñata!!

Enough chit chat...
...I don't belittle EVERYBODY....but I still save the best for you.

Remember how excited you got when I said I'd bought you a present: some Tovex...'til you found out it was an explosive??
(got it from the Acme Corporation...Wylie gave me the #)
Those were some good times, weren't they?

OK...down to business: Kindly open your hymnals…
I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings…I was aiming lower.

I don’t dislike you personally, Boring…it’s just that I’m a member of the Partnership For An Idiot Free America, so you’re on my list.

So...good to see you back here...but why don’t you go back to the motel and check your traps. OK.
See ya.'

Was that belittling enough...? Maybe I'm not getting enough vitamins.....?
I realize this is in humor but that doesn't make it any less stupid and inappropriate. Did the left pick on Laura in the same manner? No, they have just a bit more character than the right wing bigots. And quoting Ann Coulter as if what she is saying has any reference to reality is beyond stupid, it is insane. Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense to anyone but the choir of losers who cannot get over the fact America made the right choice in 08 and will again in 12. Sorry Charlie, aka Ann.

"Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense..."

...list which of the seven or so NYTimes best-sellers of Ann's you have read.

Bet you really hated this one, by Queen Ann:
"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Now, you just go right ahead and prove her wrong: you read which ones?

One of my favorite quotes came from an English professor who when asked why he could not finish "The Love Story," replied, 'if one is eating bad meat, is it necessary you eat the whole piece?" Same with Ann, she writes garbage and that is an insult to real garbage. I have read pieces of her and the English prof was right on. Nothing but BS for the choir of the dumb.

Here's a reading list to challenge the winguts, how many have you read? Check Harry's essay book below from which quote comes.

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt

"A book is a mirror: When a monkey looks in, no apostle can look out." anon
I realize this is in humor but that doesn't make it any less stupid and inappropriate. Did the left pick on Laura in the same manner? No, they have just a bit more character than the right wing bigots. And quoting Ann Coulter as if what she is saying has any reference to reality is beyond stupid, it is insane. Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense to anyone but the choir of losers who cannot get over the fact America made the right choice in 08 and will again in 12. Sorry Charlie, aka Ann.

"Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense..."

...list which of the seven or so NYTimes best-sellers of Ann's you have read.

Bet you really hated this one, by Queen Ann:
"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Now, you just go right ahead and prove her wrong: you read which ones?

One of my favorite quotes came from an English professor who when asked why he could not finish "The Love Story," replied, 'if one is eating bad meat, is it necessary you eat the whole piece?" Same with Ann, she writes garbage and that is an insult to real garbage. I have read pieces of her and the English prof was right on. Nothing but BS for the choir of the dumb.

Here's a reading list to challenge the winguts, how many have you read? Check Harry's essay book below from which quote comes.

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt

"A book is a mirror: When a monkey looks in, no apostle can look out." anon

You: "Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense..."

Me: Which of Ann's seven or so best- seller have you read???

And the answer is.....(Drum roll):


So....I smoked you out!
You really are a bag of wind and a poseur!!!

Well, who'd a thunk it???

So...which appellation would you like: pretender? Impostor? Hypocrite? Boaster? Maybe plain ol' fraud.

"Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense..." yet you've read none.....

And to think, the faith I once had in you....
...wait till Jim Wallis hears about'll be off the Sojourner's Honor Roll!!

Well, at least I know how you did those book reports in school.....

Midcan5= the Kim Kardashian of USMB.
I realize this is in humor but that doesn't make it any less stupid and inappropriate. Did the left pick on Laura in the same manner? No, they have just a bit more character than the right wing bigots. And quoting Ann Coulter as if what she is saying has any reference to reality is beyond stupid, it is insane. Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense to anyone but the choir of losers who cannot get over the fact America made the right choice in 08 and will again in 12. Sorry Charlie, aka Ann.

Did Laura Bush waddle up to a microphone and tell us how to eat?
Calling the Kim Kardashian of the USMB.....
....Midcan.....where are you hiding?

