Mayor Lightfoot blames smash and grab on retailers

In yet another chapter of No Personal Accountability, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot is blaming the rise in ‘smash and grabs’ on the retailers. That’s like blaming the woman for getting raped.

Lightfoot says the retailers ‘need to do a better job of protecting their merchandise.’ BULLSHIT! If the retailers hire security guards, install more cameras, inspect bags, etc., Lightfoot and the Liberals who support her will start yelling “racism!” How soon before the Community Activists say that such measures are designed to keep Blacks out of the stores?
/——/ Obviously, the retailers didn’t donate enough money to Lightfoot’s campaign.
It is EVERYONE's fault - except the thieves themselves.
That is the narrative.
Good point. I worry about this theme especially when it's murders and muggings --- "It was my fault, I shouldn't have been walking my dog so late!" Noooooooooooooooooo, it was the mugger's fault.

What are we doing here? We have stopped thinking of these kind of criminals as people, who are guilty, and consider them as natural forces, like tornadoes. You can't really blame a tornado, and it dissolves back into the weather upstairs after killing, just as the black bandits disappear back into the ghetto. Huh. Maybe they ARE just a force of nature, not really people. That's how the government thinks of them.
Yep….not only does Lightfoot refuse to hold the thieves accountable but refuses to accept any accountability for herself taking steps to stop it.

Flash mobs engaging in smash and grab is a form of terrorism and threat to civil peace. A couple of hits from the night stick, drinks from the firehouse and interaction with guard dogs and police dogs might be the only deterrents to stop such behavior.
Lesson learned from Rudy's broken window policy. Deal with the small stuff and the big stuff gets easier. Let the small stuff go and the big stuff gets bigger. We're at a critical point where if it continues, it's going to get harder and harder to stop. And, of course, flight out of Chicago will accelerate, and guess who gets blamed for that? Not the criminal activity that drives people away.
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Lesson learned from Rudy's broken window policy. Deal with the small stuff and the big stuff gets easier. Let the small stuff go and the big stuff gets bigger. We're at a critical point where if it continues, it's going to get harder and harder to stop. And, of course, flight out of Chicago will accelerate, and guess who gets blamed for that? Not the criminal activity that drives people away.
To all of the Community organizers and urban leaders screaming about White Flight and Businesses abandoning the City as cause for problems in the inner city as well as calling retailers “racist” because they refuse to locate in the city, take a good look at Lightfoot’s response to the retailers getting hit with crime. You can cry racist and place blame all you want when these retailers pack up and move out but it is going to fall on deaf ears. Here is your chance to take a stand against crime and protect investment in your community.

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