McConnell: The President Stepped Up with Bold Plan to Re-Open Government, Fund Border Security

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I commend @POTUS for his leadership in proposing this bold solution to reopen the government, secure the border, and take bipartisan steps toward addressing current immigration issues.
My full statement: McConnell: The President Stepped Up with Bold Plan to Re-Open Government, Fund Border Security | Republican Leader— Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) January 19, 2019

Everyone has made their point—now it’s time to make a law. I intend to move to this legislation this week. With bipartisan cooperation, the Senate can send a bill to the House quickly so that they can take action as well. The situation for furloughed employees isn’t getting any brighter and the crisis at the border isn’t improved by show votes. But the President’s plan is a path toward addressing both issues quickly.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following statement regarding the President’s plan to re-open the closed portions of the federal government, fund border security and address additional immigration measures:

“I commend the President for his leadership in proposing this bold solution to reopen the government, secure the border, and take bipartisan steps toward addressing current immigration issues.

“Compromise in divided government means that everyone can’t get everything they want every time. The President’s proposal reflects that. It strikes a fair compromise by incorporating priorities from both sides of the aisle.

“This bill takes a bipartisan approach to re-opening the closed portions of the federal government. It pairs the border security investment that our nation needs with additional immigration measures that both Democrat and Republican members of Congress believe are necessary. Unlike the bills that have come from the House over the past few weeks, this proposal could actually resolve this impasse. It has the full support of the President and could be signed into law to quickly reopen the government.

“Everyone has made their point—now it’s time to make a law. I intend to move to this legislation this week. With bipartisan cooperation, the Senate can send a bill to the House quickly so that they can take action as well. The situation for furloughed employees isn’t getting any brighter and the crisis at the border isn’t improved by show votes. But the President’s plan is a path toward addressing both issues quickly.”
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Trump didn't offer to negotiate. He said Mitch McConnell was brining a Bill to the floor of the Senate, this week. This is Emperor Trump dictating the terms of his surrender.
Under the circumstances it is a sensible plan considering that 800,000 fellow Americans aren't getting paid and 700,000 DACA recipients get enhanced protection from deportation for 3 years.
It's a heckuva good START!!!
If McConnell passes this new deal in the Senate, that would be an official Budget to resolve in committee via reconciliation. The dems have their House version, and McConnell would have the new Senate version. Lets hope it starts the process before diabetic Federal workers start keeling over because they can't buy their insulin.
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Trump didn't offer to negotiate. He said Mitch McConnell was brining a Bill to the floor of the Senate, this week. This is Emperor Trump dictating the terms of his surrender.

Wrong. Read up on how the process works.
Policy Basics: Introduction to the Federal Budget Process
Interesting to see who votes for or against this. I would imagine several amendments will be proposed, which is all well and good. And then put it to a vote and let's get on with it.
Amateurish proposal by Trump. Need to pass the budget and then deal separately on legislation to fully fund the wall while also providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers . That is, if he really wants a wall.
Our awesome Pres.Trump has presented the Democrats a fair and equitable immigration plan.

The ball is now in their court. ... :cool:

Our asshole president has had government shutdown for a month too. How awesome is that?
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Trump didn't offer to negotiate. He said Mitch McConnell was brining a Bill to the floor of the Senate, this week. This is Emperor Trump dictating the terms of his surrender.

Do you not understand how our system of government works? One side of the Congress starts the bill and if approved it goes to the other side and they debate it and if not approved send back a counter bill.

We now have a starting point, which is more than we had.
Amateurish proposal by Trump. Need to pass the budget and then deal separately on legislation to fully fund the wall while providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers . That is, if he really wants a wall.

Come, we all know I am no fan of Trump, but why would he do that?

You sheep on both sides hate the fact our entire system depends on you all it is an evil word
Our awesome Pres.Trump has presented the Democrats a fair and equitable immigration plan.

The ball is now in their court. ... :cool:

Our asshole president has had government shutdown for a month too. How awesome is that?

and now he has given the starting point for negotiating a it is on the Dems
Our awesome Pres.Trump has presented the Democrats a fair and equitable immigration plan.

The ball is now in their court. ... :cool:

Our asshole president has had government shutdown for a month too. How awesome is that?

Heartless Nancy is about to start killing Federal workers who are diabetics because they have no money to buy insulin. Who is the asshole? She may own Calyfornia, but she doesn't own the Federal government. Maybe she'll get more TIA episodes and the discussion will be academic?
"the Senate can send a bill to the House quickly"

Is it my misunderstanding (wouldn't be the first time) that bills regarding revenue and spending must start in the House?
Our awesome Pres.Trump has presented the Democrats a fair and equitable immigration plan.

The ball is now in their court. ... :cool:

Our asshole president has had government shutdown for a month too. How awesome is that?

and now he has given the starting point for negotiating a it is on the Dems

If the Dems do not want to establish a realistic starting point, it is the beginning of an ugly end.

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