McConnell Waves Red Flag on Senate Immigration Bill


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
He says the Senate won’t consider anything the president doesn’t go along with. That’s in response to rebellious members of the House who’re forcing votes on a series of bills, some of which don’t meet what the president wants.

McConnell emphasized during his interview with Ingraham the Senate is "going to be here, confirming the president's nominees" while staying put in the nation's capital. The Senate majority leader berated his Democratic colleagues for deliberately "slow-walking" Trump's nominees and forcing cloture votes to end the debate swiftly.

"We've had to file cloture … to speed the [nomination] process up 101 times during President Trump's administration, to try to speed up the confirmation of his appointments," he said. "That's happened only 24 times in the first two years over the last six presidents."

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