McCain a Yes on Tax Reform Bill


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Republican McCain to support 'far from perfect' Senate tax bill: statement

“After careful thought and consideration, I have decided to support the Senate tax reform bill. I believe this legislation, though far from perfect, would enhance American competitiveness, boost the economy, and provide long overdue tax relief for middle class families,” McCain said in a statement.
he's saying it's better than what currently exists. He's correct. And it should be shame on anyone who doesn't vote for it. The dems should pay very close attention to this vote. Mid terms next year and all.
Republican McCain to support 'far from perfect' Senate tax bill: statement

“After careful thought and consideration, I have decided to support the Senate tax reform bill. I believe this legislation, though far from perfect, would enhance American competitiveness, boost the economy, and provide long overdue tax relief for middle class families,” McCain said in a statement.

John McCain says he will support the GOP tax bill, giving the plan an enormous boost

The Trump/Conservative/Russia Tax Plan raises taxes in 2021 for the middle and lower classes, and by 2027, most taxpayers will be paying more in taxes while the wealthy and corporations will be paying less.

It also increases the debt by at least $1.5T according to the Joint Committee on Taxation and the CBO.

All this tax plan does is move us closer to the same oligarchic kleptocracy they have in Trump's Russia.
he's saying it's better than what currently exists. He's correct. And it should be shame on anyone who doesn't vote for it. The dems should pay very close attention to this vote. Mid terms next year and all.

Adding $1.5T to the debt is "better"? Well, the Conservative deficit peacocks and their Russian trolls have come full circle. Just 11 months ago, Conservatives and their Russian trolls were screeching that the debt is disastrous for our children and grandchildren, and then 11 hours ago, they all voted to increase the debt.

Conservatives are phonies, liars, and frauds.
Republican McCain to support 'far from perfect' Senate tax bill: statement

“After careful thought and consideration, I have decided to support the Senate tax reform bill. I believe this legislation, though far from perfect, would enhance American competitiveness, boost the economy, and provide long overdue tax relief for middle class families,” McCain said in a statement.

John McCain says he will support the GOP tax bill, giving the plan an enormous boost

The Trump/Conservative/Russia Tax Plan raises taxes in 2021 for the middle and lower classes, and by 2027, most taxpayers will be paying more in taxes while the wealthy and corporations will be paying less.

It also increases the debt by at least $1.5T according to the Joint Committee on Taxation and the CBO.

All this tax plan does is move us closer to the same oligarchic kleptocracy they have in Trump's Russia.

It's not going to turn us into Russia, but IT IS a ridiculous, fiscally irresponsible bill.

A straight up blowjob to Wall Street and Corporations from a guy who got elected railing against Goldman Sacks.

Trump knows that people that elected him are too stupid to recognize when they are being conned.
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Republican McCain to support 'far from perfect' Senate tax bill: statement

“After careful thought and consideration, I have decided to support the Senate tax reform bill. I believe this legislation, though far from perfect, would enhance American competitiveness, boost the economy, and provide long overdue tax relief for middle class families,” McCain said in a statement.

John McCain says he will support the GOP tax bill, giving the plan an enormous boost

The Trump/Conservative/Russia Tax Plan raises taxes in 2021 for the middle and lower classes, and by 2027, most taxpayers will be paying more in taxes while the wealthy and corporations will be paying less.

It also increases the debt by at least $1.5T according to the Joint Committee on Taxation and the CBO.

All this tax plan does is move us closer to the same oligarchic kleptocracy they have in Trump's Russia.

It's not going to turn us into Russia, but IT IS a ridiculous, fiscally irresponsible bill that will do damage to this country long term.
Dems will fix it in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Then republicans will get back into power by saying the Dems didn’t fix it fast enough.
This is great news!!!
It will help my bank stocks in a huge way!!!!!:party:

Rest assured, Trump will never bring that up....nope, it's all about the little people working 2-3 jobs to make ends meet and how this bill will make him pay more taxes :rolleyes:
This is sad - McCain backs a turd?

Deeply unpopular congress aims to pass a deeply unpopular bill for a deeply unpopular president to sign

Go ahead - then kiss 2018 goodbye Rethuglicans!
If McCain is voting for it, that's a sign that it's bad. Indeed, tax cuts for the rich, and deficit spending that will fall on the backs of the middle-class.
11 senators are on the fence - it only takes 3 no votes to stop it.
Who'll benefit me.

No it won't.

Your taxes will go up in 2021 and by 2027, you'll be paying more than you do now. And your SS and Medicare benefits will be cut too.

So you get screwed twice. Dumbass.

My bank stocks are going to go through the roof and I don't need SS or Medicare.
And since I'm already retired and the wife will be shortly I dont give a shit about 2021 or 2027.
My bank stocks are going to go through the roof and I don't need SS or Medicare. And since I'm already retired and the wife will be shortly I dont give a shit about 2021 or 2027.

The bank stocks are all going to collapse the minute growth doesn't hit projections - which will be in the first year.
My bank stocks are going to go through the roof and I don't need SS or Medicare. And since I'm already retired and the wife will be shortly I dont give a shit about 2021 or 2027.

The bank stocks are all going to collapse the minute growth doesn't hit projections - which will be in the first year.

I'm gonna take the word of the financial experts thanks.
My bank stocks are going to go through the roof and I don't need SS or Medicare. And since I'm already retired and the wife will be shortly I dont give a shit about 2021 or 2027.

The bank stocks are all going to collapse the minute growth doesn't hit projections - which will be in the first year.

I'm gonna take the word of the financial experts thanks.

Actually if you took the word of the financial experts then you would know that bank stocks are some of the hardest hit sectors in an economic downturn

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I'm gonna take the word of the financial experts thanks.

What financial experts? The ones who support the plan that isn't scored by the CBO, doesn't increase growth, raises taxes on most Americans by 2027, and will add at least $1.5T to the debt? Yeah...exactly.

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