Maybe racism is enduring because it's not wrong


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC

Race, as Steve Sailer points out, is a huge somewhat inbred extended family. It’s kin. In the same way I have more in common genetically with my parents’ other son than I do with you, you and I (assuming you are white) have more in common with each other than either of us has with any Chinese guy. You and I are more related. Our common ancestors are not only more recent, there are more of them.

That’s it. That’s all race means. So, if the charge of racism lands on you, the charge, whatever else it may mean, is a charge of familyism.

Try this thought experiment. Suppose you walk around a corner and discover a man beating a woman. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To come to the aid of the woman, right?

Now, suppose you walk around a corner and discover a Chinese man beating a white woman and another Chinese man beating a black woman. What’s your first instinct? Uh-huh, that threw you didn’t it, white boy? In reality, if you are white, your first instinct would be to help the white woman, but that would be racist, so…and your brain scrambles for the proper response.

Now, suppose you come around the corner and discover two white men beating two white women, and one of them is your mother. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To help your mother, everyone responds instantly and without a second thought.

Shame! You should be weeping on national television for your gut-wrenching display of open familyism.

In truth, no one thinks anything at all of you coming to the aid of your mother, first. No one would accuse you of hating or oppressing non-mothers, nor would anyone accuse your mother of unfairly benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, if you chose to help the other woman first you would be thought a kind of monster.
Chinese isn't a race. That was the first indication of ignorance.

Society has trouble distinguishing culture from race. We are products of our environment.
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I didn't say Chinese was a race. As for society having trouble distinguishing culture and race, that's primarily due to the diversocrats. Multiculturalism is always depicted by photos of people from different races. But, whatever. That doesn't impact my argument. Anti-racists are monstrous.
Racism endures because white people have an inferiority complex.They are so afraid to compete they cant stomach leveling the field. There instincts prompt them to protect themselves because they realize their genes are recessive. Thats the reason they cry over Blacks having partial AA for 50-60 years even though they had full white AA for 400 years.
Nothing like a halfwit trying to convince himself he's 'clever.' Ugh...........
Racism endures because of dumb black folks.

... Well, and all the ignorant Chicos don't help.
“Maybe racism is enduring because it's not wrong”


Racism is in fact wrong, it is the consequence of fear and ignorance.

And racism endures because fear and ignorance endure.
Racism endures because white people have an inferiority complex.They are so afraid to compete they cant stomach leveling the field. There instincts prompt them to protect themselves because they realize their genes are recessive. Thats the reason they cry over Blacks having partial AA for 50-60 years even though they had full white AA for 400 years.

We're afraid of a level playing field, so we came up with affirmative action to give blacks a boost.
Racism endures because white people have an inferiority complex.They are so afraid to compete they cant stomach leveling the field. There instincts prompt them to protect themselves because they realize their genes are recessive. Thats the reason they cry over Blacks having partial AA for 50-60 years even though they had full white AA for 400 years.

We're afraid of a level playing field, so we came up with affirmative action to give blacks a boost.
Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks and then instituted Jim Crow. Whites couldnt hang with the competition so they had to stack the decks in their favor....violently if need be.
Racism endures because white people have an inferiority complex.They are so afraid to compete they cant stomach leveling the field. There instincts prompt them to protect themselves because they realize their genes are recessive. Thats the reason they cry over Blacks having partial AA for 50-60 years even though they had full white AA for 400 years.

We're afraid of a level playing field, so we came up with affirmative action to give blacks a boost.
Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks and then instituted Jim Crow. Whites couldnt hang with the competition so they had to stack the decks in their favor....violently if need be.

So, let me see if I'm following this. An African tribe takes prisoners-of-war from the next tribe up the river (the enemy), marches them through the jungle and sells them to a passing caravan of Arab slavers, which transports them and a whole shit-load of other Africans to the coast, where they are sold to European and Jewish shipping concerns. From there, six percent of those captured prisoners had the great good fortune of being sent directly to British North America--the future United States. The other ninety-four percent endured the horrors of slavery under the Spanish, Dutch, French, and Portuguese.

Things were so much better under the British, in fact, that even though the British colonies received only six percent of the direct African shipments, by the mid 1820s, North America had twenty-five percent of the African-descended population in the New World.

Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

Or maybe you are talking about the Abolitionist movement, which was already so strong in North America (but not in Africa where, in fact, slavery persists to this day) that at our birth in 1776 the original Declaration of Independence included the slave trade among the reasons listed to justify the defiance against The Crown.


