May I Suggest Mods Enforce Rules???

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Quite frankly I'm a little curious at how you CHOOSE mods

Jello wrestling.

I would watch that show.

A topic of something Biden said or did always turns into a TDS rant thread. The topic has zero to do with Trump. Even a certain Moderator is one of the worst offenders.

“Politics is Zone 2. That means posts must include some content relative to the discussion.”

Those are YOUR rules, Mods.

A topic on Biden is about Biden. Not Trump unless the topic includes Trump. And that doesn’t mean they both work in the same city.

The Left try to derail EVERY thread on what Democrats say or do that has nothing to do with the President by going into TDS tirades.
Yep, you NAILED it, Weatherman! And these liberal miscreants seem to be more agitated than usual tonight. Could it possibly be because they have NO viable candidate for president? That would be MY guess.

What does the Democratic candidate have to do with an OP bout enforcing rules? Stay on subject. Reported.
A topic of something Biden said or did always turns into a TDS rant thread. The topic has zero to do with Trump. Even a certain Moderator is one of the worst offenders.

“Politics is Zone 2. That means posts must include some content relative to the discussion.”

Those are YOUR rules, Mods.

A topic on Biden is about Biden. Not Trump unless the topic includes Trump. And that doesn’t mean they both work in the same city.

The Left try to derail EVERY thread on what Democrats say or do that has nothing to do with the President by going into TDS tirades.
In light of efforts to strictly stay on subject, how would that effect all the "but Hillary" or "but Obama" or "but everything" posts from right wingers? If all those were deleted, that would remove at least 1/3 of the posts here.

Since most of the threads in politics are just a bunch of hypocrites discussing "who did it first" or "who did that worse" -- we have NO CHOICE but to allow it.. Where we start DELETING and warning is when folks start slinging shit that has NOTHING TO DO with the specific offense in the OP/Title..

BECAUSE it's all hypocrisy and BOTH sides are guilty -- the REST OF US just sit here and shake our heads and wonder when and HOW anyone is ever gonna get punished for all these things...
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Or allow the OP of the thread to delete posts...I can see how that would be alot of work for mods.

We have alot of deranged leftists on this board.

An idea that would kill the message board faster than anything else. Terrible idea.
A topic of something Biden said or did always turns into a TDS rant thread. The topic has zero to do with Trump. Even a certain Moderator is one of the worst offenders.

“Politics is Zone 2. That means posts must include some content relative to the discussion.”

Those are YOUR rules, Mods.

A topic on Biden is about Biden. Not Trump unless the topic includes Trump. And that doesn’t mean they both work in the same city.

The Left try to derail EVERY thread on what Democrats say or do that has nothing to do with the President by going into TDS tirades.

If they are about sexaul assault or sexual harassments it has everything to do with tramp. Or if its about arrogance or lying it has everything to do with tramp. Or is it about the run for presidency then it has everything to do with tramp. Remember , Biden is the Democratic nominee.
I hope whomever is forcing you to post here is punished thoroughly.
When you see replies in any thread that are off topic or trolling, please report them. Mods can't read every post made on here each day.

I hate to tell you but reporting posts at least 60% of the time is a waste of time and some of your mods are the worst offenders at CREATING the off topic replies. Quite frankly I'm a little curious at how you CHOOSE mods for this forum.
Mods are carefully selected from a list of Deep State candidates.
they find closed minded mods who are willing to be bias.....anytime there is a liberal mod they allow that mod to be driven conservatives reporting them..and guess what reporting has no affect as i have been threaten with banning for reporting a posters post...after being told by another mod to do exactly that...egos...and why do we have to endure the same mods for years? shouldnt there be fresh mods on occasion and recycling old mods like alan or mountain man or whatever the ass goes by now....
WillHaftawaite so mods why is this thread allowed as it is all questioning mod actions and trying to get mods to delete posts by one group? come on mods all voices count or just the ones yall agee with? Dont Taz Me Bro

You know better than that. All voices count equally here at USMess. It's just that some voices are more equal than others, Right mods?
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