Maxine Waters is making committee assignments

The Dems can investigate themselves right back out of power in the house....the more they push the more wrong doing on their part Trump will expose....tit for tat...the GOP will get the house back....
Look, if the Dems want to spend their political capital on impeachment, that is their option. The bottom line- Trump will not be removed from office, and they still need to find a canidate for 2020. The question is will impeaching Trump help their canidate? It’s a gamble.
Congress should not allow black folks to hold major positions. It's bad enough they are allowed to use the same restrooms.
The Dems can investigate themselves right back out of power in the house....the more they push the more wrong doing on their part Trump will expose....tit for tat...the GOP will get the house back....
Naw, it's gone to far. Remember they only have power now because people gave it to them. Look at what these fools have elected in other states, and then think about the next election. The power of stupid fools in large numbers will kill us all.
The last time the filthy ass Democrats controlled the House we had that disaster of 2007 and 2008 and then the first two years of the Jungle Monkey's administration.

Those were terrible years for his country.

These Moon Bats were absolute morons electing Democrats to power in the House.

They never learn, do they?
The democrat brain trust at work. They are putting their best to work.
Keep up the good work liberals and President Trump is guaranteed a second term - and might become "President for Life" since there are no other viable candidates emerging.

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