When Thomas Jefferson included a passage attacking slavery in his draft of the Declaration of Independence it initiated the most intense debate among the delegates gathered at Philadelphia in the spring and early summer of 1776. Jefferson's passage on slavery was the most important section removed from the final document. It was replaced with a more ambiguous passage about King George's incitement of "domestic insurrections among us." Decades later Jefferson blamed the removal of the passage on delegates from South Carolina and Georgia and Northern delegates who represented merchants who were at the time actively involved in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Jefferson's original passage on slavery appears below.

He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.
Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

After Independence, the Abolitionist Movement continued to gain strength among (white) Americans from both the North and the South and finally, in fewer than one hundred years, the (white people's) demand to end slavery was the determinate cause that brought the nation to a bloody, gruesome, horrific Civil War that killed 400,000 white men and freed 100,000 black men--the only time in human history that I am aware of in which members of one race fought each other for the benefit of another race.

Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

After the war, (white) Americans established a country in Africa to provide recently freed slaves the opportunity to return to Mother Africa, but the vast majority of American blacks chose to remain oppressed in the United States rather than leave to build an all-black utopia in Liberia. Today, many of the descendants of those few who did return to Liberia are willing to sacrifice much to leave the Liberian dystopia blacks created and live in the nightmare world of micro-aggressions and implicit biases and similar brutalities in (white dominated) Europe and (white dominated) North America. Or, to put it another way, they are choosing white supremacy over black supremacy, just like a sizable chunk of Detroit's black population has. (And I know. I lived for six months at 1622 N Port St in Baltimore, MD 21213. I am as whitebread as Opie. Look up that address on Google Street-view).

And then, of course, there was Jim Crow, which, in fact, was how our ancestors chose to deal with black criminality and the black propensity for violence. We've also tried red-lining, mass incarceration, and other ways to protect ourselves and those we love from blacks. And we aren't the only ones. Many blacks, too, seek to protect themselves and their loved ones from black violence and black social dysfunction by moving to where the whites live.

Perhaps letting blacks live with us is what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

I actually hope you don't just dismiss what I've written. It may be the only time in your life you have a chance to see our history from a whole different perspective. The rest of your life you'll be getting the Jewish version of the black experience in North America. In that version, whites have been pure evil and blacks have been sainted victims from Plymouth Rock right up until a couple of weeks ago. That version is twisted and wrong.

And there ain't no slavery like ignorance. So consider what I've written a little blast of affirmative action.
Racism endures because white people have an inferiority complex.They are so afraid to compete they cant stomach leveling the field. There instincts prompt them to protect themselves because they realize their genes are recessive. Thats the reason they cry over Blacks having partial AA for 50-60 years even though they had full white AA for 400 years.

We're afraid of a level playing field, so we came up with affirmative action to give blacks a boost.
Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks and then instituted Jim Crow. Whites couldnt hang with the competition so they had to stack the decks in their favor....violently if need be.

So, let me see if I'm following this. An African tribe takes prisoners-of-war from the next tribe up the river (the enemy), marches them through the jungle and sells them to a passing caravan of Arab slavers, which transports them and a whole shit-load of other Africans to the coast, where they are sold to European and Jewish shipping concerns. From there, six percent of those captured prisoners had the great good fortune of being sent directly to British North America--the future United States. The other ninety-four percent endured the horrors of slavery under the Spanish, Dutch, French, and Portuguese.

Things were so much better under the British, in fact, that even though the British colonies received only six percent of the direct African shipments, by the mid 1820s, North America had twenty-five percent of the African-descended population in the New World.

Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

Or maybe you are talking about the Abolitionist movement, which was already so strong in North America (but not in Africa where, in fact, slavery persists to this day) that at our birth in 1776 the original Declaration of Independence included the slave trade among the reasons listed to justify the defiance against The Crown.


When Thomas Jefferson included a passage attacking slavery in his draft of the Declaration of Independence it initiated the most intense debate among the delegates gathered at Philadelphia in the spring and early summer of 1776. Jefferson's passage on slavery was the most important section removed from the final document. It was replaced with a more ambiguous passage about King George's incitement of "domestic insurrections among us." Decades later Jefferson blamed the removal of the passage on delegates from South Carolina and Georgia and Northern delegates who represented merchants who were at the time actively involved in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Jefferson's original passage on slavery appears below.

