McDonalds has 50,000 job openings; To have National Hiring Day?? Why?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
How is this even possible? With SO MANY people who "cant find work" out there, supposedly, and need an extra 99 weeks of unemployment, more welfare, more handouts..........I ask, WHY does McDonalds need to have a National Hiring Day to fill 50,000 openings?

The obvious libtard answer is gonna be this: "These 50,000 jobs were JUST created by McDonalds moron racist right winger!!!!!"

And thats true. McDonalds is just creating these jobs. #1) God Bless capitalism. #2) I read the article. McD's is trying to make almost all their spots 24 hours. So, they need an average 3-4 more employees per store. Thats why they're having this massive 1 day hiring event for 50,000 people.

So whats my point, you ask?

WHY do they need to have this National Hiring Day? IF, thats the BIG IF, if there are so many Ed Shultz-like "99'ers" out there desperate for work, whose ONLY hope is a government handout.......then it is obvious to me that McDonalds SHOULD ALREADY HAVE tens of thousands of applications on file!!!!! All the "99'ers" should already have applied to ANY source of income, such as McDonalds or Dominoes Pizza (Who is also hiring). These restaurants should already have thousands of qualified, hard working applicants who've been begging for work the last 2 years.

Yet, they obviously don't. While the "99'ers" whine to the unions and Ed Shultz about right wingers, evil corporations, and "no work" or no jobs...............................while that is going on, corporations like McDonalds are basically having to advertise "WORK AVAILABLE, PLEASE APPLY!!!!".

Sorry ass lazy people. GTFO the gov't nipple and get your asses to work. HOW MANY welfare queens and "99'ers" won't get off the couch to apply at McDonalds, then come whine on a message board about not having a job and how evil corporations are?
Well said, I'm always amazed by people who sit around jobless for months when they need the money.

I'm lucky enough to have a decent job, but if I got canned and there was hypothetically only jobs like this available I'd take it rather than nothing.

If you are over-qualified, take the job, and continue your job search WHILE you have a job.
Well said, I'm always amazed by people who sit around jobless for months when they need the money.

I'm lucky enough to have a decent job, but if I got canned and there was hypothetically only jobs like this available I'd take it rather than nothing.

If you are over-qualified, take the job, and continue your job search WHILE you have a job.

Do you have a lifestyle that could be supported by McDonalds minimum wages?
Well said, I'm always amazed by people who sit around jobless for months when they need the money.

I'm lucky enough to have a decent job, but if I got canned and there was hypothetically only jobs like this available I'd take it rather than nothing.

If you are over-qualified, take the job, and continue your job search WHILE you have a job.

Do you have a lifestyle that could be supported by McDonalds minimum wages?

No, I do not. Am I entitled to that lifestyle? NO. I am not. If I lose my job, I'll adjust my lifestyle to what I am able to earn, NOT bitch and whine about why someone else should have to pay more to the gov't in order to subsidize my prior lifestyle.

Guess what? Life sucks, it's hard, and at times unfair. If you are not employed, working for McDonalds can ONLY improve your life.

Working > Not working. That equation should be among the laws of the universe.

So, your logic is that if you are UNEMPLOYED but are used to a lifestyle of earning 50K a year, then rather than swallow some ego and earn 20K a year, you'd say keep sitting on your arse and earning 0K per year out of spite and/or pride? WTF?
Well said, I'm always amazed by people who sit around jobless for months when they need the money.

I'm lucky enough to have a decent job, but if I got canned and there was hypothetically only jobs like this available I'd take it rather than nothing.

If you are over-qualified, take the job, and continue your job search WHILE you have a job.

Do you have a lifestyle that could be supported by McDonalds minimum wages?

It was a complete hypothetical.

However if Mcdonald's was my ONLY option than you can rest assured I'd make lifestyle changes.
Well said, I'm always amazed by people who sit around jobless for months when they need the money.

I'm lucky enough to have a decent job, but if I got canned and there was hypothetically only jobs like this available I'd take it rather than nothing.

If you are over-qualified, take the job, and continue your job search WHILE you have a job.

Do you have a lifestyle that could be supported by McDonalds minimum wages?
Apply for all the gubmint aid out there and increase your disposable income by 30k more than what you did making 60k. Yes I'm being ironic. But didn't Nancy Peelousy say that being on unemployment is better for the economy?

Besides, this is the flea shaking the dog. After years of "oh these are worthless jobs that can't support a family of 4 on these wages". And they're right. You can't They're starter, fill in and desperation jobs for the young, elderly and not so bright. But under W, these same jobs were derided as what they are. Under P-BO... sign of economic growth!

Think someone's desperate for good news for P-BO? He's not had much to cheer about.
Well said, I'm always amazed by people who sit around jobless for months when they need the money.

I'm lucky enough to have a decent job, but if I got canned and there was hypothetically only jobs like this available I'd take it rather than nothing.

If you are over-qualified, take the job, and continue your job search WHILE you have a job.

