Mayor of Chicago endorses Creepy joe biden...he isn't there, wife is...why isn't he there?

Meh, these guys dont show up for every endorsement. A lot of times there isnt so much as an event, but a statement is released, as when Daley endorsed Obama during his first run. This was a minor press conference.

I agree that it looks increasingly like Bidens elevator is stuck a few floors short of the top, but it doesn't strike me as unusual that he wasn't here for this.

He'll be campaigning here at events. Sanders is here in Grant Park at this very moment. We'll see him at the debates. They may be trying to limit his exposure, and probably are, as they did with Hillary, but there's nowhere to hide really.
If you look at the list of all the other big national level politicians that were there for this endorsement you might get the impression that Joe Biden was being hidden away so there were no embarrassing gaffes to deal with.

It certainly struck me that way.
When Trump hits the debate stage with Biden it will become very evident... They can only hide it for a short while.
you are right ...its kinda sad ...they need to pull him out of the race and preserve his dignity .
You wish and so does your hero Fat Donnie.
Joe is going to be destroyed by Bernie in a few days ! it will become increasingly obvious [even to someone like you ] that Biden has serious mental issues. its been nearly 5 days since he's been seen on national TV ! if he isnt on any of the Sunday news shows then somethings up .
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The mayor of Chicago just endorsed creepy joe biden....he wasn't there, but his wife was......why wasn't he there?

It is getting harder and harder to hide his dementia...

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Sen. Dick Durbin endorse Joe Biden for president
By the time Trump is finished with Joe, we can anticipate something like this.

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Biden's wife is the brains (no pun intended) behind the campaign. I saw a video of her mouthing the answers while Joe struggled with a softball question. Anybody familiar with American history knows that democrats kept Woodrow Wilson's massive stroke a secret while his wife ran the country. This is a similar case but the cat is out of the bag.
And if you know how it really works you would know that the wives have presented a (so called) husband into political positions for a long, long time. Especially with Southern politics.

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