He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.
Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

After Independence, the Abolitionist Movement continued to gain strength among (white) Americans from both the North and the South and finally, in fewer than one hundred years, the (white people's) demand to end slavery was the determinate cause that brought the nation to a bloody, gruesome, horrific Civil War that killed 400,000 white men and freed 100,000 black men--the only time in human history that I am aware of in which members of one race fought each other for the benefit of another race.

Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

After the war, (white) Americans established a country in Africa to provide recently freed slaves the opportunity to return to Mother Africa, but the vast majority of American blacks chose to remain oppressed in the United States rather than leave to build an all-black utopia in Liberia. Today, many of the descendants of those few who did return to Liberia are willing to sacrifice much to leave the Liberian dystopia blacks created and live in the nightmare world of micro-aggressions and implicit biases and similar brutalities in (white dominated) Europe and (white dominated) North America. Or, to put it another way, they are choosing white supremacy over black supremacy, just like a sizable chunk of Detroit's black population has. (And I know. I lived for six months at 1622 N Port St in Baltimore, MD 21213. I am as whitebread as Opie. Look up that address on Google Street-view).

And then, of course, there was Jim Crow, which, in fact, was how our ancestors chose to deal with black criminality and the black propensity for violence. We've also tried red-lining, mass incarceration, and other ways to protect ourselves and those we love from blacks. And we aren't the only ones. Many blacks, too, seek to protect themselves and their loved ones from black violence and black social dysfunction by moving to where the whites live.

Perhaps letting blacks live with us is what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

I actually hope you don't just dismiss what I've written. It may be the only time in your life you have a chance to see our history from a whole different perspective. The rest of your life you'll be getting the Jewish version of the black experience in North America. In that version, whites have been pure evil and blacks have been sainted victims from Plymouth Rock right up until a couple of weeks ago. That version is twisted and wrong.

And there ain't no slavery like ignorance. So consider what I've written a little blast of affirmative action.
Thats not what I meant at all unless you are slightly retarded. I guess only someone retarded would think slavery was some kind of benefit to Black people. I see I am conversing with someone of low intellect so I will remember that. What I meant was that whites got free labor while Blacks never got paid for their work. Whites used that money to ensure family legacies. Blacks handed down the legacy of white AA in the form of slavery. Whites then went to war to keep Blacks enslaved. They really hated letting go of their AA. It was perfect for them since they had low self esteem and no belief in their ability to maintain what they had already gotten via the first phase of white AA. After the war. the other whites saw they couldnt survive without help so they took the land they had given Black people back to the original enslavers. Even that wasnt enough so other whites turned a blind eye to the reestablishment of slavery under a new name. Jim Crow. This kicked off the second phase of white AA which lasted almost for another century. When Black begin to get tired of this, whites firebombed a church and killed little girls to keep the playing field tilted in their favor. So you see. Whites know they are decidedly inferior and they need help. This is what is driving white anger today.This is the white contradiction. They are angry over partial AA for Blacks, Mexicans, women, etc even though it didnt last for centuries like it did for the weak, recessive white male.
look, there are tribes of people, and where they gather in a countries they become nations, and a nation where the tribes compete there is racism and where the tribes cooperate there is religion. and now you know the secret to it all, enjoy the show.
Racism endures because white people have an inferiority complex.They are so afraid to compete they cant stomach leveling the field. There instincts prompt them to protect themselves because they realize their genes are recessive. Thats the reason they cry over Blacks having partial AA for 50-60 years even though they had full white AA for 400 years.

We're afraid of a level playing field, so we came up with affirmative action to give blacks a boost.
Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks and then instituted Jim Crow. Whites couldnt hang with the competition so they had to stack the decks in their favor....violently if need be.

So, let me see if I'm following this. An African tribe takes prisoners-of-war from the next tribe up the river (the enemy), marches them through the jungle and sells them to a passing caravan of Arab slavers, which transports them and a whole shit-load of other Africans to the coast, where they are sold to European and Jewish shipping concerns. From there, six percent of those captured prisoners had the great good fortune of being sent directly to British North America--the future United States. The other ninety-four percent endured the horrors of slavery under the Spanish, Dutch, French, and Portuguese.

Things were so much better under the British, in fact, that even though the British colonies received only six percent of the direct African shipments, by the mid 1820s, North America had twenty-five percent of the African-descended population in the New World.

Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

Or maybe you are talking about the Abolitionist movement, which was already so strong in North America (but not in Africa where, in fact, slavery persists to this day) that at our birth in 1776 the original Declaration of Independence included the slave trade among the reasons listed to justify the defiance against The Crown.