Do you have a lifestyle that could be supported by McDonalds minimum wages?
Apply for all the gubmint aid out there and increase your disposable income by 30k more than what you did making 60k. Yes I'm being ironic. But didn't Nancy Peelousy say that being on unemployment is better for the economy?

Besides, this is the flea shaking the dog. After years of "oh these are worthless jobs that can't support a family of 4 on these wages". And they're right. You can't They're starter, fill in and desperation jobs for the young, elderly and not so bright. But under W, these same jobs were derided as what they are. Under P-BO... sign of economic growth!

Think someone's desperate for good news for P-BO? He's not had much to cheer about.

You couldn't have been more on-point.

Under GWB, the left would've cried "Bush gave tax cuts to the rich, and destoryed middle class jobs, now SEE how they are trying to funnel former middle class workers into lower class fast food jobs!!! Evil greedy rich racist repugs!!!"

Under Obama, the left declares "The economy is recovering!!! One company is hiring 50,000 new workers!! Hope! Change!"

Just what we need: a nation of minimum wagers. That'll get this economy cranking.

Well, if 50,000 people who were sucking money out of gov't handouts become employed, thats 50,000 less people we the taxpayer have to subsidize.

Again....Working > Not working. That should sit along beside the laws of gravity and relativity. But in a liberals mind, that equation is racist, elitist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic and somehow probably cruel to trees and animals also.
Well said, I'm always amazed by people who sit around jobless for months when they need the money.

I'm lucky enough to have a decent job, but if I got canned and there was hypothetically only jobs like this available I'd take it rather than nothing.

If you are over-qualified, take the job, and continue your job search WHILE you have a job.

Do you have a lifestyle that could be supported by McDonalds minimum wages?

You can do fine on McDonald's wages if you can walk, bike or not have to drive far to the location for work everyday. Housing is cheap & if government would stop printing money for the unemployed then utilities would also remain affordable. Unless McDonald's got a health care waiver then they will also provide you with health-care.

Dollar stores are also hiring like crazy & provide health-care to part timers.
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No one who was laid off from a well paying position would choose to take a P/T job at McDeez over getting paid unemployment. Furthermore, a lot of people are overqualified to hold a position at McDeez.

I know that would be pissed if I took out the time to get a degree in a field, only to be asking people "do you want to super size that meal today, sir?"

I'm not saying you're wrong, but its not as cut and dry as what you make it out to be.
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Just what we need: a nation of minimum wagers. That'll get this economy cranking.
You're right. Cut government spending to support them and you can invest the money saved by the middle class, pension funds and other members of the investor class back into the economy for GOOD paying jobs. Oh... and those damn rich people too.

This is step one down the right road.

Bucs90 said:
Under Obama, the left declares "The economy is recovering!!! One company is hiring 50,000 new workers!! Hope! Change!"

You're right. The media hopes no one will notice they changed position to cover P-BO's ass.
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From gov't handout to burger fryer.....the new social mobility?
Now, if only a plethora of decent starting wage jobs with a future could be created so those student loans can be realistically paid off.

Just what we need: a nation of minimum wagers. That'll get this economy cranking.
You're right. Cut government spending to support them and you can invest the money saved by the middle class, pension funds and other members of the investor class back into the economy for GOOD paying jobs. Oh... and those damn rich people too.

This is step one down the right road.

You're right. The media hopes no one will notice they changed position to cover P-BO's ass.

Yeah, one step down the right road to putting American workers ona par with their Chinese and Indian counterparts.

Let me know when IBM or Boeing or Microsoft or the like is planning on hiring 50,000 workers and maybe I'll get excited by the news.

Just what we need: a nation of minimum wagers. That'll get this economy cranking.

Well, if 50,000 people who were sucking money out of gov't handouts become employed, thats 50,000 less people we the taxpayer have to subsidize.

Again....Working > Not working. That should sit along beside the laws of gravity and relativity. But in a liberals mind, that equation is racist, elitist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic and somehow probably cruel to trees and animals also.

If you don't think that 50,000 people on minimum wage won't be soaking the government in one form or another..

Or that we are going to continue to be an "exceptional" super power doing that.

Then there is Florida swampland I'd like to see if your interested in..that I am selling.

Also..would you be interested in selling vitamins? It's the Amway..way..ya know.:lol:
No one who was laid off from a well paying position would choose to take a P/T job at McDeez over getting paid unemployment. Furthermore, a lot of people are overqualified to hold a position at McDeez.

I know that would be pissed if I took out the time to get a degree in a field, only to be asking people "do you want to super size that meal today, sir?"

I'm not saying you're wrong, but its not as cut and dry as what you make it out to be.

And THAT is the problem. We have a population of whiny, entitled freakin' people. We simply can't pay people not to work. Unemployment is not the answer. We'll go bankrupt.

Our society has cheapened the value of a college degree. Thats a whole seperate thread in itself.