Don't you want to apologize?

"...[T]he most important identity we can acknowledge in another person is the identity of being an intelligent reflective human being." Stefan Collini 'That's Offensive'

I would suggest you read Stefan's book. Apologize for calling crap crap? Why? Coulter is no more rational or reflective than any radical of any persuasion. Her calls to violence or her references to violence are the work of a mind that hasn't the ability to reflect that what she writes is what she would condemn in another in the next minute. I have read enough of her to know this is nothing but bad meat, why waste the little time we have on empty BS.

I realize this is in humor but that doesn't make it any less stupid and inappropriate. Did the left pick on Laura in the same manner? No, they have just a bit more character than the right wing bigots. And quoting Ann Coulter as if what she is saying has any reference to reality is beyond stupid, it is insane. Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense to anyone but the choir of losers who cannot get over the fact America made the right choice in 08 and will again in 12. Sorry Charlie, aka Ann.

Did Laura Bush waddle up to a microphone and tell us how to eat?

'Waddle?' What can one think of a person when this is the best they can do?
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Calling the Kim Kardashian of the USMB.....
....Midcan.....where are you hiding?

Don't you want to apologize?

"...[T]he most important identity we can acknowledge in another person is the identity of being an intelligent reflective human being." Stefan Collini 'That's Offensive'

I would suggest you read Stefan's book. Apologize for calling crap crap? Why? Coulter is no more rational or reflective than any radical of any persuasion. Her calls to violence or her references to violence are the work of a mind that hasn't the ability to reflect that what she writes is what she would condemn in another in the next minute. I have read enough of her to know this is nothing but bad meat, why waste the little time we have on empty BS.

I realize this is in humor but that doesn't make it any less stupid and inappropriate. Did the left pick on Laura in the same manner? No, they have just a bit more character than the right wing bigots. And quoting Ann Coulter as if what she is saying has any reference to reality is beyond stupid, it is insane. Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense to anyone but the choir of losers who cannot get over the fact America made the right choice in 08 and will again in 12. Sorry Charlie, aka Ann.

Did Laura Bush waddle up to a microphone and tell us how to eat?

'Waddle?' What can one think of a person when this is the best they can do?

Now, now, Kimmy-Middy....

In the famous words of the Brown Bomber, Joe Louis...


You: "Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense..."

Me: Which of Ann's seven or so best- seller have you read???

And the answer is.....(Drum roll):

NONE. NONE! you want to apologize for intentionally misleading with the words "Nothing Ann wrote or said makes sense..."
....implying a familiarity that doesn't exist.

Now that it's established that you didn't read any of her well-documented scholarly bet-selling sure do look like certain other reality TV frauds....

So....ready to apologize.....Kimmy? could read a few of 'em......
....might put you on the right ('Right'?) path.....
PC repeating, 'no, you are,' is kinda childish, even for you. Years ago at Christmas an Ann Coulter book was given to my nephew from a wingnut in our family. I read a lot of it that day to determine if there were any argument or even sense contained. There was little, even when I could agree with her, her manner of pontificating is tiring. In TV interviews she appears to be a bitter woman? I've often thought the only education is life and she needs to marry, have five kids, then the world will maybe seem less bitter and narrow. Human Events has lots of her bad meat, so there is no need to contribute to stupidity. Trees cry when they wake up in her pages.

So anyway a lesson for you, and while you are a hardcore bigot, another reader may think, reflect that is. As we enter Anne's world you have to already know the references, the code, the slant - critical scrutiny is missing, in its place are cliches and finger pointing.

Author Search Results: Ann Coulter: Conservative Columns, Articles | HUMAN EVENTS

Anne writes:

"One theory for why Barack Obama pushed the contraception mandate right now is that it helps Rick Santorum. Others theorize it's because Obama is an anti-religious bigot with a left-wing agenda. Reasonable minds can disagree on this.