When Thomas Jefferson included a passage attacking slavery in his draft of the Declaration of Independence it initiated the most intense debate among the delegates gathered at Philadelphia in the spring and early summer of 1776. Jefferson's passage on slavery was the most important section removed from the final document. It was replaced with a more ambiguous passage about King George's incitement of "domestic insurrections among us." Decades later Jefferson blamed the removal of the passage on delegates from South Carolina and Georgia and Northern delegates who represented merchants who were at the time actively involved in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Jefferson's original passage on slavery appears below.

He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.
Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

After Independence, the Abolitionist Movement continued to gain strength among (white) Americans from both the North and the South and finally, in fewer than one hundred years, the (white people's) demand to end slavery was the determinate cause that brought the nation to a bloody, gruesome, horrific Civil War that killed 400,000 white men and freed 100,000 black men--the only time in human history that I am aware of in which members of one race fought each other for the benefit of another race.

Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

After the war, (white) Americans established a country in Africa to provide recently freed slaves the opportunity to return to Mother Africa, but the vast majority of American blacks chose to remain oppressed in the United States rather than leave to build an all-black utopia in Liberia. Today, many of the descendants of those few who did return to Liberia are willing to sacrifice much to leave the Liberian dystopia blacks created and live in the nightmare world of micro-aggressions and implicit biases and similar brutalities in (white dominated) Europe and (white dominated) North America. Or, to put it another way, they are choosing white supremacy over black supremacy, just like a sizable chunk of Detroit's black population has. (And I know. I lived for six months at 1622 N Port St in Baltimore, MD 21213. I am as whitebread as Opie. Look up that address on Google Street-view).

And then, of course, there was Jim Crow, which, in fact, was how our ancestors chose to deal with black criminality and the black propensity for violence. We've also tried red-lining, mass incarceration, and other ways to protect ourselves and those we love from blacks. And we aren't the only ones. Many blacks, too, seek to protect themselves and their loved ones from black violence and black social dysfunction by moving to where the whites live.

Perhaps letting blacks live with us is what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

I actually hope you don't just dismiss what I've written. It may be the only time in your life you have a chance to see our history from a whole different perspective. The rest of your life you'll be getting the Jewish version of the black experience in North America. In that version, whites have been pure evil and blacks have been sainted victims from Plymouth Rock right up until a couple of weeks ago. That version is twisted and wrong.

And there ain't no slavery like ignorance. So consider what I've written a little blast of affirmative action.
Thats not what I meant at all unless you are slightly retarded. I guess only someone retarded would think slavery was some kind of benefit to Black people. I see I am conversing with someone of low intellect so I will remember that. What I meant was that whites got free labor while Blacks never got paid for their work. Whites used that money to ensure family legacies. Blacks handed down the legacy of white AA in the form of slavery. Whites then went to war to keep Blacks enslaved. They really hated letting go of their AA. It was perfect for them since they had low self esteem and no belief in their ability to maintain what they had already gotten via the first phase of white AA. After the war. the other whites saw they couldnt survive without help so they took the land they had given Black people back to the original enslavers. Even that wasnt enough so other whites turned a blind eye to the reestablishment of slavery under a new name. Jim Crow. This kicked off the second phase of white AA which lasted almost for another century. When Black begin to get tired of this, whites firebombed a church and killed little girls to keep the playing field tilted in their favor. So you see. Whites know they are decidedly inferior and they need help. This is what is driving white anger today.This is the white contradiction. They are angry over partial AA for Blacks, Mexicans, women, etc even though it didnt last for centuries like it did for the weak, recessive white male.

Ok, well, good luck with that, man.
Racism endures because white people have an inferiority complex.They are so afraid to compete they cant stomach leveling the field. There instincts prompt them to protect themselves because they realize their genes are recessive. Thats the reason they cry over Blacks having partial AA for 50-60 years even though they had full white AA for 400 years.

We're afraid of a level playing field, so we came up with affirmative action to give blacks a boost.
Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks and then instituted Jim Crow. Whites couldnt hang with the competition so they had to stack the decks in their favor....violently if need be.

So, let me see if I'm following this. An African tribe takes prisoners-of-war from the next tribe up the river (the enemy), marches them through the jungle and sells them to a passing caravan of Arab slavers, which transports them and a whole shit-load of other Africans to the coast, where they are sold to European and Jewish shipping concerns. From there, six percent of those captured prisoners had the great good fortune of being sent directly to British North America--the future United States. The other ninety-four percent endured the horrors of slavery under the Spanish, Dutch, French, and Portuguese.

