McCain’s Staff Flunkie Urged IRS to Ruin Tea Party Groups


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
There are no links to the actual documents so I don’t know just how true this is. If it is true, it shows what a treasonous bastard McCain is.

John McCain’s Staff Director Urged Lois Lerner and IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting of Tea Party Groups

Conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch obtained IRS documents Thursday revealing backstabber Senator John McCain’s former staff director urged the IRS, including the corrupt Lois Lerner to engage in “financially ruinous” targeting of conservative Tea Party groups.

And they did.

Of course, McCain will deny any of this.

From JUDICIAL WATCH: John McCain's Staff Director Urged Lois Lerner and IRS to Engage in "Financially Ruinous" Targeting of Tea Party Groups

Stunning Confirmation: Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Showing McCain Staff Urging IRS To Target Tea Party Groups…@ Stunning Confirmation: Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Showing McCain Staff Urging IRS To Target Tea Party Groups…

A far more detailed article w/names & dates and links,

And it gets worse:

Now It All Starts Making Sense – Deep State “Fixer”: Henry John Kerner, The Cover-Up Expert…. @ Now It All Starts Making Sense – Deep State “Fixer”: Henry John Kerner, The Cover-Up Expert….

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