Mayo Clinic fires 700 unvaccinated employees

A small percentage of fully vaccinated people will still get COVID-19 if they are exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19. These are called vaccine breakthrough infections.

People with vaccine breakthrough infections may spread COVID-19 to others. However, it appears that vaccinated people spread COVID-19 for a shorter period than do unvaccinated people.

Vaccination also might make illness less severe.
If you are fully vaccinated, the overall risk of hospitalization and death due to COVID-19 is much lower than among unvaccinated people with similar risk factors.

Again, Dimmer, you are parroting your own propaganda with no proof to back it up. In fact, the statistical proof proves just the opposite of your babbling.
Dose not matter. 1% of the clinic was against the vaccine, that means that 99% were ok with it.

Yet you think the 1% is more important than the 99%
of course it matters,, and how do you know all of the others were OK with it or that they couldnt afford to lose their jobs??

and besides that 99% are just as capable of spreading covid as the 1% and more so if you consider that their symptoms may be suppressed due to the vaccine and not know they are spreaders,,,
of course it matters,, and how do you know all of the others were OK with it or that they couldnt afford to lose their jobs??

and besides that 99% are just as capable of spreading covid as the 1% and more so if you consider that their symptoms may be suppressed due to the vaccine and not know they are spreaders,,,
The Dims have no idea what the percentage of spread is from those vaccinated or how severe the virus impacts them....they merely parrot their propaganda. Plenty of statistics to prove them wrong.
Dose not matter. 1% of the clinic was against the vaccine, that means that 99% were ok with it.

Yet you think the 1% is more important than the 99%
which is better??
having healthy unvaxxed or infected vaxxed people working in hospitals??

how do you know they are healthy since the vax doesnt stop them from getting covid and also suppresses the symptoms to the point they may not even know they are sick??

Golfing Gator fell for Joe Biden's Big Lie.

You're also part of the experiment. You're the control group. So at least you serve a useful purpose.

Sadly for you, when a lifesaving medicine works extremely well, being part of the control goup is _bad_. When such a thing happens in medical studies, they end the study and hand out the medicine to the control group, because it would be unethical to not do so. We're way past that point.

Absolutely insane. You've just invented your own weird reality.
I'm waiting for the Human trials to be completed. Will see how you Lab Rats are doing in a few years or so.

Be proud Lab Rat. Run the maze and find the cheese. Good luck.
Dose not matter. 1% of the clinic was against the vaccine, that means that 99% were ok with it.

Yet you think the 1% is more important than the 99%
Did you ask them?? Lol. They may have not been ok with it but didnt want to get fired.

You dont know that now do you?
I'm waiting for the Human trials to be completed.

They have been. The vaccinated are healthy. The unvaccinated are dying by the many thousands.

Your political and media masters are all vaccinated,. They're deliberately killing a portion of you off for political and monetary gain. They think there will still be enough of you left to keep them in power and money. That's looking less likely, given how many of you are dying. And you thank them for killing you off, because cult.
They have been. The vaccinated are healthy. The unvaccinated are dying by the many thousands.

Your political and media masters are all vaccinated,. They're deliberately killing a portion of you off for political and monetary gain. They think there will still be enough of you left to keep them in power and money. That's looking less likely, given how many of you are dying. And you thank them for killing you off, because cult.
Cool story bro..........maybe you can sell that one on Face plant. Lot of dumb leftist there.
They have been. The vaccinated are healthy. The unvaccinated are dying by the many thousands.

Your political and media masters are all vaccinated,. They're deliberately killing a portion of you off for political and monetary gain. They think there will still be enough of you left to keep them in power and money. That's looking less likely, given how many of you are dying. And you thank them for killing you off, because cult.
my vaccinated aunt died last week,,,
There's nothing "general" about saying "You're NOT going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations".
You're not actually as dumb as you sound. You're deliberately lying for your cult. There's no atrocity you won't commit, no body count you rack up on behalf of the cult. Your cult bloodlust is totally out of control.

Sucks to be you, cult boi. The whole planet correctly classifiies you as a fascist cult loser. Now keep those tears flowing. We certainly enjoy the taste of them.
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I'm more than happy to be part of the control group on an experimental vaccine that the pharmaceutical companies have no liability for if it proves to have detrimental side effects in the short or long term.
That's been the case for all vaccines since forever. Companies won't make _any_ vaccines with liability protection.

What, your cult didn't tell you about that?

Why did you just start whining about liability for this vaccine? Don't you understand how brainwashed, hypocritical and stupid that makes you look?

Oh, that's right. You don't care. You actuallly _like_ getting publicly humiliated, because it demonstrates to the other cultists how devoted to the cult you are.

So if all you go sterile then your IQ drops significantly and your hair starts falling out in the next ten years let me be the first to congratulate you on your choice before it becomes meaningless to you.
Years down the road, it's unlikely I'll be able to gloat about what a brainwashed cult dumbfuk you've been, given how likely it is that antivaxxers will be dead. That's why I need to get it in now.

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