Things were so much better under the British, in fact, that even though the British colonies received only six percent of the direct African shipments, by the mid 1820s, North America had twenty-five percent of the African-descended population in the New World.

Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

Or maybe you are talking about the Abolitionist movement, which was already so strong in North America (but not in Africa where, in fact, slavery persists to this day) that at our birth in 1776 the original Declaration of Independence included the slave trade among the reasons listed to justify the defiance against The Crown.


When Thomas Jefferson included a passage attacking slavery in his draft of the Declaration of Independence it initiated the most intense debate among the delegates gathered at Philadelphia in the spring and early summer of 1776. Jefferson's passage on slavery was the most important section removed from the final document. It was replaced with a more ambiguous passage about King George's incitement of "domestic insurrections among us." Decades later Jefferson blamed the removal of the passage on delegates from South Carolina and Georgia and Northern delegates who represented merchants who were at the time actively involved in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Jefferson's original passage on slavery appears below.

He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.
Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

After Independence, the Abolitionist Movement continued to gain strength among (white) Americans from both the North and the South and finally, in fewer than one hundred years, the (white people's) demand to end slavery was the determinate cause that brought the nation to a bloody, gruesome, horrific Civil War that killed 400,000 white men and freed 100,000 black men--the only time in human history that I am aware of in which members of one race fought each other for the benefit of another race.

Perhaps that's what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

After the war, (white) Americans established a country in Africa to provide recently freed slaves the opportunity to return to Mother Africa, but the vast majority of American blacks chose to remain oppressed in the United States rather than leave to build an all-black utopia in Liberia. Today, many of the descendants of those few who did return to Liberia are willing to sacrifice much to leave the Liberian dystopia blacks created and live in the nightmare world of micro-aggressions and implicit biases and similar brutalities in (white dominated) Europe and (white dominated) North America. Or, to put it another way, they are choosing white supremacy over black supremacy, just like a sizable chunk of Detroit's black population has. (And I know. I lived for six months at 1622 N Port St in Baltimore, MD 21213. I am as whitebread as Opie. Look up that address on Google Street-view).

And then, of course, there was Jim Crow, which, in fact, was how our ancestors chose to deal with black criminality and the black propensity for violence. We've also tried red-lining, mass incarceration, and other ways to protect ourselves and those we love from blacks. And we aren't the only ones. Many blacks, too, seek to protect themselves and their loved ones from black violence and black social dysfunction by moving to where the whites live.

Perhaps letting blacks live with us is what you mean by "Whites came up with affirmative action back when they enslaved Blacks"?

I actually hope you don't just dismiss what I've written. It may be the only time in your life you have a chance to see our history from a whole different perspective. The rest of your life you'll be getting the Jewish version of the black experience in North America. In that version, whites have been pure evil and blacks have been sainted victims from Plymouth Rock right up until a couple of weeks ago. That version is twisted and wrong.

And there ain't no slavery like ignorance. So consider what I've written a little blast of affirmative action.
Thats not what I meant at all unless you are slightly retarded. I guess only someone retarded would think slavery was some kind of benefit to Black people. I see I am conversing with someone of low intellect so I will remember that. What I meant was that whites got free labor while Blacks never got paid for their work. Whites used that money to ensure family legacies. Blacks handed down the legacy of white AA in the form of slavery. Whites then went to war to keep Blacks enslaved. They really hated letting go of their AA. It was perfect for them since they had low self esteem and no belief in their ability to maintain what they had already gotten via the first phase of white AA. After the war. the other whites saw they couldnt survive without help so they took the land they had given Black people back to the original enslavers. Even that wasnt enough so other whites turned a blind eye to the reestablishment of slavery under a new name. Jim Crow. This kicked off the second phase of white AA which lasted almost for another century. When Black begin to get tired of this, whites firebombed a church and killed little girls to keep the playing field tilted in their favor. So you see. Whites know they are decidedly inferior and they need help. This is what is driving white anger today.This is the white contradiction. They are angry over partial AA for Blacks, Mexicans, women, etc even though it didnt last for centuries like it did for the weak, recessive white male.

Ok, well, good luck with that, man.
No luck needed. Mother natures failed experiment had built in methods of self correction. The white woman and recessive genes.

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