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Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and a Useless War which makes no sense to anyone with common sense. Now how's that for "Hope & Change? Yikes! :eusa_liar:
This guy has done all the same exact things he viciously ripped DA BOOOOOOSH for. Am i the only one who sees this bizarre absurdity?
So many people buy into empty slogans. Our Electorate has been Dumbed-Down for sure. So sad. :(
I thought Obama said he wouldn't take us into a war unless it was absolutely necessary, did Ghaddafi threaten to bomb the US?
I completely agree with the military intervention in Libya, but the indecisiveness and hypocrisy of the administration is just painful to watch.
I completely agree with the military intervention in Libya, but the indecisiveness and hypocrisy of the administration is just painful to watch.

Well i agree with the second half of your reply. So we're in partial-agreement. That's not so bad. :)
This guy has done all the same exact things he viciously ripped DA BOOOOOOSH for. Am i the only one who sees this bizarre absurdity?
Well, no.... everyone that voted against Him sees it.
Those that voted for Him?
They're either too busy making bigoted, partisan excuses or they're to embarassed to admit they supported Him.
This guy has done all the same exact things he viciously ripped DA BOOOOOOSH for. Am i the only one who sees this bizarre absurdity?
Well, no.... everyone that voted against Him sees it.
Those that voted for Him?
They're either too busy making bigoted, partisan excuses or they're to embarassed to admit they supported Him.

Hopey Changey Land must be in ruins these days. This stuff is so bizarre. :confused:
Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and a Useless War which makes no sense to anyone with common sense. Now how's that for "Hope & Change? Yikes! :eusa_liar:

Is this an indication you disagree with the Libyan intervention? Or are you speaking in general?

I will agree with you this seems as quasi-constitutional as the "counted on America to be passive, they counted wrong" air strike. Then again most hypocrite liberal Republicans weren't exactly yelling then about Presidents declaring war so I ASS Umed that was a good thing.

In the bigger sense perhaps we are playing the role in the Libyan revolution the French played in ours. We ARE overtly supporting the freedom fighters against a regime we have probably covertly tried to destabilize over the last two decades.
Just the idea that US Air Support are helping Libyan rebels that killed our boys in Iraq makes me fucking sick.

Yea me too. This thing is all about some Western European Nations and Oil. We're just backing them up. It's payback for all the Wars we've dragged them into over the years. This War makes no sense. Gaddafi was not a threat to the U.S. or the Region. Those claims really are just lies. Their Civil War was going to "Destabilize" Africa and the Middle East?? Yea that's just BULLSHIT. How can they prove that silly assertion? Gaddafi has never invaded nations. In fact he has very good relations with most African Nations. The whole thing just stinks. It is very sad.
Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and a Useless War which makes no sense to anyone with common sense. Now how's that for "Hope & Change? Yikes! :eusa_liar:

Is this an indication you disagree with the Libyan intervention? Or are you speaking in general?
The point is clear - he's talking about The Obama's failure to change just about everything He said He would change.

If GWB was a terrible president because he did XYZ, and The Obama then does >XYZ, how then, by the standards used to judge GWB, is The Obama not a worse President than GWB?
Just the idea that US Air Support are helping Libyan rebels that killed our boys in Iraq makes me fucking sick.

Yea me too. This thing is all about some Western European Nations and Oil. We're just backing them up. It's payback for all the Wars we've dragged them into over the years. This War makes no sense. Gaddafi was not a threat to the U.S. or the Region. Those claims really are just lies. Their Civil War was going to "Destabilize" Africa and the Middle East?? Yea that's just BULLSHIT. How can they prove that silly assertion? Gaddafi has never invaded nations. In fact he has very good relations with most African Nations. The whole thing just stinks. It is very sad.


I just don't get it Lib, I mean the Libyans renounced terrorism, gave up their WMD program, helped us locate Al Qaeda agents in their country and we re-established diplomatic relations. What sign does this send to our allies? at the first sign of trouble we will bomb you and topple your regime? if Ghaddafi was such a bastard, why did we remove the sanctions on Libya and start doing business with them again? did I miss something?
Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and a Useless War which makes no sense to anyone with common sense. Now how's that for "Hope & Change? Yikes! :eusa_liar:

Is this an indication you disagree with the Libyan intervention? Or are you speaking in general?

I will agree with you this seems as quasi-constitutional as the "counted on America to be passive, they counted wrong" air strike. Then again most hypocrite liberal Republicans weren't exactly yelling then about Presidents declaring war so I ASS Umed that was a good thing.

In the bigger sense perhaps we are playing the role in the Libyan revolution the French played in ours. We ARE overtly supporting the freedom fighters against a regime we have probably covertly tried to destabilize over the last two decades.

I vehemently disagree with this Intervention. It's all based on lies. This Civil War was not going to "Destabilize" all of Africa and the Middle East. That claim is an absurd lie. It's all about some Western European Nations and Oil. And that's the sad truth.
I guess some people will buy into anything as long as it's their guy doing all the Bombing & Killing. How sad. :(

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