McCain pollster predicts massive turnout

McCain pollster predicts massive turnout - Mike Allen -

Bill McInturff thinks that voting is going to be historic with 130 million people, thinks that there is going to be a massive African American vote and a massive youth vote and thinks that with that, there will be a massive uneducated, white american vote who will go towards McCain.

So basically, McCain's strategy is relying on dumb people who barely pay attention to the news and have little to no education.

With that in mind, I would like to now propose a landslide victory in the popular vote for Obama. Who are these uneducated people going to vote for? Who's getting more press coverage? Who is the man responsible for this massive turnout? Obama. McInturff's body language on MSNBC was very uncomfortable... his tone of voice was very high, he kept squirming in his chair, the movement of his hands was him trying to explain something that he knew didn't make much sense. I call BS on this and I will state here and now John McCain's pollster is LYING.

He's also saying the Pew research poll and Quinnipeac have a liberal bias to them because they have Obama in double digits over McCain.

Education has no bearing on intelligence, dipshit.

Ok, so officially he said "downscale, less well-educated voters."

That's who he thinks is going to decide this election. The idiots. The rednecks. The budweiser drinkers.

What a sad day for America and the world if that happens. No wonder Bush never did anything for education. Republicans admit stupid people vote for them and smart people don't.

What the fuck is wrong with budweiser drinkers? So are you of the opinion that only those with the means and oppurtunity to recieve a higher education should be allowed to vote? If so, then FUCK YOU and your elitist attitude. My father got his GED while serving in Vietnam with the 1st CAV. He came home and worked his ass off and retired from the Army as a Captain. With his GED he then went on to serve his community a Police Officer for over thirty years retiring from that career as the chief of the department in which he began his career. He now teaches small arms markmanship at the Illinois State Police Academy. He has done all of this with his GED. He has little to no formal education, yet I am fairly certain that he has more intellect than most in this country. He did not have the means and oppurtunity to even graduate High School, but you contend that he shouldn't have a say in who runs this country. To that I say fuck you.

P.S. He also drinks Budweiser you elitist asshole.
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Ok, so officially he said "downscale, less well-educated voters."

That's who he thinks is going to decide this election. The idiots. The rednecks. The budweiser drinkers.

What a sad day for America and the world if that happens. No wonder Bush never did anything for education. Republicans admit stupid people vote for them and smart people don't.

Ok, so officially you're still a liar.

this Bud's for you, asshole.
What the fuck is wrong with budweiser drinkers? So are you of the opinion that only those with the means and oppurtunity to recieve a higher education should be allowed to vote? If so, then FUCK YOU and your elitist attitude. My father got his GED while serving in Vietnam with the 1st CAV. He came home and worked his ass off and retired from the Army as a Captain. With his GED he then went on to serve his community a Police Officer for over thirty years retiring from that career as the chief of the department in which he began his career. He now teaches small arms markmanship at the Illinois State Police Academy. He has done all of this with his GED. He has little to no formal education, yet I am fairly certain that he has more intellect than most in this country. He did not have the means and oppurtunity to even graduate High School, but you contend that he shouldn't have a say in who runs this country. To that I say fuck you.

P.S. He also drinks Budweiser you elitist asshole.

Your father obviously earns more than $30,000 a year and isn't "downscale." Your father isn't the guy McCain's pollster was talking about.

He was talking about the NASCAR watchers that don't even have any military service, who don't have a college education, who he basically referred to, without saying it, as the idiots and racists of america. That's who McCain is depending on. Redneck trailer park trash. The people that would make Tanya Harding look like Princess Di.
Your father obviously earns more than $30,000 a year and isn't "downscale." Your father isn't the guy McCain's pollster was talking about.

He was talking about the NASCAR watchers that don't even have any military service, who don't have a college education, who he basically referred to, without saying it, as the idiots and racists of america. That's who McCain is depending on. Redneck trailer park trash. The people that would make Tanya Harding look like Princess Di.

Your father obviously earns more than $30,000 a year and isn't "downscale." Your father isn't the guy McCain's pollster was talking about.

He was talking about the NASCAR watchers that don't even have any military service, who don't have a college education, who he basically referred to, without saying it, as the idiots and racists of america. That's who McCain is depending on. Redneck trailer park trash. The people that would make Tanya Harding look like Princess Di.

