Massacre in Jerusalem

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This is not 1BC, who was living on the land before the Hebrews committed genocide to it, you know the whole OT. Today you are doing a coup, killing the people who lived there for centuries because of some stories in a book. I do not like you people in the OT, I find you utterly revolting and disgusting, and not much has changed.

Do I look like I care about who you like?

I can't see you, but I'm sure your simmering.

This is not 1BC, who was living on the land before the Hebrews committed genocide to it, you know the whole OT. Today you are doing a coup, killing the people who lived there for centuries because of some stories in a book. I do not like you people in the OT, I find you utterly revolting and disgusting, and not much has changed.

Do I look like I care about who you like?

I can't see you, but I'm sure your simmering.

Hi Penelope dear. Isn't it disgusting how those Zionists in Israel treat the Palestinians with peace offerings,security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel? How can we get Israel to treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect they get from their Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Unless that guy who invited your grandpa was Native American. you have no right to talk. My grandparents were forced out of Europe and were denied visas to America at that time. They had nowhere else to go but Israel.

Yeah, here's the thing... "Israel" had no business inviting people to come in

Israel should not be in quotation marks. For 2,000 years, Jews were subject to pogroms in Russia, an Inquisition in Spain, blood libels and expulsions in Europe, and finally the Holocaust. We cannot rely on other people. We need our own land. Like I said, my grandparents were expelled to Siberia during the war when Poland was divided between Germany and Russia. They couldn't go back to Poland after the war, and even America didn't want to let them in. So they went to Israel because Israel will always let Jews in. So it's not just because of a "sky daddy", but because of necessity that Jews need their own nation.
What happens today is bad but it's reality, just as it was back then, and just as unstoppable. Life's a bitch, deal with it or you can keep trying to plug holes in the eternal swiss cheese dike with your protestations.

Um... no, you see, this is fixable.

So let's review. 400 years ago, white people came over from Europe and massive amounts of Native Americans died because they had no immunity to the diseases white people brought with them. That's kind of sad, but it's not like that's what people intended. We really can't undo that 400 years later.

Zionism is a problem we can fix. We can send the Zionists back to Europe. The Palestinians can take their land back.

It's certainly a lot smarter than fighting war after war over there that the US Gets dragged into because the Jews control our politics.
What happens today is bad but it's reality, just as it was back then, and just as unstoppable. Life's a bitch, deal with it or you can keep trying to plug holes in the eternal swiss cheese dike with your protestations.

Um... no, you see, this is fixable.

So let's review. 400 years ago, white people came over from Europe and massive amounts of Native Americans died because they had no immunity to the diseases white people brought with them. That's kind of sad, but it's not like that's what people intended. We really can't undo that 400 years later.

Zionism is a problem we can fix. We can send the Zionists back to Europe. The Palestinians can take their land back.

It's certainly a lot smarter than fighting war after war over there that the US Gets dragged into because the Jews control our politics.

Yeah, that solution is unrealistic and, frankly, stupid. Israelis will not "go back" to Europe. In fact, French Jews are swarming to Israel because of anti-Semitism there. At the most, there can be a 2-state solution between Israel and the West Bank.
What happens today is bad but it's reality, just as it was back then, and just as unstoppable. Life's a bitch, deal with it or you can keep trying to plug holes in the eternal swiss cheese dike with your protestations.

Um... no, you see, this is fixable.

So let's review. 400 years ago, white people came over from Europe and massive amounts of Native Americans died because they had no immunity to the diseases white people brought with them. That's kind of sad, but it's not like that's what people intended. We really can't undo that 400 years later.

Zionism is a problem we can fix. We can send the Zionists back to Europe. The Palestinians can take their land back.

It's certainly a lot smarter than fighting war after war over there that the US Gets dragged into because the Jews control our politics.
We can't undo thousands of years of history and no, no one is going to "send the Zionists back to Europe", that's pollyannish to the nth degree no matter how much you wish it would happen.
Didn't realize you were one of those conspiracy types who believe the Jews control our politics, I thought that kind of thinking lie in the realm of white supremacy and neo-Nazism......... :dunno:
What happens today is bad but it's reality, just as it was back then, and just as unstoppable. Life's a bitch, deal with it or you can keep trying to plug holes in the eternal swiss cheese dike with your protestations.

Um... no, you see, this is fixable.