But it may end up helping Mitt Romney by reminding people that the "individual mandate" is the least of the problems with ObamaCare. (The "individual mandate" is simply the legal argument for why ObamaCare is unconstitutional in a country that has accepted Social Security and Medicare as constitutional.)

This isn't a Catholic issue or even a religious issue. Conservatives are falling into the Democrats' trap by denouncing it as such. It's a freedom issue. (Or, as Democrats call it, "the F-word.")

If liberals like it, it's subsidized; if they don't, it's prohibited. And now they can impose their left-wing authoritarianism on the entire country by calling their mandates and prohibitions "insurance."" Communism by insurance mandate - HUMAN EVENTS


First paragraph. Theory? whose theory and where is the proof? 'Others theorize?' do they, who are they? Easy answer no one, the choir listens to her rantings as a cult follower listens to the leader. A reasonable mind would realize so far you have said nothing substantive. I love words like agenda, what does it mean really? Right wing thought always imagines conspiracies aka agendas.

Second paragraph. Huh? So is constitutional an acceptable premise if we accept it? Tautology meet your girl. The individual mandate is not legal argument. It is only a legal issue because some have made it so. If Anne were serious why not go after SS or medicare or car insurance? Is she a communist, you think?

Third paragraph. Again huh? It isn't religious? You could have fooled everyone. Freedom needs context, one never knows what it means. How free am I if I have to return to a time when a woman's reproductive rights were managed by the church? or controlled by the state? If freedom has any meaning at all, it must involve personal choice.

Fourth paragraph. And what have these liberals prohibited? It is the right wing, where Anne sits, that wants to manage women's lives and control what they can and cannot do. So authoritarianism is having to pay your way? The world in which we live already includes lots of 'mandates,' if we live in that world, it is often necessary we do what is necessary in that world. I'm sure Anne pays SS, has car insurance, etc.

After that she continues to tell the choir things that are usually meaningless outside her [your] world: Guns Meat Hunting, how'd we get to these things? Oh yea code and inside group propaganda. If you can read this bad meat, meat in the prof's sense, go for it. But please don't expect apologies for honesty in calling a spade a spade. If liberals disappeared one wonders what she would do? No need to wonder as liberals are a necessary creation rather than a reality. Foes keep the weak, immature mind occupied. Martians ;) would replace liberals as when you have nothing to contribute, you always blame another. It's what she does.

Seriously read Collini's book, you may learn something. PS he would forgive Anne her narrowness.
PC repeating, 'no, you are,' is kinda childish, even for you. Years ago at Christmas an Ann Coulter book was given to my nephew from a wingnut in our family. I read a lot of it that day to determine if there were any argument or even sense contained. There was little, even when I could agree with her, her manner of pontificating is tiring. In TV interviews she appears to be a bitter woman? I've often thought the only education is life and she needs to marry, have five kids, then the world will maybe seem less bitter and narrow. Human Events has lots of her bad meat, so there is no need to contribute to stupidity. Trees cry when they wake up in her pages.

So anyway a lesson for you, and while you are a hardcore bigot, another reader may think, reflect that is. As we enter Anne's world you have to already know the references, the code, the slant - critical scrutiny is missing, in its place are cliches and finger pointing.

Author Search Results: Ann Coulter: Conservative Columns, Articles | HUMAN EVENTS

Anne writes:

"One theory for why Barack Obama pushed the contraception mandate right now is that it helps Rick Santorum. Others theorize it's because Obama is an anti-religious bigot with a left-wing agenda. Reasonable minds can disagree on this.

But it may end up helping Mitt Romney by reminding people that the "individual mandate" is the least of the problems with ObamaCare. (The "individual mandate" is simply the legal argument for why ObamaCare is unconstitutional in a country that has accepted Social Security and Medicare as constitutional.)

This isn't a Catholic issue or even a religious issue. Conservatives are falling into the Democrats' trap by denouncing it as such. It's a freedom issue. (Or, as Democrats call it, "the F-word.")

