Mastermind Behind WideSpread Voter Fraud Finally Arrested


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Hervis Rogers was so intent on casting a ballot in last year’s presidential primary that he waited six hours to vote, catching the attention of a CNN news crew when he became the last person to do so at his Houston polling place. Rogers, now 62, debated leaving, he told CNN’s Ed Lavandera as he exited a polling center at Texas Southern University after midnight on March 4. “But I said to myself, ‘Nah. Don’t do that.’ It was set up for me to walk away, but I said, ‘No, I’m not going to do that."

More than a year later, Rogers was arrested on charges that he voted in last year’s Democratic primary while on parole. Doing so is a second-degree felony, punishable with a minimum of two years and a maximum of 20 years in prison. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who ordered the arrest, defended the charges -- Critics also questioned the timing of Rogers’s arrest last Wednesday, a day before the Texas Legislature convened for a special session to consider new voting restrictions that Democrats blocked in May."


Remember this face...This is the face that is behind the massive widespread voter fraud that stole the election from Trump...This big black buck and other thug blacks are the ones behind all of the voter fraud and finally something is being done about them....

This guy was so arrogant that he bragged about standing in line 6 hours to try to steal the election from the rightful winner....You would think these people would have the awareness to be more covert with their evil plans; but this guy didn't care....that is why these voting restrictions aren't strong enough and we need to do more...Yea, he may have had voter ID -- so obviously Voter D laws aren't enough.....maybe we should have made this guy take a literacy test as well -- he definitely doesn't look like the type of darkie who is educated enough to pass one. Say what you want to say about the Dems of yesterday, their poll taxes and other Jim Crow restrictions were pretty spot on.

Mastermind Behind WideSpread Voter Fraud Finally Arrested​

Mastermind? He was no mastermind. Just one guy that didn't know that a felony conviction years ago prevented him from voting in his state.


Mastermind Behind WideSpread Voter Fraud Finally Arrested​

Mastermind? He was no mastermind. Just one guy that didn't know that a felony conviction years ago prevented him from voting in his state.


The last person they arrested for a similar crime in Texas is spending five years in prison. She only cast a provisional ballot and it wasn’t even counted. And yes she is also black.

But the white guy in Georgia who voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, that guy got probation.

Mastermind Behind WideSpread Voter Fraud Finally Arrested​

Mastermind? He was no mastermind. Just one guy that didn't know that a felony conviction years ago prevented him from voting in his state.


The last person they arrested for a similar crime in Texas is spending five years in prison. She only cast a provisional ballot and it wasn’t even counted. And yes she is also black.

But the white guy in Georgia who voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, that guy got probation.
The massive cheating is not being investigated.

Mastermind Behind WideSpread Voter Fraud Finally Arrested​

Mastermind? He was no mastermind. Just one guy that didn't know that a felony conviction years ago prevented him from voting in his state.


The last person they arrested for a similar crime in Texas is spending five years in prison. She only cast a provisional ballot and it wasn’t even counted. And yes she is also black.

But the white guy in Georgia who voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, that guy got probation.
elect a black PM in Cant--- ada ! until then shut up !
it would be interesting to see how many deceased people voted for beijing xiden...i'm sure hundreds of thousands....hell, they probably mailed them all in, in 1 envelope
The massive cheating is not being investigated.
What have you been reading. Some states have had several recounts. Sixty election fraud claims have been tossed because of total lack of evidence.

Mastermind Behind WideSpread Voter Fraud Finally Arrested​

Mastermind? He was no mastermind. Just one guy that didn't know that a felony conviction years ago prevented him from voting in his state.


The last person they arrested for a similar crime in Texas is spending five years in prison. She only cast a provisional ballot and it wasn’t even counted. And yes she is also black.

But the white guy in Georgia who voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, that guy got probation.
elect a black PM in Cant--- ada ! until then shut up !

Apples and oranges asshole. I’m talking about how white people get a slap on the wrist for deliberately casting an illegal vote while non-white people spend five years in prison for trying to vote while on parole.

We don’t elect a Prime Minister. We elect the a governing party. The Party Leader becomes Prime Minister, if he/she wins their seat.
Remember this face...This is the face that is behind the massive widespread voter fraud that stole the election from Trump...This big black buck and other thug blacks are the ones behind all of the voter fraud and finally something is being done about them....

