Matt Taibbi: Mitt Romney Has 'Casual Relationship With The Truth And Reality'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi sounded off on Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney on HuffPost Live Thursday.

Taibbi took on what he described as Romney's hypocritical stance on the nation's deficit given Romney's private equity background, the subject of his recent Rolling Stone article.

"I remember listening to these speeches and then looking around at the press corps and at everybody else and wondering, 'How is it that nobody's bringing up the fact that this guy was a leveraged buyout expert?'" Taibbi told HuffPost Live's Ahmed Shihab-Eldin. "This is how he made his fortune. What is leverage? Leverage is debt. What this guy did for a living is he borrowed money that other people had to pay back."

More: Matt Taibbi: Mitt Romney Has 'Casual Relationship With The Truth And Reality' (VIDEO)
How the GOP presidential candidate and his private equity firm staged an epic wealth grab, destroyed jobs – and stuck others with the bill.

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone

You're so ignorant. Bain Capital's mission was the invest in companies on the verge of being shut down. So any place that they invested in was given a longer life. Whether that company was turned into a success story, like say, Sports Authority is debatable. But the fact that Romney and Bain helped people keep their jobs for longer than they would have.. Is not.

That steel mill.. The one that guy that blamed Romney for his wife's death.. The one he worked at.. That was given an 8 year lease on life, thanks to Romney.

It didn't work out to where it turned a good profit (which was the point), so it was shut down.. But the employees should thank Mr. Romney for taking the chance and giving them an extra eight years on the job, instead of bashing him for doing the job he was tasked with - bring in a profit.

Leftist logic is stupid.
Hackhota passing Tabbi of as objective, where do clowns like this come from?
Since when is "objective" a requirement?

There really is no such thing as an unbiased opinion.

Having said that, Taibbi runs rings around the rw idiots like lushbo and the other dittoheads. Even the fools here know that.

OTOH, if you rw's don't agree with him, you're more than free to post another source.

But, you can't.

If you are not rich, why are you voting for Romney?

If you work for someone else, why are you voting for Romney?

If you're a woman, why are you voting for Romney?

If you're over 65, under 55, WHY are you voting for Romney?

If you have parents? children? sisters? WHY are you voting for Romney?

If you plan on being dead by xmas - go ahead and vote for Romney because there really isn't anything else he can take from you and to hell with everyone else.

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