
Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018

BOLTON replacing him. Men don't change their stripes, especially 70+ year old men. BOLTON IS A SON OF A BITCH! Thinks might well have just gotten worse. Bolton was ABUSIVE to staff (and likely his wife, but no one gives a shit about that). Once called a "serial abuser" by staff.

Trump replaces McMaster with Bolton as national security adviser

PS And just for a little 'flavor', Bolton was a swinger on the NY city circuit in the 70's. Hummm, maybe Trump and he know each other from years gone by.
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Never liked McMaster.

As long as Bolton is for peace, I'm fine with him.

Never liked McMaster.

As long as Bolton is for peace, I'm fine with him.

He's replacing the Republican establishment (swamp) with some great choices. Bolton belongs in this administration. This is a good GREAT thing.

Even better because more libs will be having strokes and heart attacks!
Never liked McMaster.

As long as Bolton is for peace, I'm fine with him.

John Bolton: Bush-era war hawk makes comeback
Mr Bolton's new role will prove controversial since he remains an unapologetic cheerleader of the 2003 Iraq war, which the US president himself once lambasted as "a big mistake".
Never liked McMaster.

As long as Bolton is for peace, I'm fine with him.

He's replacing the Republican establishment (swamp) with some great choices. Bolton belongs in this administration. This is a good GREAT thing.

Even better because more libs will be having strokes and heart attacks!

Just what Trump needs- a Bush era Neocon.

Bolton is a staunch interventionist, which would appear at odds with the non-entanglement foreign policy espoused by Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. However, as Trump entered his second year in office, it was apparent that one branch of the neocons, the most hawkish element and one linked to the Christian fundamentalist wing of the Republican Party, had captured control of the foreign policy levers of the Trump White House. Bolton has called for the US to declare war on Iran and North Korea and he has advocated for a US troop deployment to Syria to combat the forces of President Bashar al-Assad.
I am waiting to find out whether McMaster found out from Trump's tweet, or whether Trump had the balls to tell him in person.
"I’m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people. We want top of the line professionals."

So much for that. He seems to be cutting them loose or firing them at an incredible rate. Are the people quitting and resigning the "best and most serious"? Or is it the people he's firing? A company with this kind of turnover would fail. Does he not have the ability to find the "best and most serious"? Is he incapable of instilling the requisite sense of dedication and loyalty in the people he hires? Not much of a leader...
Yep, just what we need, another war monger in the cabinet.

Will this be all Trump needs to push him into war with Iran?

Not just with Iran, but N. Korea, Syria, and anyplace else Trump feels like he needs an ego boost. Bolton has always pushed for war, and Trump is unhinged enough to listen to him.
I think Iran is the most likely target.

As unhinged as Bolton sounds he is rational enough to know that N. Korea could be really, really bad.

But Iran? A nice little war, where the Iranian Army is defeated in a few months, and the next two Administrations have to clean it up- sounds like a Bolton special.

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