May GOD bless General Flynn

yeah blame it on the republicans....maybe if Obama tried to compromise....

Dude Obama reached out and try to compromise with the Republicans. First day in Oval Office they gave him a very hard time making him look so bad that he will not win 2nd term and they didn't stop there...........
I was a republican and I'm not an Obama fan either but good lord.......... I blamed mostly on Republicans.
Just an example.................. All these BS on Immigrations the GOPs are in the best position to reform the immigration but they decided not to do anything but blame it on Obama.

What a load of horseshit.

Douchebag never reached out to the Republicans. He put them in the back of the bus and that's where he left them.

He excluded the Reps from everything and I'm not a Rep or a Dem.

Catch a damned clue.

Bullshit. Coming from you? You don't even recognized we have black president. He took them for outings etc. etc. etc.......... just to get closer........ one of the latest was blocking Supreme Court nominee.......... Don't give me your bullshit.

Boy are you a biased idiot. Everyone knows douchebag in the WH is black. Well half black anyway.

Of course the Reps blocked his nominees just like the Dems blocked Bush's.

Jesus you are an idiot.

Biased? Dude did you look at yourself in the mirror? Since day one he stepped in Oval Office .......... You and your GOPs trashed him last 7 1/2 years. Give me a fucking break.
President cannot get things done if congress is blocking most of his policies. Then people like you blamed him at the same time for not getting things done............. Immigration etc. etc. etc. etc.
I'm not an Obama fan but hater like you make me puke. Despite all the hatred and Fox News trash him everyday ................ his popularity is better than Bush. Good job Obama.
Try again. Douche bag.

Oh I don't hate the douchebag. Hating takes up energy and he certainly ain't worth the effort it would take to hate him.

Oh and by the way, I'm not a Rep or a Dem so you can stick your Republican shit right up your stupid ass.

Try again douchebag.
yeah blame it on the republicans....maybe if Obama tried to compromise....

Dude Obama reached out and try to compromise with the Republicans. First day in Oval Office they gave him a very hard time making him look so bad that he will not win 2nd term and they didn't stop there...........
I was a republican and I'm not an Obama fan either but good lord.......... I blamed mostly on Republicans.
Just an example.................. All these BS on Immigrations the GOPs are in the best position to reform the immigration but they decided not to do anything but blame it on Obama.

What a load of horseshit.

Douchebag never reached out to the Republicans. He put them in the back of the bus and that's where he left them.

He excluded the Reps from everything and I'm not a Rep or a Dem.

Catch a damned clue.

Bullshit. Coming from you? You don't even recognized we have black president. He took them for outings etc. etc. etc.......... just to get closer........ one of the latest was blocking Supreme Court nominee.......... Don't give me your bullshit.

Boy are you a biased idiot. Everyone knows douchebag in the WH is black. Well half black anyway.

Of course the Reps blocked his nominees just like the Dems blocked Bush's.

Jesus you are an idiot.
The hell they did. Never before has there been no hearings. This guy is a neutral. You'll be SORREEEEE've been a disgrace for decades...

Well if it isn't old hater/dupe. Speaking of disgraces.

Oh and do some research asshole. The Dems blocked Bush all the time.

Ah well. What does one expect from a hater/dupe like you asshole.

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