McCain Had Proof of Democrat Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. “John McCain's 2008 campaign staff allegedly had evidence that Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in Pennsylvania and Ohio on election night, but McCain chose not to pursue voter fraud, according to internal Stratfor emails published by WikiLeaks.

2. In an email sent on November 7, 2008, and titled " Insight - The Dems & Dirty Tricks ** Internal Use Only - Pls Do Not Forward **," Stratfor vice president of intelligence Fred Burton wrote: 1) The black Dems were caught stuffing the ballot boxes in Philly and Ohio as reported the night of the election and Sen. McCain chose not to fight. The matter is not dead inside the party. It now becomes a matter of sequence now as to how and when to "out".

3. In an email sent two days earlier and titled "Insight - McCain #5 ** internal use only - Pls do not forward **," Burton wrote: After discussions with his inner circle, which explains the delay in his speech, McCain decided not to pursue the voter fraud in PA and Ohio, despite his staff's desire to make it an issue. He said no. Staff felt they could get a federal injunction to stop the process. McCain felt the crowds assembled in support of Obama and such would be detrimental to our country and it would do our nation no good for this to drag out like last go around, coupled with the possibility of domestic violence.

4. The Nov. 7 email also contains allegations that Democrats made a "six-figure donation" to Rev. Jesse Jackson to silence him on the topic of Israel after an October 2008 interview in which he said Obama’s presidency would remove the clout of “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades.” Burton, who appears to be friendly with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wrote: 2) It appears the Dems "made a donation" to Rev. Jesse (no, they would never do that!) to keep his yap shut after his diatribe about the Jews and Israel. A little bird told me it was a "nice six-figure donation". This also becomes a matter of how and when to out.

5. The email also refers to an accusation that Obama's campaign took money from Russia, recalling memories of Bill Clinton's 1996 presidential campaign when the Justice Department uncovered evidence that China sought to make direct contributions to the Democratic National Committee.

Burton wrote: 3) The hunt is on for the sleezy Russian money into O-mans coffers. A smoking gun has already been found. Will get more on this when the time is right. My source was too giddy to continue. Can you say Clinton and ChiCom funny money? This also becomes a matter of how and when to out.”

Democrats Manipulated The 2008 Election Results - Business Insider

Democrats committed voter fraud???

Democrats paid off Jesse Jackson to keep Obama Antisemitism quiet???

Democrats accepted illegal Russian contributions????

McCain is a wussie???

Say it isn't so!
There is undeniable court evidence that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades and you just ignoire all that court documented evidence yet spew secret emails like they are gold.

Just fuck you
There is undeniable court evidence that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades and you just ignoire all that court documented evidence yet spew secret emails like they are gold.

Just fuck you

nice one, explain why liberals are against IDs, I really dont understand how that is racist.
why explain it yet again?

you just pretend that documented evidence isnt true either.
1. “John McCain's 2008 campaign staff allegedly had evidence that Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in Pennsylvania and Ohio on election night, but McCain chose not to pursue voter fraud, according to internal Stratfor emails published by WikiLeaks.

2. In an email sent on November 7, 2008, and titled " Insight - The Dems & Dirty Tricks ** Internal Use Only - Pls Do Not Forward **," Stratfor vice president of intelligence Fred Burton wrote: 1) The black Dems were caught stuffing the ballot boxes in Philly and Ohio as reported the night of the election and Sen. McCain chose not to fight. The matter is not dead inside the party. It now becomes a matter of sequence now as to how and when to "out".

3. In an email sent two days earlier and titled "Insight - McCain #5 ** internal use only - Pls do not forward **," Burton wrote: After discussions with his inner circle, which explains the delay in his speech, McCain decided not to pursue the voter fraud in PA and Ohio, despite his staff's desire to make it an issue. He said no. Staff felt they could get a federal injunction to stop the process. McCain felt the crowds assembled in support of Obama and such would be detrimental to our country and it would do our nation no good for this to drag out like last go around, coupled with the possibility of domestic violence.

4. The Nov. 7 email also contains allegations that Democrats made a "six-figure donation" to Rev. Jesse Jackson to silence him on the topic of Israel after an October 2008 interview in which he said Obama’s presidency would remove the clout of “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades.” Burton, who appears to be friendly with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wrote: 2) It appears the Dems "made a donation" to Rev. Jesse (no, they would never do that!) to keep his yap shut after his diatribe about the Jews and Israel. A little bird told me it was a "nice six-figure donation". This also becomes a matter of how and when to out.

5. The email also refers to an accusation that Obama's campaign took money from Russia, recalling memories of Bill Clinton's 1996 presidential campaign when the Justice Department uncovered evidence that China sought to make direct contributions to the Democratic National Committee.

Burton wrote: 3) The hunt is on for the sleezy Russian money into O-mans coffers. A smoking gun has already been found. Will get more on this when the time is right. My source was too giddy to continue. Can you say Clinton and ChiCom funny money? This also becomes a matter of how and when to out.”

Democrats Manipulated The 2008 Election Results - Business Insider

Democrats committed voter fraud???

Democrats paid off Jesse Jackson to keep Obama Antisemitism quiet???

Democrats accepted illegal Russian contributions????

McCain is a wussie???

Say it isn't so!

Wow. Just wow.
Leftist voter fraud is widespread and rampant.

Nobody cares enough to do anything about it.

Here we go again with Sniper Fire making this sweeping accusation that she cannot prove and has no evidence of.

You're a chronic and career liar.

As for the op, this is typical of McCain. There is no indication that McCain had "proof" and if he had, it would have made him the hero of the pub party.
COURT DOCUMENTED evidence and study to prove just how and why ID laws are being pushed.

That means nothing to them.

But boy oh boy some claim in a secret email from some guy whos a R means gold.

this is why your party is dying
From the OP link........

email also contains allegations that Democrats made a "six-figure donation" to Rev. Jesse Jackson

It appears the Dems "made a donation"

A little bird told me

The email also refers to an accusation that Obama's campaign took money from Russia

Mitt Romney is also facing allegations of voter fraud

Where's the PROOF? :confused:

And why would all of this be brought up now in an election year?
yeah you just dont like the fact that the facts I bring distroy your made up con world
Well, I see the rw's are piling on even though the op is NOT TRUE. Doesn't matter to them. They live for these asinine lies.

Good FACTUAL links, Truthmatters but don't expect even one rw to read them. They'd rather believe more lies.
TDM.. your 'proof' has been debunked so many times on this subject... but even if your 'proof' were sound... how the FUCK would that justify DEM voter fraud? And of course we all know of your infamous blind eye when it comes to ANYTHING possibly being wrong with the DEM side

Worthless meat sack

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