Deflect all you want, but your attitude is still elitist. Typical New York.
I wonder how many pipefitters, teamsters, steelworkers, coalminers, police officers, firemen, and brotherhood of electrical workers would be enamored of DavidS' opinion of them.

Smooth move. I won't be surprised if even Sealyboo lambasts you over this one.
So recognizing that a group of people are not college educated is an elitist's observation?

What a strange idea some of us have regarding what the words elite and elitist mean.

Among other things some of you seem to image that calling someone of the "elite" is an insult.

Being an elitist might be a bad thing.

It really depends on the context of the subject at hand.

If one believes, for example that the best baseball players should be the ones playing in professional baseball teams, one is an elitist regards the subject of baseball players.

Does that make that elitist abad person?

Of course not.

I'm a strong proponent of elitISM when it comes to many states of affairs, and so are MOST of you, I suspect.

Who here wants our doctors NOT to be highly skilled and professional?

Does your advocation of having the best and brightest possible MD's make you an elitist?

Yes, it does/.

And does thinking that way make you a bad person?

Of course not.
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I wonder how many pipefitters, teamsters, steelworkers, coalminers, police officers, firemen, and brotherhood of electrical workers would be enamored of DavidS' opinion of them.

Smooth move. I won't be surprised if even Sealyboo lambasts you over this one.

What the hell, dude?? Uneducated, trailer park, redneck, budweiser swilling, nascar race washing, racist idiots are the ones I was denouncing. I wasn't in any way, shape or form denouncing blue collar workers at all. I spent 12 years doing labor, so believe me, I know what it's like. I would never denounce the backbone of American infrastructure. You have my take completely wrong.

My uncle was a master-plumber for a university in manhattan... made over $120,000 a year. Took a long time for him to get his liscenses and he worked his ass off for it.

McCain's pollster isn't talking about those guys.
Fuck you too. Don't invoke the memory of 9/11 to deflect this assholes elitist mentality. I knew people in that building too. Doesn't change his typical New York elistism.

look sister, when you said "typical new york" you insinuated that where you live determines elitism. If he is an elitist then fine, but elitist live in all 50 states. so just like you did, I responded with a wide brush. now pull your skirt up and grow up.
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So recognizing that a group of people are not college educated is an elitist's observation?

What a strange idea some of us have regarding what the words elite and elitist mean.

Among other things some of you seem to image that calling someone of the "elite" is an insult.

Being an elitist might be a bad thing.

It really depends on the context of the subject at hand.

If one believes, for example that the best baseball players should be the ones playing in professional baseball teams, one is an elitist regards the subject of baseball players.

Does that make that elitist abad person?

Of course not.

I'm a strong proponent of elitISM when it comes to many states of affairs, and so are MOST of you, I suspect.

Who here wants our doctors NOT to be highly skilled and professional?

Does your advocation of having the best and brightest possible MD's make you an elitist?

Yes, it does/.

And does thinking that way make you a bad person?

Of course not.

I do not have a college education.

Do my posts sound uneducated?

Are my vocabulary skills lacking?

Would you pick this "under educated" redneck for your team?

Would you have had any indication that I was sheepskin free, had I not informed you?

Don't tell anyone but I also watch Nascar and drink RC Cola. Shhh :)
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So recognizing that a group of people are not college educated is an elitist's observation?

What a strange idea some of us have regarding what the words elite and elitist mean.

Among other things some of you seem to image that calling someone of the "elite" is an insult.

Being an elitist might be a bad thing.

It really depends on the context of the subject at hand.

If one believes, for example that the best baseball players should be the ones playing in professional baseball teams, one is an elitist regards the subject of baseball players.

Does that make that elitist abad person?

Of course not.

I'm a strong proponent of elitISM when it comes to many states of affairs, and so are MOST of you, I suspect.

Who here wants our doctors NOT to be highly skilled and professional?

Does your advocation of having the best and brightest possible MD's make you an elitist?

Yes, it does/.

And does thinking that way make you a bad person?

Of course not.

David just tries to disguise his racism and ends up sounding like an eltitist.
He just hates "white trash".
David just tries to disguise his racism and ends up sounding like an eltitist.
He just hates "white trash".