So let's review. 400 years ago, white people came over from Europe and massive amounts of Native Americans died because they had no immunity to the diseases white people brought with them. That's kind of sad, but it's not like that's what people intended. We really can't undo that 400 years later.

Zionism is a problem we can fix. We can send the Zionists back to Europe. The Palestinians can take their land back.

It's certainly a lot smarter than fighting war after war over there that the US Gets dragged into because the Jews control our politics.

What a whitewashing of history! Have you ever heard of Manifest Destiny? Reservations? Duplicitous treaties?
Israel should not be in quotation marks. For 2,000 years, Jews were subject to pogroms in Russia, an Inquisition in Spain, blood libels and expulsions in Europe, and finally the Holocaust.

Yeah, that sounds like you all have a hard time living anywhere without pissing people off.

Why is this my problem again?

We cannot rely on other people. We need our own land.

And if you could find land with no one living on it or people willing to sell it to you willingly, I wouldn't have much of an issue with it. That's not what you guys did. You went into someone else's land, someone who didn't attack you first, and stole their land.

Like I said, my grandparents were expelled to Siberia during the war when Poland was divided between Germany and Russia. They couldn't go back to Poland after the war, and even America didn't want to let them in. So they went to Israel because Israel will always let Jews in. So it's not just because of a "sky daddy", but because of necessity that Jews need their own nation.

I can think of thousands of groups more deserving of their own nation than the Jews. The Basques, the Flemish, the Chechyans and a lot of other groups have suffered oppression from their bigger and tougher neighbors... and they haven't used it as excuses to act like a bunch of dickheads.

Point is, there are more Jews living outisde of the Zionist Entity than inside of it. They are doing jus
What a whitewashing of history! Have you ever heard of Manifest Destiny? Reservations? Duplicitous treaties?

Yes, I have. Those things were all bad. What the Zionists are doing is also bad.

We can't undo thousands of years of history and no, no one is going to "send the Zionists back to Europe", that's pollyannish to the nth degree no matter how much you wish it would happen.
Didn't realize you were one of those conspiracy types who believe the Jews control our politics, I thought that kind of thinking lie in the realm of white supremacy and neo-Nazism........

Bud, even a broken clock is right twice a day...

And did you miss the point where politicians of both parties - even Obama- feel the need to kiss the ring of AIPAC and other Jewish lobbies?
JoeB131, et al,

I can certainly understand why you might think that...

Twenty minutes ago, Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, Jerusalem.

A truck collides with passarsby in Jerusalem, 15 critically wounded, at least 4 dead, some bodies are still trapped under truck's wheels.

More updates soon.

Remember, it's only a "massacre" when an Arab kills Jews. When Jews kill Arabs, it's "military action".

Anytime the term "massacre" is used, it is a subjective propaganda word to place increase emphasis on the event. Nothing more.

I was just reading a news article and say this item of interest:

No terrorist group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. Hamas’s so-called military wing, however, took to Facebook to praise the carnage as a “heroic” operation. Hamas spokesperson Hazaem Qassem wrote that “the continuous operations in the West Bank and Jerusalem prove that the Jerusalem Intifada is not an isolated event, but rather a decision by the Palestinian people to revolt until they attain their freedom and liberation from the Israeli occupation.”

Not every single exchange since May 1948 can be said as within the line of the law. In the Great History of the World, there are probably very few conflicts that it can be said, follows the philosophy of 21st Century International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law, and Customary codices.

The peculiar thing about the Arab-Israeli Confrontation is that the International Community declared the West Bank as an Occupation and the Arab Palestinians as Protected Persons. Well guess what????? What does the Law present??? The following is criminal activity is punishable by law: (This is a layman's thumbnail presentation.)

• Protected persons who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power,
• Protected person guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power,
• Protected person guilty of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons,
Now the requirement to enforce these act comes from the law that date back to a time even before The Great War and Balfour Declaration: Give the Occupying Authority the power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.

When activities like HAMAS fire rockets and mortars into Israel, that is an example of an organized crime activity. When Palestinian religious leaders threaten religious war over Jerusalem, that is a threat to international peace --- and a violation of law. When PA representatives publicly say "Transferring the American Embassy to Jerusalem will lead to bloodshed" --- that is a violation of the UN Charter of the first magnitude, and would, if acted upon, lead to Article VII action.

Most Respectfully.
What a whitewashing of history! Have you ever heard of Manifest Destiny? Reservations? Duplicitous treaties?

