McCain's Flag Thread and Poll

How long should the WH Flag remain at half mast to honor democrat double agent Juan McCain?

  • 24 hours

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 48 hours

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • 72 hours

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Until Trump is Impeached

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Ask Uncle Vlad

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • I'm apoplectic that the flag was only lowered for 48 hours! IMPEACH!!!!

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.
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You're missing the real irony here.... regressive's don't want flags flying in public at all...but now are upset that it wasn't flying half staff long enough.
You can't make this stuff up.
What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

At what point were any of these sniveling regressive bed wetters SANE?

I mean you can't use the word "again" in that question.

I know exactly what happens too: they see that I started a thread, they read it and go, "ohhhh Fuck you!" and, straining at the bit to respond, they suddenly recall that Stats has them on lockdown from responding to any of my threads.
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.
I believe the correct time for lowering the National flag for a Senator is 48 hours, day of death and the following day. But this is not about correct protocol, is it? It is about the right's rage over McCain not being a Trump flunkie, and the left's rage over the lack of respect McCain gets for not being a Trump flunkie. The flag protocol is incidental to the real issue.
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.
It shouldn't have flown at half staff at all.
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.
It shouldn't have flown at half staff at all.

He was a US Senator and he did serve in Vietnam. His politics sucked and Soros managed to get him the nomination. Best thing he did was to elevate Sarah Palin.
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.
I believe the correct time for lowering the National flag for a Senator is 48 hours, day of death and the following day. But this is not about correct protocol, is it? It is about the right's rage over McCain not being a Trump flunkie, and the left's rage over the lack of respect McCain gets for not being a Trump flunkie. The flag protocol is incidental to the real issue.

It's about the Left hyperventilating that Trump obstructed Hillary from the White House where she would have completed the fundamental transformation of the USA into Venezuela
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.
I believe the correct time for lowering the National flag for a Senator is 48 hours, day of death and the following day. But this is not about correct protocol, is it? It is about the right's rage over McCain not being a Trump flunkie, and the left's rage over the lack of respect McCain gets for not being a Trump flunkie. The flag protocol is incidental to the real issue.

It's about the Left hyperventilating that Trump obstructed Hillary from the White House where she would have completed the fundamental transformation of the USA into Venezuela

I don't know what she would have done.

I've always believed that the FBI investigations were used as a threat
against her, when she made statements that some of Zero's policies
had to go. Zero wasn't going to allow her to change his policies, and
he wanted her to see he still had in's with the FBI/DOJ.

Hillary and Hubby are both big-time capitalists. They are also big-time
elites, that wield a lot of power. I don't know how much things would
be different if she had won and changed his policies. We could be
seeing the same investigations if she had won the Presidency.

I would disagree with her, because she would have handed out more
crumbs to the minorities, but she would have still wanted to be a good
President. AND she could have been better than Obama.

Her problem was...Obama had the goods on her and she knew it. BUT,
she had shit on Zero also, It would have been interesting theater.

Zero is the culprit...always has been. Hillary always knew she had power
to fight him, but had to cater to him, to rid herself of the FBI.

Now she's a klutz and a bitch but she would have been twice the President
of the People that Obama ever was.
I didn’t think they would lower the flag at all. He was just a US Senator; a distinguished one at that but it’s hardly something that requires national mourning.

This is the first I heard of any issue with the flag. Clearly the right wing fools are in a strange place…first a few days ago there was the “threat” from Trump that he’ll release dirt about congress and that was supposed to scare us on the left for some reason….it didn’t.

Now this issue with the flag and McCain’s passing? You guys need to get something else to be worked up into a frenzy about; you sound like lunatics.
McCain along with Clinton and Holder are Communists and approved the sale of Uranium in the Uranium one deal despite their knowing about the Rosatom Bribery scandal, and despite having Mueller and Comey keep it hush hush so they could accept bribes and approve the sale.

I have Zero Respect for a man that betrays his country like McCain has done over and over and over again.
I didn’t think they would lower the flag at all. He was just a US Senator; a distinguished one at that but it’s hardly something that requires national mourning.

This is the first I heard of any issue with the flag. Clearly the right wing fools are in a strange place…first a few days ago there was the “threat” from Trump that he’ll release dirt about congress and that was supposed to scare us on the left for some reason….it didn’t.

Now this issue with the flag and McCain’s passing? You guys need to get something else to be worked up into a frenzy about; you sound like lunatics.
go read your buddy jims thread about the flag.....and call him a worked up lunatic.....
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.
I believe the correct time for lowering the National flag for a Senator is 48 hours, day of death and the following day. But this is not about correct protocol, is it? It is about the right's rage over McCain not being a Trump flunkie, and the left's rage over the lack of respect McCain gets for not being a Trump flunkie. The flag protocol is incidental to the real issue.

It's about the Left hyperventilating that Trump obstructed Hillary from the White House where she would have completed the fundamental transformation of the USA into Venezuela
Do you even chew before you swallow that garbage?
McCain along with Clinton and Holder are Communists and approved the sale of Uranium in the Uranium one deal despite their knowing about the Rosatom Bribery scandal, and despite having Mueller and Comey keep it hush hush so they could accept bribes and approve the sale.

I have Zero Respect for a man that betrays his country like McCain has done over and over and over again.
Do they pay you in Rubles?
McCain along with Clinton and Holder are Communists and approved the sale of Uranium in the Uranium one deal despite their knowing about the Rosatom Bribery scandal, and despite having Mueller and Comey keep it hush hush so they could accept bribes and approve the sale.

I have Zero Respect for a man that betrays his country like McCain has done over and over and over again.
Do they pay you in Rubles?
They paid Clinton, Obama, Holder and McCain in Rubles.

Clinton and Obama paid Putin $15 Million Dollars to come up with the Fake Dossier to help get Hillary "Muh Legacy" Clinton in to The White House.

Hell, she spent $1.5 Billion herself trying to buy her way in.

The amount of political favors she would have had to dole out to pay all those son of a bitches back would have sent America in to a depression.
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.

I didn't vote, zero hours wasn't an option. McCain was an old guy who died of natural causes, that happens thousands of times a day, every day in the US.

First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.
Frank, now it's about the flag, but when football players kneel during the honoring of the flag they don't give a shit about the flag. either it is a symbol or not, they can't have it both ways. call em hypocrites that they are.

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