Holy crap! What's that you're saying? I don't like a certain group of people? You mean I'm prejudiced? Well, golly. Hold on, let me check.. yep, I'm human.

I lived in Tampa for a long time... nice area of Tampa... middle-middle class. I had a lot of friends from school that lived in Plant City and if you've ever lived in Tampa, you know what Plant City is like (or at least used to be, I haven't been there for over 10 years). Redneck, confederate, anti-semite, anti-black, trailer park trash, love their guns, love their country music, like their gigantic belt buckles, love their nascar, love their KKK. Hated me. I hated them. I still hate them. They have no education, a very limited world view, everything's black and white to them, everything's always about sitting back and relaxing and enjoying the sun and there's no need to rush anything...

It was the most excrutiating experience in my life having to surround myself with them. Now there are well educted Americans who like McCain and that's fine... I've got no beef with them. I'll even go so far to say that these people don't watch foxnews or listen to hannity or limbaugh. Hannity and Limbaugh are just too well educated and too smart for them. But to have an opinion on what's wrong and what's right with this world, with this country, to have that opinion without really knowing what's going in the world and then to say that this McCain pollster thinks these people hold the key to deciding the election, when every ounce of my body feels like BHO is going to be the best president we've had in decades, when the world will be better off because of him, where we can finally end these wars and be at peace with our neighbors, when the situation in the middle east and the situation on wall street and on main street can finally be solved... with so much riding on this election, to have these dimwits being able to decide for me who's going to be president is disgusting. It disgusts me that McCain has lied and completely distorted Obama's message just to win the election instead of being honest. That's not what conservativism stands for, that's not ethical, that's not moral, that's disgusting and these idiots will catch wind of it one way or the other and they'll have their minds made up "right quick" and they'll be fixin to go on down to the library and to the church and to cast their vote for mccain who is just another bush clone. but these idiots actually LIKE Bush. They're the people that reside in the Panhandle of Florida and in the inner counties of central florida below orlando and above fort myers. These God-fearing, Jesus loving, tobacco spitting idiots are exactly what got Bush elected in 2000, not that Gore was a much better candidate, but still.

Is this arrogance and smugness and perhaps a superiority complex? Absolutely. I worked hard to be where I am. A lot of other people have worked hard to be where they are. My uncle worked hard to be where he is and his 401k has been nearly wiped out thanks to the policies of the Bush administration. And these guys want to re-elect him.

It angers me to no end. I'm not at all saying they shouldn't have a right to vote - they absolutely should. What I'm saying is that I hate their mentality of black and white and extremist absolutism. Their view of America is completely different than mine... and their view has been in office for the past 8 years and has made the world a more dangerous place and has severely hurt our economy.

This is why I don't like them. And if that angers some of you, I'm sorry. But to think that the dumbest people of America could decide the future fate of this world, of my life, of my family's life... it just doesn't seem fair.
What the hell, dude?? Uneducated, trailer park, redneck, budweiser swilling, nascar race washing, racist idiots are the ones I was denouncing. I wasn't in any way, shape or form denouncing blue collar workers at all.

Except for the racist caveat, you have described me to a tee. I lived in a trailer for ten years after I ETS'd from the Service. I bought it for eight grand with the 84 days of leave time I cashed in. I was able to save thousands of dollars that I could redirect into building my business.

I occasionally watch Nascar but I am a baseball fan.

I drink Pabst Blue Ribbon, an order of magnitude lower on the elitist ladder of social drinks.

And no college education.

Yet, as far as I know. I am not an idiot. Perhaps no one has had the heart to tell me.

I spent 12 years doing labor, so believe me, I know what it's like. I would never denounce the backbone of American infrastructure. You have my take completely wrong.

My uncle was a master-plumber for a university in manhattan... made over $120,000 a year. Took a long time for him to get his liscenses and he worked his ass off for it.

McCain's pollster isn't talking about those guys.

But you are. No one starts off a master plumber. I am most familiar with the IBEW as I was a member and of course the Teamsters, many of whom fit your criteria.
P.S. - I live right outside Ft Wood and 40 percent of the enlisted corp who live off post live in trailers. They certainly aren't trash.
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The first order of business for President McCain is to cut my taxes, preferably to zero. And then start taxing the welfare bums getting free handouts from the IRS.

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