So yes, there are hundreds of thousands of people with "college degrees" who are gonna work a job that they feel is "below" them. Tough shit.

I disagree, in that I do think it is very much as cut and dry as I make it. One either wants to be working, or doesn't. Some will refuse to take a job out of pride. They feel "I've got a college degree in X studies, therefore, I am too good to be salting french fries."

Well, that person has no hope. For 3 years after I graduated college, I dabbled in bagging groceries, personal training, bartending, and yes, even a 2 month stint at a car wash. Eventually, I found my dream job.

But ANY person who bitches about not finding work, but does NOT apply for a McDonalds job, simply gets no sympathy from me, at all, ever.

Just what we need: a nation of minimum wagers. That'll get this economy cranking.
You're right. Cut government spending to support them and you can invest the money saved by the middle class, pension funds and other members of the investor class back into the economy for GOOD paying jobs. Oh... and those damn rich people too.

This is step one down the right road.

You're right. The media hopes no one will notice they changed position to cover P-BO's ass.

Yeah, one step down the right road to putting American workers ona par with their Chinese and Indian counterparts.

Let me know when IBM or Boeing or Microsoft or the like is planning on hiring 50,000 workers and maybe I'll get excited by the news.
And government overregulation and the failed American education system has nothing to do with this right? Why is it that a lot of our technical jobs are filled by foreigners? Because they're jobs American's CAN'T do! they're too busy trying to teach, or counsel, or sell, or just collect a gubmint check cause they dropped out.

Nooooo... there's no connection to this issue and these points.

Just what we need: a nation of minimum wagers. That'll get this economy cranking.

Well, if 50,000 people who were sucking money out of gov't handouts become employed, thats 50,000 less people we the taxpayer have to subsidize.

Again....Working > Not working. That should sit along beside the laws of gravity and relativity. But in a liberals mind, that equation is racist, elitist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic and somehow probably cruel to trees and animals also.

If you don't think that 50,000 people on minimum wage won't be soaking the government in one form or another..

Or that we are going to continue to be an "exceptional" super power doing that.

Then there is Florida swampland I'd like to see if your interested in..that I am selling.

Also..would you be interested in selling vitamins? It's the Amway..way..ya know.:lol:

So you think we'd be better off if those 50,000 unemployed people simply stayed at home and kept demanding more from the gov't......rather than go to work at McD's????

This thread is shockingly revealing of the left wing brain and how it works.

Liberals obviously feel certain work is "not good enough" for them or anyone. But sitting at home on welfare? Thats just find and dandy. :cuckoo:

(BTW, if we raise taxes on the rich and on corporations, thats less money they can pay employees. So...........what if we give McDonalds a 20% cut in their taxes and ask that they make those 50,000 jobs pay $1.50 per hour above minimum wage? OH NO, that would be evil, no tax cuts, right?)

Just what we need: a nation of minimum wagers. That'll get this economy cranking.

Well, if 50,000 people who were sucking money out of gov't handouts become employed, thats 50,000 less people we the taxpayer have to subsidize.

Again....Working > Not working. That should sit along beside the laws of gravity and relativity. But in a liberals mind, that equation is racist, elitist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic and somehow probably cruel to trees and animals also.

If you don't think that 50,000 people on minimum wage won't be soaking the government in one form or another..

Or that we are going to continue to be an "exceptional" super power doing that.

Then there is Florida swampland I'd like to see if your interested in..that I am selling.

Also..would you be interested in selling vitamins? It's the Amway..way..ya know.:lol:
BTW, McDonalds doesn't pay minimum wage. They pay over minimum wage in most cases because almost nobody will work for minimum. It's not much over, but it's still over.
You're right. Cut government spending to support them and you can invest the money saved by the middle class, pension funds and other members of the investor class back into the economy for GOOD paying jobs. Oh... and those damn rich people too.

This is step one down the right road.

You're right. The media hopes no one will notice they changed position to cover P-BO's ass.

Yeah, one step down the right road to putting American workers ona par with their Chinese and Indian counterparts.

Let me know when IBM or Boeing or Microsoft or the like is planning on hiring 50,000 workers and maybe I'll get excited by the news.
And government overregulation and the failed American education system has nothing to do with this right? Why is it that a lot of our technical jobs are filled by foreigners? Because they're jobs American's CAN'T do! they're too busy trying to teach, or counsel, or sell, or just collect a gubmint check cause they dropped out.

Nooooo... there's no connection to this issue and these points.

Their logic: IF you are unemployed, sit on the couch until Boeing calls with a 70K a year job. Refuse all other work.

Then, in the interview with Boeing, the hiring agent asks "What about this 3 year gap in employment? Could you not find a job anywhere?"

Applicant: "Well, only at McDonalds, Dominoes, and other jobs that are below me. I decided to sit at home instead."

Employer: "Hmmm. OK." (While thinking- Ok, this guy is arrogant, entitled and lazy. Won't work for Boeing.)

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