This guy was so arrogant that he bragged about standing in line 6 hours to try to steal the election from the rightful winner....You would think these people would have the awareness to be more covert with their evil plans; but this guy didn't care....that is why these voting restrictions aren't strong enough and we need to do more...Yea, he may have had voter ID -- so obviously Voter D laws aren't enough.....maybe we should have made this guy take a literacy test as well -- he definitely doesn't look like the type of darkie who is educated enough to pass one. Say what you want to say about the Dems of yesterday, their poll taxes and other Jim Crow restrictions were pretty spot on.
Ahh man, loves me some Biff in the morning! Well, take away one vote in Texas for Biden. This changes everything! :rolleyes-41:

Mastermind Behind WideSpread Voter Fraud Finally Arrested​

Mastermind? He was no mastermind. Just one guy that didn't know that a felony conviction years ago prevented him from voting in his state.


The last person they arrested for a similar crime in Texas is spending five years in prison. She only cast a provisional ballot and it wasn’t even counted. And yes she is also black.

But the white guy in Georgia who voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, that guy got probation.

I'm certain that Mr Paxton found one or two dead mother votes for Trump. I'm equally certain that they won't be prosecuted.

Mastermind Behind WideSpread Voter Fraud Finally Arrested​

Mastermind? He was no mastermind. Just one guy that didn't know that a felony conviction years ago prevented him from voting in his state.


The last person they arrested for a similar crime in Texas is spending five years in prison. She only cast a provisional ballot and it wasn’t even counted. And yes she is also black.

But the white guy in Georgia who voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, that guy got probation.
The massive cheating is not being investigated.

There is no massive cheating to investigate. The Justice Department, and local police forces have investigated every complaint of voter fraud or cheating that they have received in an all out effort and they found nothing.

The courts have looked at all of Trump’s claims and the evidence that his lawyers presented it to support them and they found nothing.

The secretaries of State in all 50 states looked at the certifications they received from all of their polling districts and they found nothing.

You can’t find anything if there is nothing there to find. There was no fraud. The election was the most honest and fair election in American history.

Biden won. Trump lost. Get over it snowflake.

Didn’t you people complain endlessly that Democrats didn’t except the results of the election. Not once ever did Democrats claim that Trump should be thrown out of office and Hillary should replace him.

Mastermind Behind WideSpread Voter Fraud Finally Arrested​

Mastermind? He was no mastermind. Just one guy that didn't know that a felony conviction years ago prevented him from voting in his state.


The last person they arrested for a similar crime in Texas is spending five years in prison. She only cast a provisional ballot and it wasn’t even counted. And yes she is also black.

But the white guy in Georgia who voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, that guy got probation.
You leave out the fact that the man in Georgia was a God-fearing man who knew better than you how his mother would have voted...

He voted on her behalf as a tribute to his mother's memory...why do you want him punished for carrying out his mother's dying wish?
I'm certain that Mr Paxton found one or two dead mother votes for Trump. I'm equally certain that they won't be prosecuted.
I read that there were two dead mother votes. They were white and got a wrist slap.

You leave out the fact that the man in Georgia was a God-fearing man who knew better than you how his mother would have voted...

He voted on her behalf as a tribute to his mother's memory...why do you want him punished for carrying out his mother's dying wish?
You have got to be kidding. That is about the worst rationalization that I've ever heard.
I'm certain that Mr Paxton found one or two dead mother votes for Trump. I'm equally certain that they won't be prosecuted.
I read that there were two dead mother votes. They were white and got a wrist slap.
Kenny Paxton is a corrupt, racist piece of crap. But his day is coming :)

You leave out the fact that the man in Georgia was a God-fearing man who knew better than you how his mother would have voted...

He voted on her behalf as a tribute to his mother's memory...why do you want him punished for carrying out his mother's dying wish?
You have got to be kidding. That is about the worst rationalization that I've ever heard.
FYI - Biff writes a lot of satire (he's really good at it ;-)
FYI - Biff writes a lot of satire (he's really good at it ;-)
OK. But these days it is really really hard to tell the difference between satire and what Trumpies actually believe. I would think Qanon is all satire except that people like Marjorie Greene actually believe it.


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