McCabe attacks Rosenstein as the Rats Turn on Each Other


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And the ship slowly sinks and the rats respond by devouring each other if they cant jump.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe accused former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein of giving “false” testimony Wednesday about James Comey’s memos documenting his interactions with President Trump. ...
Asked whether McCabe lied to him, Rosenstein testified: "Lying is when you ask someone a direct question and get a false answer. Candor is when you’re forthcoming with information someone needs to know. I believe McCabe should have recognized that when I became acting AG [overseeing the Russia probe], I needed to know about Comey’s memos and he didn’t tell me until a couple of hours before they showed up in the New York Times."
Comey admitted to Congress during testimony in June 2017 that, after he was fired, he purposefully leaked several memos through an intermediary to ensure that a special counsel would be appointed.
Comey leaked his memos to a friend, Columbia Law School Professor Daniel Richman, who later served as Comey's legal counsel. Richman ultimately leaked the contents of the memo to The New York Times.
McCabe, on Wednesday, fired back, essentially accusing Rosenstein of lying.
“Mr. Rosenstein’s claims to have been misled by me, or anyone from the FBI, regarding our concerns about President Trump and the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russia are completely false,” McCabe said in a statement Wednesday.

So McCabea says Rosenstein perjured himself before Congress.

More canabalism I'm sure is still to come.
He lied. No, he lied. Chances are, both of them lied but can anything be proved? We do know that McCabe lied and Barr let him off the hook for it. No idea why, but I'm assuming he didn't have enough proof. My hope is, Durham comes out with his report and the whole rotten bunch of bastards end up in prison. Yeah, I know it's a pipe dream but it's my dream so butt out. ;)
so what's the story? rosenstein is claiming what?

and McCabe is claimig what? the article you pasted is a little confusing and vague and seemed to make no clear point???

Rosey says mccabe never told him what?

Are these Lindsey Graham hearings on CSPAN or were the hearings done in private?
He lied. No, he lied. Chances are, both of them lied but can anything be proved? We do know that McCabe lied and Barr let him off the hook for it. No idea why, but I'm assuming he didn't have enough proof. My hope is, Durham comes out with his report and the whole rotten bunch of bastards end up in prison. Yeah, I know it's a pipe dream but it's my dream so butt out. ;)
I wouldnt want all my eggs in the Durham investigation basket.

There are plenty of other avenues from Congressional investigations to outside investigative journalists.

I say we give these traitors all 64 guns.


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