Matt Gaetz explains to Fox new some basic facts


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Gaetz and many others in DC knew McCarthy was lobbyist owned. That he only cared about his speakership. Not running the House.

Gaetz here is explaining how it's being done. And this "new anchor" knows what Gaetz is saying it correct. She knows McCarthy is lame. But she still tries to put the blame on Gaetz.

Defaulting on obligations US Government has already passed into law.

This is what these rw morons are talking about voting on.

Gaetz and a few others are trying to minimize future obligations. To reduce future spending. Not welch on what's already been promised.

Gay pride parades in Progue or the alphabet peoples seminars in Indonesia isn't something we think are important. Because money like that and trillions more, when they have to borrow it from the fed, reduces the value of the USD.
I don't want my eggs, or anything costing me more because of something that 99.9999% of Americans have nothing to do with.
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Gaetz and a few others are trying to minimize future obligations. To reduce future spending. No welch on what's already been promised.

Go AHEAD, minimimize future spending by passing new laws.

What the hell does that have to do with voting down existing obligation funding?

It's nothing but a minority taking America's good faith and credit as hostage.
What the hell does that have to do with voting down existing obligation funding. It nothing but taking America's good faith and credit as hostage for small minority to get their way.
Because nobody is talking about doing that.

You shitlib clowns tell this lie every time, and it never becomes true because of its ad-nauseam repetition.
Gaetz and many others in DC knew McCarthy was lobbyist owned. That he only cared about his speakership. Not running the House.

Gaetz here is explaining how it's being done. And this "new anchor" knows what Gaetz is saying it correct. She knows McCarthy is lame. But she still tries to put the blame on Gaetz.

There’s a lot of blame to go around. Sharing is caring.
A few members of Congress shouldn’t be able to hold the government hostage.

Oh yes they should. And it's a good thing they have that ability. It's not the funding of things that we all need and agree on, that Gaetz is holding up. It's all those other things that some are putting into bills that have nothing to do with the bills themselves.
This is Gaetz's point here. Funding the government necessities could've been done months ago. But they, lobbyist own politicians have delayed normal funding to ensure a situation like this comes about, so they can pack these bills with a ton of BS.

We're $33 trillion in debt, for pete's sakes because of this very thing. It should've been stopped in the 80's and 90's. But now it's turned into a monster.
Gaetz and many others in DC knew McCarthy was lobbyist owned. That he only cared about his speakership. Not running the House.

Gaetz here is explaining how it's being done. And this "new anchor" knows what Gaetz is saying it correct. She knows McCarthy is lame. But she still tries to put the blame on Gaetz.

That woman is obviously too old for him. :heehee:
Oh yes they should. And it's a good thing they have that ability. It's not the funding of things that we all need and agree on, that Gaetz is holding up. It's all those other things that some are putting into bills that have nothing to do with the bills themselves.
This is Gaetz's point here. Funding the government necessities could've been done months ago. But they, lobbyist own politicians have delayed normal funding to ensure a situation like this comes about, so they can pack these bills with a ton of BS.

We're $33 trillion in debt, for pete's sakes because of this very thing. It should've been stopped in the 80's and 90's. But now it's turned into a monster.

Give some BIG$ examples of the BS.
Go AHEAD, minimimize future spending by passing new laws.

What the hell does that have to do with voting down existing obligation funding?

It's nothing but a minority taking America's good faith and credit as hostage.

This is the new laws they're passing. And McCarthy isn't allowing any real spending cuts.
FFS, a gay pride parade in Progue (and all that other BS) should be a no brainer to leave out when the USD value is in the toilet, inflation is so high along with the national debt and deficit.
Give some BIG$ examples of the BS.

Big examples? All those little one, year after year after year, is a big example. FFS, they were funding gender studies in Pakistan during Trump. Paid millions for some political opposition candidate in Bulgaria, during Trump. And every other president & most congress's for decades has been packing these bills with BS like this.
No it's not. Our economy will be just as good during a shutdown. Nothing will change about our economy.

Oh yea? So whats this:

Fitch Downgrades the United States' Long-Term Ratings to 'AA+' from 'AAA'

...there has been a steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years, including on fiscal and debt matters, notwithstanding the June bipartisan agreement to suspend the debt limit until January 2025. The repeated debt-limit political standoffs and last-minute resolutions have eroded confidence in fiscal management.

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