Yes, I have. Those things were all bad. What the Zionists are doing is also bad.

We can't undo thousands of years of history and no, no one is going to "send the Zionists back to Europe", that's pollyannish to the nth degree no matter how much you wish it would happen.
Didn't realize you were one of those conspiracy types who believe the Jews control our politics, I thought that kind of thinking lie in the realm of white supremacy and neo-Nazism........

Bud, even a broken clock is right twice a day...

And did you miss the point where politicians of both parties - even Obama- feel the need to kiss the ring of AIPAC and other Jewish lobbies?
Yeah, like they're the only ones who have any influence whatsoever......... :rolleyes:

Look, believe what you want to believe, I could care less because nothing anyone says is going to influence you, obviously. Considering most of what you espouse (across the board) you do live in a self made bubble and it appears hate drives at least some of it, unrealistic expectations the rest. But don't feel alone, most construct their own bubbles to live in and are frequently driven by the same motivational factors, why do you think history keeps repeating itself? Not in specific ways and outcomes but in general, people move around the globe, cultures come and go, empires rise and fall, war, famine, pestilence, etc, etc, etc.
Now the requirement to enforce these act comes from the law that date back to a time even before The Great War and Balfour Declaration: Give the Occupying Authority the power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.
Of course Israel has never done this but it wants the protection of the law it constantly violates.
By which time it will no longer matter as idiots from the islamonazis will have brought about the destruction and extinction of the palestinians and palestine. Have you ever been even half way right in your predictions ?

Actually, most of the time... but never mind that, buddy.

Hey, who about that UN vote? Wasn't that AWESOME.

Are you Native American? No, then you should go back to Europe where you came from, that works, too........

Actually, I'm 1/8th cherokee... but here's the thing... my ancestors were largely invited to come here... as opposed to the Zionshits, who just stole the land.

It is if you think it has any power, when you realise it is meaningless and has no strength in law then your bubble bursts. Just what will it achieve other than more dead arab muslim terrorists, and more destruction in gaza. Ever thought the UN could be using Israel to do its dirty work for them, and is letting them kill thousands of terrorists for them. When the arab muslims refuse to meet the UN will pull the rug from under their feet and take away what little they have left

LIAR you are just an armed invader sent by the Catholic church to steal the land and wealth, if you are 1/8th Cherokee then it is because one of your ancestor's was gang raped by the armed invaders and you are the eventual outcome. You were never invited, unlike the Jews who were invited by two sovereign land owners since 1850 to migrate and settle. Yiu know you are losing as you are resorting to childish made up abusive terms to hide your loss of face and incompetence
Twenty minutes ago, Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, Jerusalem.

A truck collides with passarsby in Jerusalem, 15 critically wounded, at least 4 dead, some bodies are still trapped under truck's wheels.

More updates soon.

Remember, it's only a "massacre" when an Arab kills Jews. When Jews kill Arabs, it's "military action".

Sod off.

Its true isn't it, an illegal settler just ran down a Palestinian on the West Bank, happens all the time never hits the news, only when a Palestinian does it we hear about it.

That's rich, you asking for a link when you have gone against the site rules and opened a new thread without a Link in the OP

No rule says you have to include a link, you lose again
Could care less about the UN and who manipulates them. I'm about 1/3 Ojibwa (isn't that funny how genetics actually works) but you're missing the historical point, on purpose maybe? I'll give ya a break this time;
The movement of peoples sometimes resulting in assimilation, sometimes conquest has never stopped, it slowed for a while but never stopped.

Oh and your ancestors were invited? By the Cherokee immigration bureau?

No, by the guy who gave Grandpa Ludwig a job when he came here in 1925...

Unless that guy who invited your grandpa was Native American. you have no right to talk. My grandparents were forced out of Europe and were denied visas to America at that time. They had nowhere else to go but Israel.

Where they had an open invitation from the Ottomans and the LoN
Now the requirement to enforce these act comes from the law that date back to a time even before The Great War and Balfour Declaration: Give the Occupying Authority the power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.
Of course Israel has never done this but it wants the protection of the law it constantly violates.

You seem a bit befuddled. What law is Israel violating when it is the Islamic terrorists ruling the Arabs-Moslems in Gaza and the West Bank who are promoting, aiding and abetting rocket fire at Israel, attacks on Israelis in the streets and now, apparently, Islamics using the tactics of your heroes in ISIS with attacks via trucks.
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