If liberals like it, it's subsidized; if they don't, it's prohibited. And now they can impose their left-wing authoritarianism on the entire country by calling their mandates and prohibitions "insurance."" Communism by insurance mandate - HUMAN EVENTS


First paragraph. Theory? whose theory and where is the proof? 'Others theorize?' do they, who are they? Easy answer no one, the choir listens to her rantings as a cult follower listens to the leader. A reasonable mind would realize so far you have said nothing substantive. I love words like agenda, what does it mean really? Right wing thought always imagines conspiracies aka agendas.

Second paragraph. Huh? So is constitutional an acceptable premise if we accept it? Tautology meet your girl. The individual mandate is not legal argument. It is only a legal issue because some have made it so. If Anne were serious why not go after SS or medicare or car insurance? Is she a communist, you think?

Third paragraph. Again huh? It isn't religious? You could have fooled everyone. Freedom needs context, one never knows what it means. How free am I if I have to return to a time when a woman's reproductive rights were managed by the church? or controlled by the state? If freedom has any meaning at all, it must involve personal choice.

Fourth paragraph. And what have these liberals prohibited? It is the right wing, where Anne sits, that wants to manage women's lives and control what they can and cannot do. So authoritarianism is having to pay your way? The world in which we live already includes lots of 'mandates,' if we live in that world, it is often necessary we do what is necessary in that world. I'm sure Anne pays SS, has car insurance, etc.

After that she continues to tell the choir things that are usually meaningless outside her [your] world: Guns Meat Hunting, how'd we get to these things? Oh yea code and inside group propaganda. If you can read this bad meat, meat in the prof's sense, go for it. But please don't expect apologies for honesty in calling a spade a spade. If liberals disappeared one wonders what she would do? No need to wonder as liberals are a necessary creation rather than a reality. Foes keep the weak, immature mind occupied. Martians ;) would replace liberals as when you have nothing to contribute, you always blame another. It's what she does.

Seriously read Collini's book, you may learn something. PS he would forgive Anne her narrowness.

OK. I'll withdraw the "Kim Kardashian" thing....that appellation is a fate worse than whatever. is far more ethical to have read a work if one is going to criticize same.

I have read, I believe, all of her best sellers...and they are formidably constructed and fully documented.

If you have to pick one..."Demonic."
Just put a plain brown wrapper on it so you retain your street creds....

We'll fight again.

Is this an example of your home cooked dinners, PC?

McDonald's Angry Meal.

:lol: You would think she could have cracked a smile for that photo. :lol:

It is time to sell McDonalds stock. Michelle Obama will sink McDonald's earnings faster than Janet Jackson sunk Nutrisystem's.

Janet Jackson hits Nutrisystem's earnings.
As we talked about on prior quarterly calls 2011 has fair share of challenges for Nutrisystem, but we reacted quickly to preserve profitability...

The fourth quarter came in slightly below our expectation. This is largely due to additional marketing investment we incurred in December to support the announcement and publicity of Janet Jackson as our new brand ambassador and our new Success program. Lowe customer account coming out of 2011 will negatively impact the first quarter of 2012.
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Is this an example of your home cooked dinners, PC?

McDonald's Angry Meal.

:lol: You would think she could have cracked a smile for that photo. :lol:

It is time to sell McDonalds stock. Michelle Obama will sink McDonald's earnings faster than Janet Jackson sunk Nutrisystem's.

Janet Jackson hits Nutrisystem's earnings.
As we talked about on prior quarterly calls 2011 has fair share of challenges for Nutrisystem, but we reacted quickly to preserve profitability...

The fourth quarter came in slightly below our expectation. This is largely due to additional marketing investment we incurred in December to support the announcement and publicity of Janet Jackson as our new brand ambassador and our new Success program. Lowe customer account coming out of 2011 will negatively impact the first quarter of 2012.

"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my McAngry Meal, and not just because it is well done, but because I think people are hungry for change."

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